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Walking Pads - Useless or Useful?!

4 replies

SpringGlade004 · 16/04/2024 21:56

Hi..Just looking for some honest opinions on Walking Pads please. I have a dog so I obviously get an ok amount of steps in with that but on days where the weather is bad, I don’t want to be out alone etc and/or I just want to round up my steps to a better number are they any good? I see a lot of them go up to 6km/h. Is this enough to ‘make it count’? And with a good diet is there any chance they can help you lose weight? Thanks in advance 🙃

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oObyeOo · 19/04/2024 21:54

Never heard of one. Is it like a treadmill?

SpringGlade004 · 20/04/2024 08:55

Yes kind of! No handles etc..just a conveyor belt essentially! A lot of people use them under a raised desk if they work from home so that they aren’t sedentary all day.

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SKBog · 20/04/2024 23:46

Ooo interested in this too! Desperate to start shifting some weight and getting my steps up big time. Also curious if 6km/h is enough to make it count?

SpringGlade004 · 21/04/2024 16:09

So I’ve since found out @SKBog , that my friend has one that goes up to 6km/h - she sent me a video of her on it and honestly even 4km/h was a fast walking pace! So I’d say 6km/h is more of a jog depending on your stride! Surely that has to make a difference?!

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