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CARiFiT worth it?

9 replies

carrotcakecupcake · 29/05/2017 21:42

So this keeps popping up on FB and I'm wondering if it's worth it? Seems pretty steep cost wise for 6 months of access to online workout videos?
I'm 12 weeks pp and am desperate to start some exercise so on paper this looks ideal, however I've never done a workout video in my life. I'm much more of a live class/gym/outdoor run person but am feeling limited by my two DCs.
Does anyone have experience of these workouts?? Or any advice for a mum looking to get some workouts in and who was asked when my baby was due this morning.

OP posts:
MummyPenguin2 · 17/07/2017 10:05

Great Finn! Thank you

Finn2012 · 17/07/2017 08:48

Hi again, had a look and found it here

Anyhow very good luck with whatever you do that works for you

MummyPenguin2 · 17/07/2017 07:14

Thanks Finn. I can't find the free trial offer sadly. I'm going to try some free YouTube videos from carifit because taking the plunge with the 89 quid. Glad it worked for you

Finn2012 · 16/07/2017 20:39

I got an email from CARiFiT suggesting they are offering a free 7 day introduction...might be worth a try if it's free! I still stand by my earlier post, I genuinely love it

MummyPenguin2 · 16/07/2017 17:27

Just bumping this thread because I want to know exactly the same. I have a 3 year old and a 12 week old. Baby cluster feeds in the evenings, so no chance to do 30 day shred as she's attached to me! Baby wearing while exercising may be the answer.

Finn2012 · 09/06/2017 13:46

I have been doing Carifit for a few months now and I was sceptical about the cost but I emailed first to find out about what was included and they were very reassuring in terms of the support they provide. And they were right, the real difference for me is that if I have questions I can get an answer from a real person with genuine knowledge. I wanted to know how to ensure that I progressed at the right time and how to adapt exercises on my "off" days and every time i needed help, i got it. Add to that the fact that I am nearly back to pre baby body and i think £89 was well spent!

carrotcakecupcake · 31/05/2017 22:07

Thank you! I'm not looking to loose weight so much now as I'm still BFing but would love to tone up and get some strength back. Ideally I'd be back at the gym/ doing classes but baby currently has no routine and is refusing bottles...
Thanks for the suggestions - I'll check them out.

OP posts:
KingIrving · 30/05/2017 00:16

There are sooooo many workout videos for free on Youtube. I like and still do the old Bodyrock with Zuzana. She also has now her own channel.

And remember diet is 95% of how your body looks, so you might want to start with a massive cleaning in the pantry and prepare a box for the food bank with all your cookies, crisps, etc...

MoonriseKingdom · 29/05/2017 22:45

No experience of that particular one. If you previously liked classes at the gym I can recommend Les Mills streaming service. You can do a 10 day free trial then is £10 per month. They have loads of different classes - including Bodyattack, Bodycombat and Grit (HIIT). Also 30 min as well as 60 min options. Some need equipment but attack and combat don't.

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