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My first 10k race tomorrow

10 replies

Fisharefriendsnotfood · 06/06/2015 10:19

Am nervous. About the fact that it's my first event rather than the distance. Any tips ?

OP posts:
Fisharefriendsnotfood · 08/06/2015 15:59

Molly I cried when o saw kids holding a banner and they weren't even my kids GrinGrinGrinGrin

OP posts:
mollyonthemove · 08/06/2015 15:28

Excellent result! I did my first ever last October and sobbed like a baby when I finished Grin

Fisharefriendsnotfood · 08/06/2015 15:23

Thanks, am chuffed Smile

Made a few mistakes, my clothing was too warm and I should have carried water but not a bad result at all

OP posts:
BlueChampagne · 08/06/2015 13:03

Brilliant - well done you!

emummy · 08/06/2015 09:06

Fantastic OP, well done!

MyFriendsCallMeOh · 07/06/2015 21:01

Well done!

Fisharefriendsnotfood · 07/06/2015 20:43

Thanks all! I had a blast, and ran my fastest mile, 5k and 10k Grin, came in at 56:25

OP posts:
MyFriendsCallMeOh · 06/06/2015 13:37

Agree with yomellamo. I did my first 10 a couple of months ago and some runners started off at a sprint. It's difficult to keep at a slower pace when you're being overtaken so much and you feel like you'll come in hours behind everyone else. If you listen to music, try and put something slow on your playlist first to regulate your speed. Enjoy it!

yomellamoHelly · 06/06/2015 13:30

Try not to get swept along by the pack at the start. Hang back until you find your groove. Then you can speed up. (My mistake a couple of weeks. Second half was SO hard.)

emummy · 06/06/2015 13:29

Arrive in plenty of time - toilet queues can be long! If it's a long time since breakfast take a wee snack. Wear your usual kit, no brand new stuff. And have fun! Hope it goes well and you enjoy it

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