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I used to love running and now I hate it. What can I do?

28 replies

EauRouge · 04/07/2013 13:24

I'm back from yet another shitty run where I couldn't run for more than 15 mins without stopping to walk. I finished C25K in April and in May I was running 4.5 miles no problem and was close to doing 5k in under 30 mins. And then in June, I tanked. I don't understand what happened. I'm not injured, I didn't get out as often as I would like but I was still managing twice a week at least. My fitness level just completely disappeared Confused and I started hating it because I was really struggling to do what I could do easily before.

I'm meant to be doing a 5 mile race this weekend but I can't even manage 2 miles. Plus it's going to be roasting on Sunday and I hate the heat. Everyone just keeps saying I'll be fine but I really don't want to go.

But most of all I'm pissed off that something I used to look forward to has become something I dread. I used to have all these goals but now I don't see the point.

This has gone beyond missing mojo, I'm just bloody miserable now. Can anyone help?

OP posts:
5madthings · 09/07/2013 12:49

Yay well done!

The warmer weather doesnt help. I am waiting for my sunburn to get better before i run as at the moment it will chafe!

EauRouge · 09/07/2013 11:32

I went out at about 8.30 last night, I managed 5k in 32.49 and ran the whole thing! I think I'll stick to evening runs until the weather cools off a bit, or until DD2 starts sleeping a bit better so I'm not like a zombie first thing in the morning. Thank you all for your help Thanks

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EauRouge · 08/07/2013 08:50

That video!

I quite fancy trail running, there are loads of woods near me that I can go to (up a big hill!). I'm a bit nervous about charging around the woods on my own but we're getting a dog in a few months so I could go running with the dog.

Normally I go running first thing but today I'm going to try after the DDs are in bed and see if that makes any difference.

OP posts:
manyhands · 07/07/2013 21:54

I started trail running with a Sweatshop group it really inspired me again and reminded me what I love about running. Got fitter too.

rob99 · 06/07/2013 23:37

Cycling......low impact i.e. doesn't damage knees, hips etc, you can travel a hell of a lot further than running in the same time frame, great for fitness, loads of cycle clubs that have intro rides for newbies...........

Fozzleyplum · 06/07/2013 23:22

That video was just what I needed. I'm a "start and stop" runner, mainly because I have episodes of asthma which mean I have to stop running for a week or two whilst my lungs get back to normal.

HandMini · 06/07/2013 22:55

Love that String, thank you, I will be going for a run tomorrow!

holmessweetholmes · 06/07/2013 18:36

Wow stringcheese - that video clip is amazing!

Blatherskite · 06/07/2013 15:24

I did Parkrun this morning and it was a slow one for me too. It's too hot for going fast.

Really feeling for everyone doing the half marathon tomorrow.

thestringcheesemassacre · 06/07/2013 11:43

Have you seen this? I watch it every now and then to remotivate myself?

mercury7 · 06/07/2013 11:35

thats the thing about running, it's such a pain to carry things but I like to have a clothes I can shed as I get hotter and water to drink.
Running outdoors in a vest and shorts makes me feel too exposed, but on the treadmill it's fine.
Hence my preference for running in the gym!

Earthworms · 06/07/2013 10:58

First, try visiting doctor to rule out a physical prob.

I too hate running in hot weather, I have no energy if its warm.

I usually cycle if its hot, nice cool airflow over you, and easier to carry loads of water. Or train late evening?

EauRouge · 06/07/2013 10:48

Thanks everyone. I've got some one-a-day loratidine and I went off to Parkrun this morning. It was 19C at the start, a lot of it is under the trees but I was chatting with a runner friend at the start and he said not to expect any PBs in this weather, and also that he is pulling out of the exact same 5 mile race tomorrow so I feel better about that Grin

I think it went better, I felt a lot better anyway. I still had to stop and walk a couple of times but I think I managed it in under 35 mins. Everyone looked knackered by the end.

Thank you all for your help!

OP posts:
Blatherskite · 04/07/2013 21:43

I'd definitely recommend trying some antihistamines. I'm really enjoying running at the moment but I still struggle when my hayfever is at it's worst. It'll be stopping you breathing properly which might be why you're getting out of breath.

I found that joining a running club helped me too. Going out with other people inspired me to try a lot of new routes and techniques and it also means that I look forward to meeting up with my new friends even when I'm not fancying the run itself. Tonight we messed around doing some short sprints and the chat and the laughs between the runs was definitely keeping me going. It's easy to go further when you're not thinking about it.

Beamur · 04/07/2013 21:38

Switch to something else for a while? I know a few runners who cycle quite a lot - gentler on the knees.

HandMini · 04/07/2013 21:36

I think it'll be psychological rather than physical. Have you tried a new playlist / podcast for inspiration?

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 04/07/2013 21:31

I used to really struggle with hills, they can be a psychological killer!

If you can bear too go out specifically to run up hills. Its character building, and get a you over the fear of hills.

holmessweetholmes · 04/07/2013 21:28

Really, Mercury? Give me the lovely fresh air and beautiful outdoors over a sweaty gym any day! And it's not very often hot enough in this country to raise anyone's heart rate is it?

mercury7 · 04/07/2013 17:51

I'm not keen on outdoor running unless the weather is just right, being too hot is horrid and I think really not good for you..makes your heart rate go up way too high.

Could you use a treadmill?

holmessweetholmes · 04/07/2013 14:18

I've had phases like this too. Maybe you need to mix up your types of run a bit. I used to basically do the same run every time (not the same route, but just a half hour steady run at the same pace). I never got faster and it never felt much easier until someone advised me to do some interval runs, a bit of speed work etc. It made it more interesting, less of a grind, and going faster (even for short bursts) makes your steady pace feel easier iyswim. I'm still not fast Grin but I don't feel stuck in a rut.

5madthings · 04/07/2013 14:04

Yep could well be hay fever, I have to dose up with antihistermines, take my inhaler and a nasal spray half an hour before I run.

Don't try and do five miles on a hot day! Do park run instead and keep going, try and be positive and you will turn a corner.

I haven't been running as much recently but am walking almost seven miles a day with the school run (toddler in buggy) as our cut through is closed due to building work.

Need to get back into it tho as I have a ten k in October...

louloubelle · 04/07/2013 14:03

I go in real fits and starts with running...I much prefer to run in the Autumn term, even in the rain than in summer. I usually switch to aerobics/step/zumba classes when I get bored with jogging, then every now and again go out for a jog. I hate the headache I get running when it is warm, even when I am really hydrated.
I really wouldnt do 5 miles on Sunday unless you are psyched up and physically will boil in the heat!


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EauRouge · 04/07/2013 13:59

I might take some antihistamines and see if that makes any difference. You have given me hope!

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JetJungle · 04/07/2013 13:58

Don't rule out the physical!
I have also really been struggling to run for the last two months ..... shortness of breath, no energy etc.

After trying loads of things and tearing my hair out, I eventually discovered that its caused by my hayfever.

My hayfever has been really bad this year but I have found a way to manage it though through trail and error. I now use a corticosteroid spray every morning now and it helps a lot. I also sometimes use a decongestant spray just before I head out for my run.

Not sure if you have the same thing, but it might be worth considering?

EauRouge · 04/07/2013 13:54

Not asthmatic, no. I wonder if it is hayfever or the weather. I do get snuffly in the summer but it's pretty mild and most days I don't even bother with antihistamines. I do a few minutes fast walking before I start running. Maybe I should move to Reykjavik Grin

I don't think it's anaemia, I feel fine when I'm not running. I have been taking spatone just in case but it's not made any difference.

Thank you for your help, I'm so bloody frustrated. DH thinks I should skip the race on Sunday and do a Parkrun on Saturday instead. I don't think I can face 5 miles in the middle of a steaming hot day.

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