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Gah! Please recommend me some NON-FOG goggles....

6 replies

Pendulum · 31/05/2012 20:26

... before I plough headlong into another swimmer in my lane. Have bought increasingly expensive ones but after a few wears they are all the same, I have to stop and rinse them every 10 lengths or I can see nowt.

Even better would be tips on how to prevent my expensive goggles from fogging up!

OP posts:
Sleepwhenidie · 07/06/2012 23:00

well thank you, I try Grin! Isn't a swim where you don't have to stop and faff bliss!

Pendulum · 07/06/2012 17:25

SleepwhenIdie you are, like, an ACTUAL GENIUS... 50 lengths with no goggle defogging stops needed this morning thanks to the shampoo trick. Thanks!

CrispEater- thanks also for your reply- will keep it in mind in case I run out of shampoo!

OP posts:
CrispEater · 03/06/2012 09:35

You could also try special anti-fog spray - I spray mine every 8-10 swims and reinforce by rubbing the inside of the (wet) goggles with a small amount of spit before going into the water. Not perfect but a lot better than nothing!

Sleepwhenidie · 01/06/2012 12:34

Any baby if you do wash it into your eyes it shouldn't sting!

Pendulum · 01/06/2012 10:43

Thanks... will give shampoo a try first, then consider mask. Which brand of shampoo do you use?

OP posts:
Sleepwhenidie · 01/06/2012 07:55

Try rubbing a tiny drop of baby shampoo inside the lenses then rinse before wearing.

Failing that I have an earlier model of this and find it fantastic.

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