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Any regular swimmers?

152 replies

aristocat · 23/12/2011 01:07

Hello,I swim 3 or 4 times a week doing usually 30 lengths each day and wondered if there are any fellow swimmers out there?

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aristocat · 10/01/2012 19:06

::waves back to Lola(my fellow book-worm)::
Wow, what alot of swimmers we have. Personally I am enjoying it more than ever ...... however the Pool was crazy yesterday, too many swimmers in the lanes sigh

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TheGoddessBlossom · 10/01/2012 19:20

Hi all. I am a keen swimmer but don't go as much as I go to the gym. When I do go I do about 50 lengths - 20 front crawl, 10 arms, 10 legs, 5 breaststroke, 5 srpint FC. I do love it, and have swum all my life since being in a swimming club as a kid. I also do the swim part of triathlons in a team once a yearish.

I bought an aquabeat about 3 years ago and don't use it now as the sound quality is rubbish, Is it better now? Can I bring myself to spend another £70 on a newer model?

posey · 10/01/2012 19:29

Well now got 3 swims done (fri/sat/tues) and have been surprised how quiet the pool has been. Thought it would be busy with new year resolution swimmers but there seem to be even less than normal. Not that I'm complaining mind Smile
First session back on Friday was hardish, but by today finding it much less of a struggle and rather enjoying it again!

aristocat · 16/01/2012 14:05

posey My pool is usually quiet at lunchtime, v busy at 9ish.

I think I am going crazy too, I have upped my L to 40 last week and today I lost count Blush so unsure whether I had swam 20 or 30. So I did 20 more and probably did 50 .......
I tried to do backstroke again today, but the dizziness is still there so I am just doing all breaststroke. Have had an MRI in Dec about my dizzy spells and still waiting for the results ::crosses fingers::

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Cristiane · 18/01/2012 16:07

Been off with norovirus etc

Ventured back in the pool yesterday - and tried my aquabeat for the first time

WOW! It was brilliant. 35 mins just flew by, love love love it. I went faster and much more out of breath than per Christmas. Really pleased. Legs like jelly on way back o the office though.

Did the interval training as suggested, it seems to work v well, sleepwhenidie, thanks for that tip

Cristiane · 18/01/2012 16:08

goddess maybe the headphones on the aquabeat have improved?

slug · 18/01/2012 16:27

Checking in.

I'm a regular lunchtime swimmer. I try to put in 1 Km a session and aim for 5 a week, but work commitments mean it's usually more like 4.

I use these for added water resistance. After 3 months of regular use my body size is the same, but I dropped on back size in my bra fitting. They are just the thing for the bingo wings.

TheGoddessBlossom · 18/01/2012 16:36

Right well I am going to have to swim alot more now as I am doing the swim part of the shock absorber triathlon in June. Did it last year but would like to be nearer the front this year! Grin

Piffpaffpoff · 19/01/2012 23:02

Hello, can I join in? I'm just back from my first proper swim for ages (our local pool has been closed for refurb for about 3y). I did 50 x 25m, mostly breaststroke but a few front crawl. Pleasantly surprised actually, I managed that quite easily and I could have kept going but I had to be back home by a specific time.

I desperately need to tone up, lose some weight and get fitter. I do mountain biking and a bit of very slow running but am hoping swimming will help my upper body. So I'm aiming to go twice a week and 50 or 60 lengths a time.

I'll be interested to see how my arms/shoulders are tomorrow. They are feeling a bit stiff already so tomorrow should be interesting!!

Cristiane · 20/01/2012 10:07

I think I may need to get some of those swimming paddles that you linked to above - I like the idea of toning my upper arms.

I tried putting a curvy float between my legs and swimming just using my arms but I don't think I did it right, it wasn't THAT hard... Confused

Welcome, piffpaffpoff

aristocat · 20/01/2012 13:43

Hi ladies ..... I am currently flopped on the sofa Blush I have done 40L this week x 4 days and feel like a fish! Hope everyone has a great weekend Smile

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tyler80 · 20/01/2012 14:11

I'm contemplating rejoining my old masters swim club. I gave up when we moved house as it was a bit further to travel and too much else to do. I'd hoped to find a club a bit closer but not managed yet.

I find I get a much better workout at coached sessions than trying to do my own thing in a public session

aristocat · 01/02/2012 17:54

hello, hope we are all OK

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aristocat · 05/03/2012 23:31

Hi ladies, are we still swimming?

I currently swim 40L - my goal is to swim a mile but I have only recently upped to the 40 so it might take a few more months before that target Smile

Still go 3 or 4 times a week ......

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becclestown · 10/03/2012 13:28

Hello! I'm watching the swimming on tv so felt inspired to go swimming on Mumsnet. I'm doing the Great North Swim 2 miler this year, so trying to swim more! Am adamant breaststroke-only but need to improve speed & stamina! Any top tips? Going to check out the paddle thingys.

becclestown · 10/03/2012 13:32

Trying to do 30+l of 50m pool 3 times weekly. Not quite there due to laziness baby DC2, but will be unemployed soon so will have more motivation to leave house in evening...

aristocat · 10/03/2012 15:48

Hi beccles Envy at your 50m pool. mine is only a 25m, i believe your speed and stamina will just improve with every swim. Those on TV make it all seem so effortless, dont they? Yet I am exhausted after my swims and I have been doing this almost 2 yrs now ....

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MonsterBookOfTysons · 10/03/2012 15:50

Hi can I join, I was just thinking of starting a 'where are all the swimmers thread' Grin
I go swimming at a 30m pool. 3-4 times a week swimming 50+ lengths each time.
I love it! :)

aristocat · 26/04/2012 14:45

Hi ladies ..... are we all swimming Smile

It was fantastic today and there were only myself and a lady with DD in the whole pool to start with. Had the lane to myself!

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pebbles77 · 29/04/2012 17:52

I've just started. Have been on hols and swam for 40 mins every night after kids went down and joined a gym today with a 50m pool. I'm signed up to do the swim leg of a half ironman in sept - 1.9km.

I'm hoping to swim 3x a week. Tomorrow will be my first day and I just can't wait to see how I do and how much work I need to do to get my fitness up to scratch.

Am definitely going to invest in an mp3 player cos i do think it's boredom that stops me rather than not being able to keep going

Keep swimming everyone. Am so glad that I found this thread - very motivational

maples · 29/04/2012 18:14

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maples · 29/04/2012 18:17

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BestIsWest · 29/04/2012 20:17

Hi, I was a regular swimmer up until 18 months ago, doing 60x25 crawl 2 or 3 times a week, did the Swimathon 2 years ago with a friend, each doing 100m. I used to love it but over time developed an allergy to chlorine. I'd start sneezing within 5 mins of leaving the pool and by the next day I'd feel as if I had a full blown cold. I did try nose clips but didn't really like them. Anyone else had this and got any tips?

youarekidding · 29/04/2012 20:26

Hello, I only manage once a week due to time, work, DS etc! I get half hour in the pool an usually do 30-35 lengths which takes about 20 minutes and then have a chilled swim for 10 minutes.

I usually do 2xFC, 2xBrS, 2xBaS 4XFC, 2XBrS and repeat it.

aristocat · 29/04/2012 22:20

Welcome fellow swimmers Smile

Best i dont have a chlorine allergy but I do need to wear goggles as it makes my eyes sore. Its not too kind to my skin either ...... need soooooo much body moisturiser afterwards.

Was it the swimathon this weekend?

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