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Could I, an unfit non runner, train for a half marathon in 11weeks?

11 replies

MordechaiVanunu · 02/08/2011 15:42

I really want to do this but don't know if I'm just setting myself up to fail.

I went running this morning and did 5k, but had to walk a few times and was very breathless.

I think if I entered it would seriously motivate me and I'd tain so hard and be so focused to acheive it.

Can it be done, or should I rethink?

OP posts:
DrNortherner · 05/08/2011 20:45

Come over to the runners thread, we are very friendly!

How fit are you? How long did it take you to do your 5k?

The answer to your question is yes, you will be able to run a half marathon with just 11 weeks to go, however, if you truly are a non runner I worry that that teh training will be too much too soon and you could be susceptible to injury. My advice would be to do a 10k first, then aim for a half.

Do you have proper running shoes?

upahill · 05/08/2011 14:11

Thanks Jelli.
My mate has got himeself up to 5 k.

He has worked out that going round the resevoir near us is 2 1/2 k.

The deal is he will go twice round and I will go once doing the walk/run/walk bit.

I took him for a bike ride last night and we got 15k in, mostly trails and a small bit of road.

JelliBelli · 05/08/2011 13:54

Well done Upahill! Stick with it but don't try to do to much too soon - you don't want to put yourself off!

upahill · 05/08/2011 13:43

I become a runner on Tuesday!!!

My friend has lost 2 stone in the last couple of months through running 3 to 4 times a week.

I have said I will join him running if he joins me cycling.
Looks like a deal so we are entering each others world!

JelliBelli · 05/08/2011 13:40

I use the lower tech and cheaper walkrunjog website for plotting my runs either before or after I've run.

I followed the Bupa plan for 5k successfully and am now almost at the end of their 10k plan and can recommend the bupa plans. Good luck.

upahill · 03/08/2011 16:15

If you have a smartphone you can put on Cardio fitness which stores a map of your route, how many calories burned, how far you went etc etc.
Cost about £1.75.

ambercat has suggested Garmin. They do some excellent products and are worth investing in.

I have a garmin device for my bike.

ambercat · 03/08/2011 16:07

i have a garmin which has a gps in it but you can use site like goodrunguide or mapmyrun which let you plot your route. good luck if you decide to go for it, i've done 2 now and feel so proud that i did, used to smoke and do no exercise and taking up running was the best thing i ever did, changed my life!!

MordechaiVanunu · 02/08/2011 17:15

Thanks for that link, that makes it look like t may be doable.

How do you know how far you have run when running?

OP posts:
ambercat · 02/08/2011 16:59
ambercat · 02/08/2011 16:57

bupa do a 12 week half marathon training plan, i've used the intermediate one but think they do a beginners one too.

Sleepwhenidie · 02/08/2011 16:54

Get over to the runners united thread, lots of experienced runners who regularly enter races there, they are all very friendly and welcoming, sure they will be able to advise Smile.

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