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Taking chocolates from UK to EU

13 replies

TheLeadbetterLife · 04/11/2021 14:40

Hi, hoping someone has experience of this. We live in an EU country and my husband is going to the UK for work next week for a few days.

I was hoping he might be able to bring back a box of a particular brand of chocolates we like for Christmas, but I've read conflicting information about whether he'll be able to.

It'll only be one box, of about 500g, mixed milk and dark chocolates. I'm not sure if it'll be nobbled by the dairy restrictions, and don't want to spend the money only to have them confiscated at the airport.

Anyone taken chocolates out of the UK recently?

OP posts:
AuldAlliance · 15/11/2021 21:06

I need to know about your chocolate delivery Smile. Hope it made it to you OK.

TheLeadbetterLife · 04/11/2021 20:46

Well fingers crossed, I’ve ordered a big box of Guilbert’s for him to bring back.

OP posts:
Crazycatlady202020 · 04/11/2021 20:45

I flew from Stansted with Ryanair last month to an EU country and took a tub of Quality Streets as a gift, not in hand luggage though. I didn't have a problem.

BertieBotts · 04/11/2021 20:44

Flown from there loads of times and never had chocolate treated as a non solid. The one thing they were a bit confused about was tubs of bisto granules!

TheLeadbetterLife · 04/11/2021 20:35

Hmm, he’ll be flying from stansted with Ryanair. Are they particularly fastidious?

I did once have a cheese confiscated at Brussels airport for the liquid thing, come to think of it. The security person had a crate full of delicious looking stuff for his tea next to him.

OP posts:
Quornflakegirl · 04/11/2021 20:34

I took chocolate to the EU as gifts last week, no problems at all.

AuldAlliance · 04/11/2021 20:29

The rules haven't changed post-Brexit.
The stringency with which they are applied may have.

AuldAlliance · 04/11/2021 20:24

But I flew with orangettes in my hand luggage and it was fine. There was such chaos on all other levels that I don't think they could be bothered with that kind of detail, TBH.

BertieBotts · 04/11/2021 20:23

Confused But if it's considered a liquid isn't that to do with airport security and not customs? Why would that suddenly change post Brexit?

AuldAlliance · 04/11/2021 20:21

In theory, it's not as simple as that and the issue isn't dairy products but whether chocolate is a solid or a liquid (I checked a few days ago before taking chocolate from France to the UK).

Advice varies, but the Air France website (here) says that chocolate is considered as a non-solid and therefore subject to the same restrictions as other such items (100ml max, in a transparent plastic bag).

TheLeadbetterLife · 04/11/2021 20:21

Hand luggage yes. Chocolate seems to be exempt from the restrictions, as long as it’s less than 2kg and the percentage of milk in it is less than 50. According to the chocolatier it is, so hopefully the box won’t be swiped at security.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 04/11/2021 20:12

It will be fine. It's only posting that's an issue.

AuldAlliance · 04/11/2021 20:10

Will he be taking them in his hand luggage?

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