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The Brexit Cupboard- non-food essentials

59 replies

SistemaAddict · 16/08/2019 09:01

A poster has asked for non-food essentials so please feel free to add to this list with your own essentials.

Toilet Roll
Kitchen towels
Cream cleaner
Anti-bacterial spray
Dishwasher tablets
Laundry detergent
Fabric Softener
Washing up liquid
Window cleaner
Cleaning cloths
Power banks
Phone cables
Family games - board games, pack of cards
Full tank of car fuel (in the car NOT stored)
Cotton wool
Cotton buds
Shampoo and conditioner
Shower gel
Shaving gel
Hair removing cream
Baby wipes
Bin bags
Water purification tablets
Gritting salt
Make up
Light bulbs

OP posts:
Socksontheradiator · 16/08/2019 10:42

Spare tin opener/s. My fairly new one fell to pieces yesterday.
Thanks for this thread :)

LazyFace · 16/08/2019 10:43

This is a bit bonkers...

bellinisurge · 16/08/2019 10:51

@LazyFace , if you've never thought about it before, why is it bonkers to think about hunkering down for a few days if things get ugly for a bit? Or snowy. Or you get sick. Or any other non-Brexit reason why you might be stuck in the house and yet need some low level maintenance stuff.
People on here a couple of weeks ago were whining about the shortage of ice lollies and ice cubes in the heatwave. People aren't ready for a bump in normal service.

stucknoue · 16/08/2019 10:56

I have bought shampoo bars and ordinary bar soap - it's cheap, easy to store etc. I'm not big on prepping but I'm considering what I need at the moment

SistemaAddict · 16/08/2019 11:09

Most of the items bring suggested are ones that are in our homes anyway. It doesn't hurt to have spares and certainly my when I was growing up we had spare lightbulbs, torches, candles, matches, fuses. Power cuts were a thing then. Spare plugs too back the days of changing a plug!

OP posts:
LazyFace · 16/08/2019 11:38

The fact that people are stocking up on items that you'd most probably have at home anyway. I wouldn't buy extra conditioner, of things turned that chaotic, the shine of my hair would probably be the least of my concerns. Or presents and stamps for postcards.
Nothing wrong with being sensible and stocking up on essential medication. But some of these items are OTT

bellinisurge · 16/08/2019 11:43

@LazyFace no one is forcing you to do anything. Or anybody else. It's a good idea to reflect on your own needs if there is a short term problem at the shops. And what you can be bothered to buy, what you can afford, what you have space for. Is that so bad?

BlackeyedGruesome · 16/08/2019 11:48

People are being prepared for various reasons. Snow, illness, disability as well as Brexit. For example, you can be stuck in with kids and chicken pox for over a week.

Socksontheradiator · 16/08/2019 13:16

I don't think it's over the top. It's just a reminder of things that people might want to have about, but had forgotten.

I'm someone who tends to buy a replacement for one product as I open the previous shampoo or whatever. Works for me - saves running out. But this year I'm making sure I have a couple of extras, just in case of need.
No screwdriver stockpiling happening in this household, but I have been prompted to have a bit of a sort out so we know where things are.
Under normal circumstances I'd expect to be able to pop out and buy a widget, a can of tartan paint or a tin of elbow grease, if need for such a thing arose. However I'm making the effort to become more organised and have a properly stocked home. Need it is simply the kick I needed to get on with it.
I don't want to become a hoarder and in fact my style is quite minimalist, and that is quite helpful as I have found it easy to find places for things without being cluttered.
I plan to sort an emergency rucksack next. I imagine such planning would have been very helpful to the people in Derbyshire were evacuated due to the damaged dam.

Socksontheradiator · 16/08/2019 13:18

*Brexit, not need it. Kindle thinks it knows better than me what I want to say Confused

Peregrina · 16/08/2019 20:15

I imagine such planning would have been very helpful to the people in Derbyshire were evacuated due to the damaged dam.

And there you have the best sort of reason for why it's not bonkers to be prepared. Ditto with having to evacuate for severe weather causing flooding.

It's something I have always been brought up to do - DP's lived in the Peak District for many years and getting snowed in was a regular occurrence, and even when the snow ploughs got through, it still wasn't all that nice to go out.

SistemaAddict · 16/08/2019 21:38

Mum says the Card Factory has Christmas cards in already 😱 I only send ones to my mum and the children and make them ususlly so I think I'll stock up on craft supplies. I have 3 winter birthdays too and usually make cards for them as well . I don't bother with cards for anyone else because I'm a miserable bugger but can now use the environment as an excuse Grin
I have a really useful wrapping paper box that I use for Christmas paper but I might get one for birthdays too as it tends to get damaged if left hanging around. Cards can be stored in there too.

OP posts:
SistemaAddict · 16/08/2019 21:42

Really Useful Storage Box 22 Litre Clear

Hobbycraft had them on offer the Christmas before last I think for £12 so it's worth shopping around for a better price than amazon.

OP posts:
cherin · 16/08/2019 22:21

The list has an amazing amount of duplicates ;-) if I had to buy all of that stuff I’d need to move out of my flat! Bubble bath and shower gel? I’m a fan of shampoo bars and simple soap bar. A bit of vinegar. One multi purpose detergent. Marseille soap in an emergency can be grated and makes a more than decent washing powder.
Prepping is good, but I will focus on essentials and/or things I fear might increase in price (like Marseille soap ;-) which luckily keeps a very long time!)

darkcloudsandsunnyskies · 16/08/2019 22:22

You’re gonna need a bigger cupboard.

cherin · 16/08/2019 22:31

Straight question: why would you think there’s a risk of power or gas shortages? Does anyone know objectively if the network is at all susceptible to distributions due to trade conditions with the Eu?

I know during the war in Yugoslavia for instance they were alternating for a period (one day you’d get gas, the next one electricity, so people had to get the hobs with both gas and electricity, or a generator for big freezers) but that was a war! Even admitting that UKPN is not in the best of shapes, after last week, that shortage lasted a matter of hours, just enough to mess up the trains...

cherin · 16/08/2019 22:32

(Disruptions, not distribution. Blippin’ phone)

SingingBabooshkaBadly · 16/08/2019 22:46

I’ve decided to add a couple of those emergency temporary filling kits. We’re a forty minute drive from our dentist and the roads round here are likely to be chocka.

BlackeyedGruesome · 17/08/2019 01:57

1 million households without power last Friday as it was too windy for wind turbines and another generator had a bit of a problem as well.

Plenty of reason for thinking that there may be power issues.

flouncyfanny · 17/08/2019 06:57

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

SistemaAddict · 17/08/2019 09:29

Does anyone know how long power banks hold their charge before being used? I've charged ours up but I don't know if they will remain fully charged over time. They are Anker ones.

OP posts:
Parker231 · 17/08/2019 09:36

A lot of the items listed are nothing to do with Brexit and are nothing to do with potential Brexit shortages. There is no reason why there will be power cuts.


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Peregrina · 17/08/2019 10:17

No a lot isn't particularly Brexit related, but it never hurts to be prepared. As for power cuts - a bad storm can lead to a power cut, lasting a few hours, or sometimes a couple of days.

Parker231 · 17/08/2019 10:35

@Peregrina - I agree but being generally prepared isn’t anything to do with Brexit. Power cuts, having a screwdriver and an emergency dental filing kit are nothing to do with Brexit.

Peregrina · 17/08/2019 10:55

No, but if you take sensible precautions then if the worst of Brexit happens you will be prepared.

Of course, Leavers don't need to bother, because it will all be Fiiine.

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