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ex moving boyfriend into marital home

81 replies

dogtired190 · 30/08/2013 22:17

wife moved in new boyfriend without telling me.
i left her a year ago for another.have continued to pay house bills and mortgage (£800 a month)still go to house regularly as garage is also my workshop. have two children 18 and 16. wife on low income + benefits only, recently started working part time after 20 years
should i continue to pay ? can i tell him to pay rent? can i ask him to go?
what should i do???

OP posts:
TomVeiga · 16/08/2016 17:26

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PurpleDaisies · 16/08/2016 17:27

Why would you reanimate this tom? Biscuit


ayeokthen · 16/08/2016 17:29

If this was a woman this thread would be completely different! Why should OP provide a home for his ex and her new man? Maintenance for the kids yes, but I'd be buggered if I'd pay for my ex and his new partner to live the life of Riley on my dime!

TomVeiga · 16/08/2016 18:20

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Cheeseandwin5 · 25/09/2017 14:58

From my view , unless your costs have gone up because of him being there you should just lump it, otherwise you will just look like a control freak. Hopefully he makes your wife and kids happy and secured. The most you can do is try and bring forward the date the house will be sold.

Scorpvenus1 · 17/06/2019 12:11


Another thread where the man did something to instigate the end and then moans when they move on.

Will SOMEBODY please explain this phenomenon to me lol. why do they feel they have the right to a say???

Men... or women.... If you split up you have NO say on their lives, Your responsibility goes to co parenting and you have NO say what so ever. Get over yourself and do the best for your kids.

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