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ChristmasSeacow · 14/01/2017 20:44

Hope you have a lovely posh dinner Need !

Tryingtosaveup · 14/01/2017 21:58

Cath, I cannot believe that bloody dietician. I would definitely complain. You paid an arm and a leg and got nothing out of it. So sorry about that.
Cag, keep going. I still have my tax return to do.
Need have a great dinner and enjoy your stay.
Peonies, your DH is listening and that the first stage. I am sure you will get there.
I have just been through my finances and I have -£6.53 left for the month. It's because I have paid the tiler and paid the credit card with which I bought the tiles. ( does that make any sense? ).
Busy day today. Stressful meeting all day. Came home and finished off the Christmas Cake. I love Christmas Cake. So much for healthy eating resolution.😂😂
Cath, DD and family have medical cover and use it a lot for routine stuff like gromits in DGS's ears. Major stuff (DGS needs major surgery soon) then it's NHS. But they always look the consultants up on the Internet.

ememem84 · 14/01/2017 22:04

need have a great posh dinner.

I made curry. Almond veggie curry. It was a faff. But so tasty.

Used a separate eye make up remover with cloth wipes. Face feels amazing. These are deff the way forwards (except for holidays).

Have had the best part of a bottle of wine and cracked open some of the lovely dark choc dh bought me for Christmas. Made by willies choc factory in Devon. He was on tv ages ago. The stuff is delicious. Tonight's barcwas 70% dark choc with lime and ginger. So tasty. Smile

Cagliostro · 14/01/2017 23:18

Re: keyboards - make sure you look at those with weighted keys - apparently they feel more like pianos to the touch. :)

I've typed up all the answers to the PIP form questions. So that's a huge part of it DONE. Yay! I also watched the last episode of Six Wives - LOVED it, really sparked an interest in history for me - and DH and I caught up with Sherlock and I have had plenty of rest.

AND AND AND I resisted my Usborne friend's epic sale. There is lots of stuff I'd like to buy, but TBH she does these sales so often (40% off RRP) that I won't miss out, and I realised that there is a whole book on Vikings and Saxons in the big history set the Caglets got at Christmas so we Do. Not. Need. More.

Seacow YAY at the progress with the jumping and the apple! Star

Cagliostro · 14/01/2017 23:23

We are running out of space. Here's a new thread! Tadaaaaa!

mammymammyIRL · 15/01/2017 10:14

Em delighted you love your cheeky wipes. I'm thinking of buying some more after 3 years of daily use some are getting a bit tired looking

mammymammyIRL · 15/01/2017 18:20

Wreck I can never post a pic of my kitchen if you think that is messy BlushBlush your kitchen is fabulous & floor looks really good.

I think if we go back on an old thread we could pm collie from there?

WreckTangled · 15/01/2017 18:32

Haha! I like my worktops clear 😁

AdoraBell · 15/01/2017 19:19

NSW, tomorrow will be NSD as waiting in for things DDs ordered. Then Sainsbo's delivery on Tuesday, and possibly a few £ in Holland and Barret. Need to finalise meal/shopping plan.

CremeEggThief · 15/01/2017 19:45

Well done for a NSW, Adora.Star

I do too, Wreck. All I have out is a microwave, a litle plastic container for teabags, kettle and toaster on a tray, to stop crumbs going all over the worktops, and a bread bin. Oh and kitchen roll on the window sill.

fridgepants · 07/02/2017 12:25

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