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Does Lidl sell capers?

9 replies

Thatballwasin · 17/10/2013 21:52

Aldi doesn't (except occasionally in the Square if Delight). Not normally a Lidl shopper but would get my arse down there if they stocked them. I know the goats cheese and chocolate raisins are better then Aldi but that alone isn't enough to win me over. Capers on the other hand...

OP posts:
Alwayscheerful · 27/10/2013 04:39

Their jars of sun dried tomatoes have capers in.

Fluffycloudland77 · 20/10/2013 14:32

Have you tried homebargains? Or amazon?

Thatballwasin · 20/10/2013 00:47

Nope, not in the Dalry road branch in Edinburgh sigh. Why oh why?

OP posts:
Thatballwasin · 18/10/2013 21:57

Thank you, will investigate tomorrow

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 18/10/2013 20:36

I've seen them in my local one.

mmmmmchocolate · 18/10/2013 20:11

I'm pretty sure they do.. They're in a jar either new the pesto or neat the jarred peppers...

Talkinpeace · 18/10/2013 19:51

not sure about capers but Lidl pimentos, grilled aubergine / courgette / mushroom in oil are utterly, utterly lush.

momb · 18/10/2013 11:07

Home bargains sometimes sells them....and oddly they had them in the 99p store last week.
Couldn't tell you about LIDL though, sorry.

chanie44 · 18/10/2013 11:04

Not sure, but I'm going to lidl in the next few hours so will keep an eye out.

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