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Jab after effects timing

61 replies

LividJabber · 19/04/2021 18:41

Hi, can anyone tell me the sort of timeframe I can expect if I’m going to suffer after effects from the jab?

I’m a teacher, have my jab on Wednesday at 4pm and it would be impossible to do anything about it if I was to start feeling rough part way through Thursday...

OP posts:
ifonly4 · 19/04/2021 19:24

Had both of my vaccines 8.50/9.00am. By 2/2.30pm I felt cold/shivery for a short while. I didn't sleep particularly well the night immediately after but then went onto sleep well for about a week. My first vaccine I also felt a bit sick, although, managed to eat a plateful for tea and didn't feel any worse. Either way, I was easily capable of working.

MadeForThis · 19/04/2021 19:38

Vaccine Thursday 3:30pm. Fine that night.
Woke up with a sore arm. Paracetamol. This wore off after 4 hours. Felt chills and tired. Paracetamol. Again wore off after 4 hours. Chills again
Hot and cold overnight but slept fine.
Saturday- mostly fine just tired. Lay on couch.
Sunday- back to being 100%

If you keep on top of the paracetamol you should be fine. Symptoms were just like a cold.

Fightingtalk · 19/04/2021 20:18

I had AZ this morning at 9.15 and am currently in bed shivering, aching, super thirsty and generally feeling sorry for myself. I had Covid back in October-just hoping the effects won’t last as long (6 days).

LividJabber · 19/04/2021 20:30

I've heard it can be worse if you've already had covid, @Fightingtalk. Hope you get better soon.

I've scared myself reading that "effect on periods" thread. I'm ttc.

OP posts:
TruffleShuffles · 19/04/2021 20:41

I had no side effects other than a slightly sore arm, I’d say 80% of the people I know who have had it have also had no side effects. We have all had the AstraZeneca. The people I know who had side effects said it was flu like symptoms but lasted no longer than 24 hours.

PourUsAGlass · 19/04/2021 20:42

I had AZ at 4pm on the Wednesday, woke up at 4.30 am on Thursday achy, headache, shivers etc. Luckily had no work on the Thursday as felt unwell all day. Felt a lot better by Friday x

Thatwentbadly · 19/04/2021 20:44

I had mine at 9.15 on Sunday morning, I felt unwell by 5 in the evening and ill (like I had both the flu and a good awful hangover at the same time ) by 7. It suddenly improved 24 hours later and by 26 hours later I would have been fine to teach (I’m an ex teacher) but furring that time I describe as ill there is no way I could have taught.

RidingMyBike · 19/04/2021 20:45

I had AZ and felt like I had flu for hours 10-24 after it. Maybe slightly earlier as I woke up at 4am feeling shivery, hot cold and really grim so it had probably built for a bit. I stayed in bed for first day.

Second 24 hours I was just really tired but able to function with an afternoon nap and not doing anything too strenuous.

After that I was fine

mineofuselessinformation · 19/04/2021 20:49

I had mine on a Tuesday morning, and felt quite unwell, but managed to work the rest of the week (also a teacher, so a pain in the arse to set cover, especially at the moment).
I paid for it on the Saturday though, and had to spend the day in bed.
I didn't feel anywhere near back to normal for eight days. I'm still definitely getting my second dose.

megletthesecond · 19/04/2021 20:49

No side effects except a sore arm the next day. I ate really healthy food, bribed the dc's to let me sleep and don't drink anyway. I'm 46, but probably right at the tail end of menopause.

MumofSpud · 19/04/2021 20:54

09:30 jab
10:30 arm sore at jab site
Morning - one upper arm sore
1pm 2 sore arms
2pm Both aching legs / arms / torso
Chills (shivering - even with hot water bottles etc)
This lasted until about 1am when I got hot
During the night the aches started to go (legs first)
Arms / torso ached
A bit nauseous now and then
V tired and lethargic all day
Lethargy until midday then ok!

So from Wed 10:30am til Friday 12ish ok

I am 49.
My DM and DF (78/9) no side effects Grin
My friend (83) no side effects Grin

MumofSpud · 19/04/2021 20:55

Oh I forgot the headache - Wednesday night got progressively worse til Thursday afternoon
Get cover sorted!

LividJabber · 19/04/2021 21:05

Yep. Looking like I’d be wise to have some cover set up for Thursday, and if I’m lucky enough to not need it then great.

OP posts:
IgnoranceIsStrength · 19/04/2021 21:07

Had mine yesterday at lunch. No after effects at all today and completed a full day of lessons. Slightly sore arm and a bit of a headache but that could be getting back into teaching after break!

bentleydrummle · 19/04/2021 21:09

If you are suddenly taken ill at work you will have to leave and not worry about setting cover- your school will survive without you! What would happen if you had another sudden illness?! Goodness me us teachers are martyrs sometimes.

Ginflinger · 19/04/2021 21:10

I had AZ at 6pm last night. Felt tired, achey, fluey from about 2pm today but nothing that a couple of paracetamol did not fix. Good luck!

QueenPaw · 19/04/2021 21:26

About 12hrs post jab started with a headache, then sweaty/shivery after that for another 8hrs or so

QpopTYUIop9 · 19/04/2021 21:29

AZ - up to 48 hours of vague fatigue which manifested itself as a total allergy to my kids and OH. I wished I could have rested, but I couldn’t and I managed to get through it and then felt completely normal again. No flu symptoms or anything, just hankered to be left on my own and not to have to work and look after other small humans. That might have nothing to do with the vaccine to be fair. Had a very sore arm too but didn’t take painkillers and it was tolerable.

iloverock · 19/04/2021 21:34

I had az on Sunday at 1-45.
Slightly sore arm to the touch and no other side effects. I'm 45

itsgettingwierd · 19/04/2021 21:36

First jab - sore arm and extreme tiredness following day.

2nd jab - nothing. And they told me you get worse side effects Confused

Pfiezer vaccine

CheshireCats · 19/04/2021 21:45

I had first AZ jab 9am Saturday. Fine till 4 pm then felt freezing and unwell. Later in the evening uncontrollable shakes/shivers which probably lasted over an hour. Terrible night not sleeping- took paracetamol in night. Sunday, unwell, very achy body, mild headache, no energy.
By this morning (48 hrs post vaccine, felt much better in myself, head "fog" had gone. But still achy joints, random body pains, woke up with neck ache. Throughout today I've developed really sore armpit on side of jab. This is really bothering me...😬 Apparently the neck and armpit are swollen glands and these are on the same side as the arm I had the vaccine in.
I have been taken by surprise by how poorly I felt for 48 hours and even now by the ongoing aches and pains.
I have a physical job which I am returning to tomorrow and am worried I will find it really hard going.

Pet8 · 19/04/2021 22:15

I had AZ. Didn't even have a sore arm. Did take paracetamol every 4-6 hours over the next 24 hours though just incase.


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Boredsillyathome · 20/04/2021 07:14

I had the AZ jab yesterday at 6pm so far just a sore arm hoping it stays that way, I'm 46

SpnBaby1967 · 20/04/2021 10:03

12 hours almost to the minute Smile

QueenStromba · 20/04/2021 10:10

I had the Pfizer on a Wednesday afternoon. Headache within about two hours which might have been due to LED headlights rather than the vaccine. Felt quite feverish within about 4-5 hours. Felt pretty bad for the next couple of days, I was actually worse on the Friday. Saturday was the first day I was well enough to drive but I wouldn't have wanted to do a long journey.

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