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How long did your test results take?

85 replies

3littlebird5 · 31/10/2020 08:44

Hi, I started with a sore throat on Monday and a snotty nose (great way to start the half term), but on Wednesday evening I couldn’t taste or smell the dinner. I arranged a test for Thursday morning at 10.30 at a mobile site in the hope that the results would be back in 24-48 hours. My symptoms are improving slightly, sore throat is gone and I can now smell and taste much more but I have developed a cough (not persistent though). Can anyone tell me how long results are currently taking? It was done in Hemel Hempstead.

OP posts:
mrsmacaw · 12/11/2020 11:57

My husband had a test on Wednesday. Still waiting so that’s 68 hours so far. (We’re in the SE)

I had one last month that came back in 46 hours.

Finding it increasingly difficult to entertain an energetic toddler.

Zxyzoey31 · 12/11/2020 11:46

South east, 2 people took tests yesterday at 9am. One result back today 6.20am and the other 8am so less than 24 hours which I think is pretty good.

Only one got a text message result which is a bit strange.

Enrosadira · 11/11/2020 22:50

@Castiel07 take another test. All
The other testa we did came back in 24h. The one that didn’t never came.
Take another test.

mightyducks · 10/11/2020 19:18

My results finally arrived , 98 hours to be told I’m negative!

Treaclepie19 · 10/11/2020 18:52

@Castiel07 do they still have the symptoms? I'd say do it tbh. If the system had worked you wouldn't need to.

Silversun83 · 10/11/2020 18:39

My DD had a test around 10am yesterday and we got the (negative) results about 2pm today (so 28 hours). We're in the SE.

Thought I'd add to the thread to give others an idea (though I think tbh it's so variable!).

Castiel07 · 10/11/2020 16:18


I considered this but just waited out the self isolation. Worth a try if your children are finding it difficult. It must be very hard for them and you. I’m not sure if you can book one again after having one not so long ago. Maybe someone will be able to shed some light on it for you. I hope you hear something soon. Good luck.

Its not something I would consider if my children could deal with it.
But this lack of routine is not good for them, a day or 2 is bearable but 2 weeks of having to self isolate if my youngest hasn't even got the virus is a nightmare.
And then knowing we will have to do this over and over again for months.
Sorry I'm just struggling like a lot of people I guess.
3littlebird5 · 10/11/2020 16:14

I considered this but just waited out the self isolation. Worth a try if your children are finding it difficult. It must be very hard for them and you. I’m not sure if you can book one again after having one not so long ago. Maybe someone will be able to shed some light on it for you. I hope you hear something soon. Good luck.

OP posts:
Castiel07 · 10/11/2020 14:10

Would it be wrong to get another test done tomorrow (day 5).
I seriously can not do 2 weeks of this! My autistic children are having meltdown after meltdown.

3littlebird5 · 10/11/2020 13:36

No results here. We’re all back at work and school now. I guess we’ll never know.

OP posts:
Enrosadira · 09/11/2020 12:17

Ah maybe even 14days, i have lost count.

Enrosadira · 09/11/2020 12:17

13 days later and still waiting.

@3littlebird5 any luck?

Castiel07 · 09/11/2020 10:01

South West nearly 48 hours now, hope they come soon.

Treaclepie19 · 08/11/2020 21:10

My sons result came back this evening as negative so about 31 hours.

Treaclepie19 · 08/11/2020 16:03

That's shocking @3littlebird5 😩

3littlebird5 · 07/11/2020 22:00

9 days, still nothing :-(

OP posts:
Treaclepie19 · 07/11/2020 21:54

My son had a test this morning so this is interesting 😬

allthegoodusernameshavegone · 07/11/2020 21:47

Southampton tested nearly 5 weeks ago, still not heard

Enrosadira · 07/11/2020 21:41


Enrosadira · 07/11/2020 21:41

In day 12 and nothing. For the record

maadlady · 05/11/2020 10:09

24 hrs. North-West

RainySaturday · 05/11/2020 10:07

Had a test at a drive through this week Tuesday at noon. I got the results Wednesday morning.


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3littlebird5 · 05/11/2020 09:44

Still waiting :-(

OP posts:
Chimpfield · 04/11/2020 22:21

Had a test yesterday at the Ricoh in Coventry - negative result received today.

Katya213 · 04/11/2020 22:14

Mine was ten days to be told it couldn't be read, I think it got lost. I've had all the covid symptoms and my friend who I was with tested positive a week later. Guess I will never know if it was covid.

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