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Has anyone initially felt like this but not gotten worse?

31 replies

Missandra · 25/10/2020 01:17

I tested positive a week ago. I had no symptoms other than feeling tired.

The last couple of days I’ve had a headache that won’t go and this morning my chest started feeling tight. The tightness has got worse throughout the day and it hurts a bit when I breathe.

I’m really worried that I’m going to keep getting worse and will end up really poorly.

Has anyone felt like this but didn’t get worse? I need to hear some positive stories.

OP posts:
thisyeargoodyear · 26/10/2020 06:58

I had terrible nausea and diarrhoea throughout. My nausea is still here, now Day 14. Diarrhoea stopped about Day 10. My smell is slowly starting to return - I have hated not being able to smell!

Missandra · 26/10/2020 17:38

@thisyeargoodyear I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough times Flowers

I’m feeling worse today. Haven’t gotten out of bed or eaten anything because I just feel so exhausted.

OP posts:
Haggisfish · 26/10/2020 17:42

I think of oxygen stays under 95 give 111 a call.

Porcupineinwaiting · 26/10/2020 17:50

02 sat should be 94 or above. If it starts sitting bw 90 and 93 speak to 111, or ideally to your gp. If it goes below 90 then that's straight to a&e even if you feel ok.

@Missandra drink plenty and try to eat a little if you can (soup is good). You need electrolytes and energy or you'll feel worse (hard to believe I know). And rest, rest, rest. Take it a day at a time.

Missandra · 26/10/2020 17:54

Thank you both. I’ll bear that in mind and keep an eye on things.

Yes I guess not eating is not going to help me feel great. I’ll try and go down and get soup soup in a bit.

OP posts:
BirminghamNews · 30/10/2020 18:15

How you feelings @Missandra

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