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Has anyone initially felt like this but not gotten worse?

31 replies

Missandra · 25/10/2020 01:17

I tested positive a week ago. I had no symptoms other than feeling tired.

The last couple of days I’ve had a headache that won’t go and this morning my chest started feeling tight. The tightness has got worse throughout the day and it hurts a bit when I breathe.

I’m really worried that I’m going to keep getting worse and will end up really poorly.

Has anyone felt like this but didn’t get worse? I need to hear some positive stories.

OP posts:
BirminghamNews · 30/10/2020 18:15

How you feelings @Missandra

Missandra · 26/10/2020 17:54

Thank you both. I’ll bear that in mind and keep an eye on things.

Yes I guess not eating is not going to help me feel great. I’ll try and go down and get soup soup in a bit.

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Porcupineinwaiting · 26/10/2020 17:50

02 sat should be 94 or above. If it starts sitting bw 90 and 93 speak to 111, or ideally to your gp. If it goes below 90 then that's straight to a&e even if you feel ok.

@Missandra drink plenty and try to eat a little if you can (soup is good). You need electrolytes and energy or you'll feel worse (hard to believe I know). And rest, rest, rest. Take it a day at a time.

Haggisfish · 26/10/2020 17:42

I think of oxygen stays under 95 give 111 a call.

Missandra · 26/10/2020 17:38

@thisyeargoodyear I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough times Flowers

I’m feeling worse today. Haven’t gotten out of bed or eaten anything because I just feel so exhausted.

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thisyeargoodyear · 26/10/2020 06:58

I had terrible nausea and diarrhoea throughout. My nausea is still here, now Day 14. Diarrhoea stopped about Day 10. My smell is slowly starting to return - I have hated not being able to smell!

Missandra · 26/10/2020 01:39

That’s so reassuring that many of you started feeling worse at the stage I’m at but it still didn’t turn into anything nasty.

Yes it’s very up and down. Felt awful this morning but this afternoon felt a lot better. This evening it hit me hard again. Can’t sleep because my chest is sore and I feel a bit sick. Didn’t anyone else get nausea?

I did order an oximeter as suggested. My readings have ranged from 97 down to 94 which I think is all normal. It’s definitely reassuring to have one.

OP posts:
SushiGo · 25/10/2020 22:27

I felt like this, it did get a bit worse and I got worried about whether I needed to be assessed by a doctor or not (I think that was about day 5 - back in march!) However it never did get that bad, and I was okay to go back to work after about 10 days. It took another few weeks for me to feel fit enough to try exercise.

I am completely fine now.

soffiee · 25/10/2020 21:57

@Porcupineinwaiting thank you so much, I've Whatsapp'ed her the link to it. When I used to workout and use weights on my top half, my chest would feel like that the next day sometimes and wondered if it was that she was describing. Looking at the diagram I can see the crushing and constricting descriptions she was on about.

Porcupineinwaiting · 25/10/2020 21:51

@soffiee tell your friend to Google "ms hug" and see if that fits. Its common w COVID- what is happening is that the virus interfers with your nerves and causing the intercostal (rib) muscles to spasm. It feels nasty but is not dangerous. I wish I'd known this when I was sick.

The dangerous form of breathlessness happens when you get pneumonia. An oximeter is the best thing for checking if that's happening because o2 sat will fall. Any asthmatics with a peak flow meter can also keep an eye on their lung volume.

soffiee · 25/10/2020 21:45

May I ask how your chest feels tight? I was speaking to a friend earlier and she was saying her chest felt tight and I asked her how it felt and she said that it felt like the bones on her chest were clicked in tight and she couldn't stretch as it hurt, is this how it feels or is it something to do with your breathing were it feels heavier?

Porcupineinwaiting · 25/10/2020 21:41

Hi OP it's very typical to feel worse during the second week of COVID. That doesnt mean you will get dangerously ill but do keep an eye on your breathing. If you swerve pneumonia (most do) I think you should expect to feel really rough until the end of the second week, and very convalescent for a week or two after that. If you are still going at 6 weeks you are into long COVID territory in which case take a look at the lungs threads.

thisyeargoodyear · 25/10/2020 21:40

I am on Day 13 and have only started to feel better in the last 2 days. I started with terrible headaches (days 1-3), then total loss of smell (day 3) and then generally just feeling unwell (body aches, tired etc). I only had fever on Day 7. I have had no cough or chest pain. I found the illness to be very up and down, some days I felt awful in the morning, ok in the afternoon and then terrible again at night. Even now, my head is hurting and my joints are aching but I have been ok all day up until the last hour. I think everyone reacts differently and it seems to last a few weeks at least. I think my body needs some more time to recover so I am going to take it easy this week. I hope you feel better soon.

myhobbyisouting · 25/10/2020 21:33

Do you have a pulse oximeter? That will reassure you that you are getting enough oxygen or tell you if your levels are low.

About £30 if that on amazon. Good luck

SheeshazAZ09 · 25/10/2020 21:32

Yep had same symptoms as you and so did friend of mine. We both used homeopathic remedies (prescribed by a professional) and got better very quickly.

MoirasRoses · 25/10/2020 21:30

A couple close friends have recently had covid & both described this back & forth recovery. Feeling better one day & back with exhaustion, tight chest & headaches the next. Predominantly when they were feeling ‘OK’, they’d try to do something such as stand cooking a meal and then be exhausted & feeling awful again. Both have young children so weren’t able to rest much either. One was feeling completely fine after 10 days but the other took an additional week off work to fully recover (teacher). Both totally fine now.

Missandra · 25/10/2020 20:53


There was a post a while ago from someone sharing their covid story. Sounds very much like you are describing. Some days good, some days just needing to rest. By day 14 she was feeling better, but not well enough to go back to work, so stayed at home for a few more days.

Thank you, I’ll have a look for that. It’s reassuring that she was feeling better by day 14.
OP posts:
Mindymomo · 25/10/2020 16:17

There was a post a while ago from someone sharing their covid story. Sounds very much like you are describing. Some days good, some days just needing to rest. By day 14 she was feeling better, but not well enough to go back to work, so stayed at home for a few more days.

Missandra · 25/10/2020 16:08

@Sorehandsandfeet I don’t find your posts scary. I want to be as informed as possible and I know not to leave it too late before seeking help.

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Missandra · 25/10/2020 16:06

@everythingisginandroses that does sound like heavy going. Glad you’re on the mend albeit very slowly. I’ll definitely look at that video on you tube.

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Sorehandsandfeet · 25/10/2020 15:42

Hi MonsterMashh, I'm not recovered yet, still in bed at home but have to go back to hospital for more blood tests tomorrow. I didn't get oxygen, however, it said on my notes that I did?? An oversight, so don't know whether I was meant to. I was told it would be a long haul, just exhausted and weak and still feel effects of pneumonia. I don't want to cause anxiety but I just want to say to seek help if you are worried. Especially in that second week, even if you don't feel that you would be vulnerable.

everythingisginandroses · 25/10/2020 14:42

I felt like utter shit from days 8-13, went downhill which was scary, then slowly felt better. Shortness of breath receded, but lingering low-grade fever and heavy tiredness went on for some weeks. Recovery can be frustratingly slow, but all you can do is rest as much as possible, drink plenty of water, take vitamins. If you google 'Queens Hospital breathing exercises' there is a very simple clip on Youtube, I found this very helpful. As @mcgonagalscat said, the NHS is incredible and you can rest assured that you will get care if you need it. Flowers


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MonsterMashh · 25/10/2020 14:28

@Sorehandsandfeet sorry to hear you were hospitalised. Are you fully recovered now? What happened at hospital? Did you require oxygen?
I am on day 5 and feeling okay but feeling scared/anxious

Missandra · 25/10/2020 14:17

@Sorehandsandfeet it sounds like you’ve been through a really rough time. I hope you’re through the worse of it.

@mcgonagalscat thank you. I am resting lots. You’re very right about the NHS. We’re so lucky to have it.

@Kitcat122 that’s sounds rough. I’m on day 7 of symptoms. I’ve read it can be the second week when people can deteriorate. It’s scary stuff. I think I’m going to call 111 and get some more advice.

OP posts:
Kitcat122 · 25/10/2020 09:27

I got a tight painful chest about day 10. It felt like my lungs were very sore and burning. I felt breathless going up stairs and talking too much. When I took a deep breath I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I had bacterial pneumonia from Covid so just keep an eye on how you feel. I didn't need to be hospitalized so I'm not trying to scare you. Maybe speak to your doctor if you still feel the same on Monday.

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