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Scary Science Warning - What Does Asymptomatic Really Mean?

69 replies

ClimbDad · 15/08/2020 10:37

In a clinical setting, asymptomatic means the individual patient is unaware of symptoms. It does not mean their infection by COVID19 has no consequence.

This is a useful review of the most recent studies into asymptomatic infection. They suggest we may have to prepare for long term consequences of asymptomatic infection, even in children.

Growing scientific evidence suggests we need to be far more careful about this virus, but hey, let’s not even bother with masks in school.

OP posts:
Barbie222 · 15/08/2020 20:04

Thanks for the link @ClimbDad

Drivingdownthe101 · 15/08/2020 20:07

In fact, under our previous counting methodology Jeremy Corbyn could have stormed the Houses of Parliament and shot BJ and Wanksock, and both would have been recorded as Covid deaths.

SexTrainGlue · 15/08/2020 20:08

Where's a comparison study between the % of long term risks from covid to that of other illnesses?

They'll appear once Covid has been around for rather longer. It's an emerging picture. It should not be overlooked

And of course Covid having long term sequelae is unrelated to,whether other diseases do

ScorpioSphinxInACalicoDress · 15/08/2020 20:12

Who is Wanksock? Grin

Clavinova · 15/08/2020 20:12

I see the writer of the scary article has an MA in science reporting (whatever that is) and churns this stuff out for numerous online US "medical" and "health" websites.

Her previous article on WebMD;

"Aug. 5, 2020--The new coronavirus isn’t the only virus to worry about this fall."

DeepTreacle · 15/08/2020 20:13

What does “scary science warning” mean?

Drivingdownthe101 · 15/08/2020 20:15


Who is Wanksock? Grin

Matt Hancock Grin.
amicissimma · 15/08/2020 20:21


Isn’t it interesting that the government has changed the way of measuring COVID deaths to primarily those occurring within 30 days... presumably to avoid including the long term effects leading to death of Covid sufferers...

What Drivingdownthe101 said, but it isn't the whole picture.

What the actually says is:

"Definition of COVID-19 related deaths

There are 2 definitions of a death in a person with COVID-19 in England, one broader measure and one measure reflecting current trends:
1) A death in a person with a laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 and either: died within 60 days of the first specimen date or died more than 60 days after the first specimen date, only if COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate
2) A death in a person with a laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test and died within (equal to or less than) 28 days of the first positive specimen date.
The PHE data series does not include deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate but a laboratory test was not carried out or failed. All deaths within 60 days of a positive specimen are counted regardless of the cause of death. This aims to provide the most comprehensive measure of mortality burden possible."
(My bold)

So we're still being more 'generous' in our idea of who is dying of Covid than most of the world. Including other UK countries.
ScorpioSphinxInACalicoDress · 15/08/2020 20:56

Thank you Drivin! (I was sitting here going "Wank? Cummings?" Grin it's been a long day.

cocopops · 15/08/2020 21:04


Who is Wanksock? Grin

Also known as Pratt Mancock.
Drivingdownthe101 · 15/08/2020 21:06

Also known as Pratt Mancock

Or Matt Handjob. The possibilities are endless!

LaurieMarlow · 15/08/2020 21:13

WebMD is one of the most dreadful scaremongering sites spamming social media.

Well colour me surprised to see Climbdad reference it. Grin

GabriellaMontez · 16/08/2020 00:04

I knew it would be you.

LovelyWeekAway · 16/08/2020 00:13

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Flaxmeadow · 16/08/2020 01:00

Growing scientific evidence suggests we need to be far more careful about this virus

Yes but this was apparent from the start. People forget what was said by governments back in March and April, across the globe. How serious it is

SheepandCow · 16/08/2020 06:10

@LovelyWeekAway if you find OP's links to factual information (and his calm suggestion to exercise caution) so 'negative' and draining, why keep reading his posts? Just ignore and scroll on. Some of us appreciate his efforts. It's interesting and informative.

MissPoldark · 16/08/2020 07:50

So we're still being more 'generous' in our idea of who is dying of Covid than most of the world. Including other UK countries.

And rightly so IMO. Given what we know about the length of illness in more severe cases, I think it’s actually much more likely that true deaths from COVID would be underreported using only the 28 day measure.

UserNeedsGin · 16/08/2020 08:03

[quote LovelyWeekAway]@ClimbDad where do you find the time in the day

Negative post after negative post

I find you so draining and utterly negative
Life is carrying on , people are trying to get on with things.
I just imagine you in your cycling shorts with a rucksack full of corona leaflets ...[/quote]

I feel sorry for anyone with that much negativity. As I said on a different thread the reality is only approx. 25 000 have the virus in England at the moment. The majority of people who've had it, don't have severe symptoms or indeed any symptoms. Climbdad carries on as if it was the Black Death.

diplodocusinermine · 16/08/2020 08:14

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MaxNormal · 16/08/2020 08:20

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Aridane · 16/08/2020 08:29

but but but --- that in no way fits the narrative that this thread is directing us to believe. How dare you not believe that we are all going to die ... Oh hang on a minute, we are all going to die. Some day, somehow. Some of us will suffer from all kinds of diseases, others will be lucky and die in their sleep.

Maybe you’re posting on the wrong thread because this thread is about long term side effect not death Hmm

Aridane · 16/08/2020 08:31

I havent come across any kind of misapprehension about the meaning of asymptomatic, ime people understand what it means

Judging by the thread on mumsnet, is clear poisoned don’t understand the meaning of the word


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KitKatastrophe · 16/08/2020 08:36


All illnesses whether viral or bacterial carry a risk of long term health problems but it seems that, for you at least, only covid related ones count. Where's a comparison study between the % of long term risks from covid to that of other illnesses?

Absolutely. Some have long term consequences of chicken pox and people couldnt care less - we don't even vaccinate against CP! But possible long term effects of covid, better lock down the whole country!
PleasantVille · 16/08/2020 08:58


You know those Russian troll factories where the posters spread panic and disinformation; well I'm sure the op doesn't work for one of those.......

If he does maybe he could report back that MN isn't going to be a place worth posting, the members have critical judgment on the whole
LaurieMarlow · 16/08/2020 09:01

I’m not sure it’s be Russia that he’s definitely not reporting back to. Wink

His agenda is clear as a bell.

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