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Scary Science Warning - What Does Asymptomatic Really Mean?

69 replies

ClimbDad · 15/08/2020 10:37

In a clinical setting, asymptomatic means the individual patient is unaware of symptoms. It does not mean their infection by COVID19 has no consequence.

This is a useful review of the most recent studies into asymptomatic infection. They suggest we may have to prepare for long term consequences of asymptomatic infection, even in children.

Growing scientific evidence suggests we need to be far more careful about this virus, but hey, let’s not even bother with masks in school.

OP posts:
Allmyarseandpeggymartin · 16/08/2020 21:11

Isn’t climbdad supposed to be some kind of scientist who has the cure?

He was on a thread a couple of weeks ago saying that schools should remain shut until after this “tadah” moment. - Come on then Climbdad I’m game, when’s the big announcement?

DeepTreacle · 16/08/2020 18:45

“ I'm pretty sure the title was a sarcastic response to people telling him that his posts were intentionally terrifying nervous people.”

I don’t recall this OP’s name or any previous posts like this so it just comes across as baffling and/or goady

ScorpioSphinxInACalicoDress · 16/08/2020 12:18

Thank you!

NewNewt · 16/08/2020 12:01

/r/covid19 seems both informative and balanced to me. Not r/coronavirus, which is even more biased than the OP.

ScorpioSphinxInACalicoDress · 16/08/2020 11:00

Jrob- that's like the Guardian article I opened titled "Everyone in Italy is going to dieeeeee" (slightly paraphrased) I thought I'd better have a look seeing as that's where I am and we seem to be doing OK really. Opening the article, what it said was, "if the situation in Italy were to return to how it was in three regions in March but nationally, then it would be a very nasty business indeed, but as it is, nobody is thinking that at all given how things are going at the moment".

NewNewt - do you have a link to any decent Reddits? Flowers

NewNewt · 16/08/2020 10:40

Why do you assume, as ever ClimbDad, that nobody else on Mumsnet knows what asymptomatic covid19 cases can look like, or that nobody reads any of the research that you read?

Head on over to Reddit for the true scientific overview or where we're at in the fight against covid 19, presented dispassionately, without agenda, positive and negative, as science is meant to be.

LaurieMarlow · 16/08/2020 10:22

OP I thought you’d decided you were only going to link peer reviewed stuff from now on? Rather than click bait like this site? Did that go out the window?

Jrobhatch29 · 16/08/2020 10:19

Also the fact is that this is the 3rd time in as many days the OP has made an alarming claim but his actual own links state the opposite!! A PP on this thread has pointed out that the links in the webmd article to studies do not support long term effects in kids. Yesterday was the worst post I have seen from him on a school thread stating our kids have more chance of being in intensive care than being asymptomatic. Low and behold open his own link and it says the opposite. It was the same on his sweden thread. If he is going to post really alarming things that aren't true he should expect to be challenged on it.

Jrobhatch29 · 16/08/2020 10:09


If children are being kept off school and there is a lockdown, who is going to be the one who brings Covid into the house? Given it is the adult who is likely to bring it into the house initially, how is it possible to differentiate between

adult -> child -> child
adult -> 2children

Answer: It won't be possible.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I don't mean this as a dig at you personally but I am sick of that phrase. There are studies that support both sides of the argument and it isn't like it is a rubbish source ie. Webmd. We don't know what will happen.
That study goes right from early Jan too before things had properly kicked off.
ScorpioSphinxInACalicoDress · 16/08/2020 09:54

I haven't come across the OP before.

But, I have come across the scaremongering website he has linked to for this particular article. It's the "health" version of those Facebook ads that show people drinking "one cup before bedtime" and waking up next morning having lost 120kg.

I'm as interested as the next man in the long term effects of Covid. The "studies" and "numbers" long-running threads on here have a wealth of interesting and informative links to papers and studies from universities and the real science community and I can recommend them heartily.

Nellodee · 16/08/2020 09:52

If children are being kept off school and there is a lockdown, who is going to be the one who brings Covid into the house? Given it is the adult who is likely to bring it into the house initially, how is it possible to differentiate between

adult -> child -> child
adult -> 2children

Answer: It won't be possible.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Nellodee · 16/08/2020 09:49

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the above posters who accused him of it, since they're on pretty much all of his threads.

Jrobhatch29 · 16/08/2020 09:48

In this study from korea, out of 107 child cases, only 2 of them passed it on to anyone in their house including siblings.

Results: A total of 107 paediatric COVID-19 index cases and 248 of their household members were identified. One pair of paediatric index-secondary household case was identified, giving a household SAR of 0.5%


But obviously once children are within a school it will mutate instantly and children will be very contagious.

Nellodee · 16/08/2020 09:48

I'm pretty sure the title was a sarcastic response to people telling him that his posts were intentionally terrifying nervous people.

UserNeedsGin · 16/08/2020 09:41


OP's links to factual information

He has used the word "fact" here;

"Schools are vectors for transmission. You can choose to accept that fact now, or be forced to accept it in February 2021 when tens of thousands more have died. Sorry to be blunt, but that’s the only choice you face."

Where is his evidence? The biggest report on school transmissions (worldwide study) says the opposite to OP. Again, just because he says it's true, doesn't mean it is.
Clavinova · 16/08/2020 09:33

OP's links to factual information

He has used the word "fact" here;

"Schools are vectors for transmission. You can choose to accept that fact now, or be forced to accept it in February 2021 when tens of thousands more have died. Sorry to be blunt, but that’s the only choice you face."

Jrobhatch29 · 16/08/2020 09:21

I am surprised us females were brave enough to venture onto this thread with the scary warning Hmm

UserNeedsGin · 16/08/2020 09:17


if you find OP's links to factual information (and his calm suggestion to exercise caution)

"Scary Science Warning" doesn't fit my definition of "calm".

Exactly. Patronising springs to mind. Luckily some of us can think for ourselves and find our own sources of information.
Clavinova · 16/08/2020 09:06

if you find OP's links to factual information (and his calm suggestion to exercise caution)

"Scary Science Warning" doesn't fit my definition of "calm".

LaurieMarlow · 16/08/2020 09:01

I’m not sure it’s be Russia that he’s definitely not reporting back to. Wink

His agenda is clear as a bell.

PleasantVille · 16/08/2020 08:58


You know those Russian troll factories where the posters spread panic and disinformation; well I'm sure the op doesn't work for one of those.......

If he does maybe he could report back that MN isn't going to be a place worth posting, the members have critical judgment on the whole
KitKatastrophe · 16/08/2020 08:36


All illnesses whether viral or bacterial carry a risk of long term health problems but it seems that, for you at least, only covid related ones count. Where's a comparison study between the % of long term risks from covid to that of other illnesses?

Absolutely. Some have long term consequences of chicken pox and people couldnt care less - we don't even vaccinate against CP! But possible long term effects of covid, better lock down the whole country!

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Aridane · 16/08/2020 08:31

I havent come across any kind of misapprehension about the meaning of asymptomatic, ime people understand what it means

Judging by the thread on mumsnet, is clear poisoned don’t understand the meaning of the word

Aridane · 16/08/2020 08:29

but but but --- that in no way fits the narrative that this thread is directing us to believe. How dare you not believe that we are all going to die ... Oh hang on a minute, we are all going to die. Some day, somehow. Some of us will suffer from all kinds of diseases, others will be lucky and die in their sleep.

Maybe you’re posting on the wrong thread because this thread is about long term side effect not death Hmm

MaxNormal · 16/08/2020 08:20

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