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How many furloughed workers will lose their jobs before 2021?

54 replies

DreamChaser23 · 18/06/2020 21:30

of the 9 million plus furloughed how many jobs do you think will be lost before 2021?

I think 4 million plus for sure and that is the bare minimum.

What do you think the government will do after October to support unemployed? Can you see Universal Credit payments to rise? Or do you think they will leave it at the same amount. As UC will not pay the bills for many workers who are redundant plus not everyone will find a job easily it could take years for some people to find work if another 4 million plus are redundant.

OP posts:
Alex50 · 19/06/2020 21:22

Millions of families will also cost the tax payer, as the government have a legal obligation to home children. I don’t know how they will do it, maybe obtaining homes not being used, 2nd, 3rd houses not being lived in, the government buy under compulsory purchase for the homeless.

cyclingmad · 19/06/2020 21:26

yes its true but again its not as expensive as furlough money; not everyone person will need to be rehomed it might mean people have to sell up and downgrade or move elsewhere.

It might not be palatable to alot of people but as I said what did people think would happen when lockdown came along.

FizzFan · 19/06/2020 21:29

But mass unemployment will lead to more benefit claims. So whilst it won’t be as much money as they’re maybe paying now, they will still be bankrolling people

Plus if businesses go bust and can’t afford to pay employee’s termination entitlements the government have to cough up.

They wouldn’t have implemented furlough unless ultimately it was likely to be the least costly option

Oblomov20 · 19/06/2020 21:35

Tricky. Some firms won't be able to afford to make big redundancy payments!

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