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How many furloughed workers will lose their jobs before 2021?

54 replies

DreamChaser23 · 18/06/2020 21:30

of the 9 million plus furloughed how many jobs do you think will be lost before 2021?

I think 4 million plus for sure and that is the bare minimum.

What do you think the government will do after October to support unemployed? Can you see Universal Credit payments to rise? Or do you think they will leave it at the same amount. As UC will not pay the bills for many workers who are redundant plus not everyone will find a job easily it could take years for some people to find work if another 4 million plus are redundant.

OP posts:
JacobReesMogadishu · 19/06/2020 13:52

I think Dd probably will. She works in a bar at a gym. Neither gyms nor bars look to be good places to work at the minute.

I’m sad for her. She’s a student and relies on this part time job. Obviously we won’t see her starve but if she loses her job she’s going to have to seriously tighten her belt. She’s unlikely to get another part time student level job.....they’re going to be gold dust. And I do wonder if such issues will mean a lot of students have to drop out of uni. The student loan isn’t enough to live on for a lot of people.

Alex50 · 19/06/2020 14:05

@JacobRees if they drop out of Uni, what will they do as there won’t be any jobs?

TheSometimesTrainedDragon · 19/06/2020 14:27

@FedHimtoTigers1990 I heard of O&G redundancies being made due to COVID-19 before lockdown was announced in the UK.

Seriously worrying time for everyone. Have friends who are having redundancy meetings every three weeks in a Major.

JacobReesMogadishu · 19/06/2020 14:34

[quote Alex50]@JacobRees if they drop out of Uni, what will they do as there won’t be any jobs?[/quote]
I don’t know but at least they can go home and have a roof over their head and food on the table? Some students if they lose their part time jobs will be unable to eat, unable to pay rent.

Babyroobs · 19/06/2020 14:36

DS is a student and has been furloughed from his part time job, how long for though I have no idea. He hasn't been at Uni since before lock down, we are still having to pay £340 a month for his room in a shared house in a city miles away where he hasn't lived for months and there is no idea of when he will return.

Dollyparton3 · 19/06/2020 14:46

I really feel for hospitality staff. Speaking with a friend of mine recently, when they reopen their pub we're anticipating they will only be able to serve 30-50% of the tables they did previously due to social distancing.

Chances are my SD who has two waitressing jobs will lose those considering that the businesses she works for will be limited to 50% of their previous turnover.

FedHimtoTigers1990 · 19/06/2020 14:52

@TheSometimesTrainedDragon yes we have 4 other branches and redundancies have been made already. Feel like its just a matter of time for me.

ssd · 19/06/2020 15:21

@Babyroobs, that's so unfair.

Alex50 · 19/06/2020 15:26

The more time goes on, it’s beginning to sink how devastating lockdown is going to be. Education, jobs, NHS are all such a mess, it’s going to be a long haul to get us out of this.

ssd · 19/06/2020 15:30

@Alex50, I agree. It's scary to think the world our kids are joining. Ds just finished uni, young, ambitious and full of plans.. To what now? It's terrible.

Alex50 · 19/06/2020 15:36

@ssd my hear goes out to them, it’s so hard, I hope the government have a plan to get things moving but I doubt it 🙄

Devlesko · 19/06/2020 15:40

I don't think UC will raise, you'll just have to manage on whatever the award notice says.
I'm furloughed from my own business, I'm under no illusion about being able to continue in the same industry, anytime soon.
I'm looking for work, to fit around my business, so hopefully find something before the masses are made redundant.
It's awful to think that with redundancies often comes repossessions and recession. Sad

imsooverthisdrama · 19/06/2020 15:42

The government needs to allow the other industry's to open ASAP .
To delay any later than 4th July will result in huge job losses in the hospitality industry.
Which of course will create a knock on affect for other industry's .

Alex50 · 19/06/2020 15:47

What will happen when thousands are made homeless? Last time this happened people were offered social housing, that isn’t an option this time. I wonder if they will make empty 2nd homes compulsory purchase by the government ? I can see any other way round it.

StickersandStripes · 19/06/2020 16:01

I've been unfurloughed, about 30% of our staff have and I know we were handpicked for who they wanted back first. I think a lot of the staff will be made redundant because it's become very clear that a lot of roles are just unnecessary.

Devlesko · 19/06/2020 16:57


It will B&B anywhere they can find a place.
The gov could provide us Romany with sites so we could sell up and move, hence leaving bricks n mortar for the rest of society. The cost would be negligible in comparison.
I won't hold my breath though as they haven't done their duty since 1969, so doubt they will now.
Would be a good way to house the homeless.
Lots have bought ex council houses as they had no other choice.

JaceLancs · 19/06/2020 17:43

DP has been furloughed - due to go back on 22nd June
Got a redundancy notice this morning along with 20% of his colleagues
Job was within manufacturing industry and they have had lots of cancelled orders due to decline in retail - don't want to be too specific
I suspect there will be more of his colleagues in same position soon - very worrying as a big employer in area that he lives in
To be fair to them it was a very considered letter and they have asked if he wants to be put on their list to go back if situation changes in future

FizzFan · 19/06/2020 17:55

I have already lost mine.

Once employers need to put their hand in their pocket at all they’ll just get rid. I reckon around half those furloughed will be made redundant. Certainly if I had short service anywhere and could be got rid of cheaply I’d be worried.

B9008 · 19/06/2020 19:44

I can see bank of mum and dad getting a hammering around the country for the younger ones affected, particularly students

DonaldJTrumpet · 19/06/2020 20:19

I'm being made redundant despite working all the way through. Some that were furloughed are safe... for now.

Absolutely terrified about the future.

Devlesko · 19/06/2020 20:31

No job is safe, even if your role will still be there, doesn't mean they'll need you all.
I can remember a whole level of middle management go in the 90's, right across the board.
Junior managers were cheaper to train up, companie needed to make cuts.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 19/06/2020 20:37

@JaceLancs sounds like your DP is in a similar industry to me. Another local company similar to ours went into administration quite early on. People aren't buying at the moment. I think the business I work for will survive but may have to get rid of some staff and close one of their factories (we have two).


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torydeathdrug · 19/06/2020 20:39

@FedHimtoTigers1990 @TheSometimesTrainedDragon not O&G but dh’s company redundancies (4 of 6 of his team alone) came in the first week of UK lockdown. They didn’t bother with furlough, the manufacturing & supply issues caused by the China lockdown killed that part of the business. Dh survived that round but we have zero confidence in the ongoing employment situation. I know they are experiencing issues already with the most recent China shut down.

They are beginning consultancy at dd1’s work (hospitality), it’s a crap shoot who they keep.

cyclingmad · 19/06/2020 20:47

The government cannot keep bankrolling jobs its unfortunate but this was always known as a consequence of locking down. It'll come as no surprise

MynameisJune · 19/06/2020 21:05


The government cannot keep bankrolling jobs its unfortunate but this was always known as a consequence of locking down. It'll come as no surprise

But mass unemployment will lead to more benefit claims. So whilst it won’t be as much money as they’re maybe paying now, they will still be bankrolling people.
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