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Anyone else separated from family Due to international travel restrictions?

26 replies

Notcontent · 12/06/2020 09:23

I this only impacts a very small proportion of people but for those of us who have loved ones in countries with closed borders, the current situation has created a new level of pain.

I am not British but live in the U.K., with no family here. My family is on the other side of the world. Not how I planned my life but sometimes life goes in unexpected directions. I am very close to my parents and have been fortunate to be able to see them regularly, as every year they come to see me and my dd, and then we also make a trip to see them. But now this may not be possible for a very long time. I never thought I would find myself in that sort of situation. It feels quite unreal.

Anyone else in that situation?

OP posts:
Confused124 · 13/06/2020 21:16

Yup my mum In one country and my Newish dp who tbf I don’t live with anyway but would normally see him, he is working away and “stuck” over there for now . It’s been 4 months since iv seen him Sad and longer for my mum . Totally sucks , really miserable tbh ! My mum is hoping to visit soon at least !

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