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Anyone else separated from family Due to international travel restrictions?

26 replies

Notcontent · 12/06/2020 09:23

I this only impacts a very small proportion of people but for those of us who have loved ones in countries with closed borders, the current situation has created a new level of pain.

I am not British but live in the U.K., with no family here. My family is on the other side of the world. Not how I planned my life but sometimes life goes in unexpected directions. I am very close to my parents and have been fortunate to be able to see them regularly, as every year they come to see me and my dd, and then we also make a trip to see them. But now this may not be possible for a very long time. I never thought I would find myself in that sort of situation. It feels quite unreal.

Anyone else in that situation?

OP posts:
Confused124 · 13/06/2020 21:16

Yup my mum In one country and my Newish dp who tbf I don’t live with anyway but would normally see him, he is working away and “stuck” over there for now . It’s been 4 months since iv seen him Sad and longer for my mum . Totally sucks , really miserable tbh ! My mum is hoping to visit soon at least !

namechange34 · 13/06/2020 20:24

Yep, parents and sibling in aus (different states from another so even they cant visit each other). DH's parents in Europe in a badly affected country. MIL talks about us going in July/August but I just cant see it happening. At work we have had to take a lot of our 2020 annual leave during the lockdown so will be hard pressed to visit everyone even if it is possible.

Parker231 · 13/06/2020 20:10

My family are in Belgium, DH’s parents in Canada and his DSis in the US. They should all be with us in London next month to celebrate DT’s 21st’s and Uni graduations.

Amber0685 · 13/06/2020 20:05

Yes my parents and my FIL live in Australia. FIL is 90 and my Father unwell. Were booked to go next month, no idea when now.

KellyHall · 13/06/2020 20:02

I feel for you all Flowers My family is in Wales, dh's family is in France, we're in England. Because they aren't very far away, we saw them very regularly especially since dd was born 3 years ago, not seeing them now is a huge wrench.

m0therofdragons · 13/06/2020 19:58

My brother is in Canada with his wife and my nephew. They were due to visit next month but flights have been cancelled. My cousin in Australia was coming to the UK for her hen do but that’s cancelled (as is the wedding). But the worst instance is my friend who was emigrating to New Zealand. Her husband is a doctor and went early March to set up then she and the 3dc were following during Easter half term. She’s only just managed to fly out there and is now isolating in a hotel for 14 days with the dc and security guards (others are isolating in the same hotel) and can go for one supervised walk a day so long as they book early enough each morning to get slots. She’s counting down and trying to entertain 3 dc in a hotel room with 40 mins time outside max per day.

MegCleary · 13/06/2020 19:53

My family in Ireland

GeraldTippett · 13/06/2020 19:51

I'm kiwi but my DH and kids are not. So I might be allowed in but I couldn't travel with DH and children and with a 14 day quarantine I'd have to use all my AL to get enough time out there. Not to mention leaving DH to work and look after 2 children on his own

ToothFairyNemesis · 13/06/2020 17:14

@Notcontent are you not Australian or Kiwi yourself?

TheTickingTime · 13/06/2020 17:11

Yes, my whole family is in Iceland. Although Iceland will open soon, they are testing anyone entering. I want to fly over in September as I am going to be a nan, but not sure if that is possible

Wakemeuuuup · 13/06/2020 16:38

Yep, me too. Our family live in a country close to UK but it might as well be the far side of the world

HoldMyLobster · 13/06/2020 16:16

Oh crap, I'd forgotten about passports. I think both of mine expire in August, and the US is not currently issuing them except for emergencies.

Unicornflakegirl · 13/06/2020 15:53

Yes, haven't seen family since Christmas though one of my siblings will visit in July when restrictions in Spain ease and will probably visit UK family in August or September.

I saw a news item yesterday about people with young babies who could otherwise fly to visit family but can't because births haven't been registered so passports can't be issued. That's such a pity.

Cusano34 · 13/06/2020 14:52

My family are in Italy. I’m failing to understand how we will ever see each other safely again? 😭😭😭😭

trickster78 · 12/06/2020 19:16

Yes, we’re in the US, parents and extended family are all in the U.K. US Borders are closed to U.K. and EU citizens so they can’t come here even though planes are flying. And we can’t go home as we wouldn’t be able to get back into the US (non green card visa holders). It’s hard to not have a date when we will see them again.

HoldMyLobster · 12/06/2020 19:14

US borders are closed to Brits, my state has a 14 day quarantine, the UK has a 14 day quarantine and NZ/Australia’s borders are closed. So yup - feeling a long way from the people I love.

UndertheCedartree · 12/06/2020 18:53

Yes, my parents were going to come over in the Spring for my DD's birthday and then they always come over in August. Don't know when I'll see them again. I miss my mum Sad

WhoAteAllTheDinosaurs · 12/06/2020 18:31

Yes. Half of our family is halfway across the world. We only saw them once a year anyway, for practical reasons, but knowing we can't see them, and not knowing when we will be able to see them again is really tough.

Iamclearlyamug · 12/06/2020 17:16

Yes my fiancé is abroad and I’ve not seen him since the end of February. People say people like us are selfish for wanting international travel to open up, but they’re not in the situation and don’t know what it’s like or how it feels. Roll on flights guys, let’s stay as positive as we can ❤️

Coron · 12/06/2020 15:53

Yes. Husband works abroad. Separated from me and ds since lockdown. Can’t leave because of lockdown and now also quarantine 😢

Notcontent · 12/06/2020 09:59

Moondust - the country where my parents live (Australia) has closed its borders and they may remain closed in 2021. Believe me, if there was any chance of just hopping on a plane I would!!

OP posts:
Megan2018 · 12/06/2020 09:55

Most of DH’s immediate family is abroad in various countries (mother and adult siblings).
They are very low contact as a rule but his mother is older and not in the best health so it’s a worry. Normally he could get to her within a day if she needed help.

On the other hand she can’t come here which is a blessing for me as we have a difficult relationship.


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Toomboom · 12/06/2020 09:51

My son and his family live in Canada. i was due to fly in 4 weeks, but this has been cancelled. No idea when we will next see each other in person. I was due to meet my new grandchild, but that won't be happening for a long time, so will have to keep up with facetime.

Moondust001 · 12/06/2020 09:45

My son and granddaughter hopped on a plane the minute they heard about the quarantine. And actually there is nothing stopping me travelling to them in the US (or flying anywhere else either for that matter). FCO advice is advice. The planes are flying, and you can travel. Realistically, the quarantine is three months too late and won't last - I suspect it was only introduced because they said they would, and so they felt they had to despite it being relatively senseless now. I doubt it will be a very long time until you can see your family.

BuddhaAtSea · 12/06/2020 09:42

Yup, me and DD. This year I was quite happy not to go, my mum was going to come for a while and I was going to ship DD over there for the summer.
It’s funny, because it’s not like a holiday anyway, more like visiting family by plane, but still.
Don’t know about your family, but mine has been seriously thinking about regrouping closer to each other.

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