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So what is going to be different with schools come September?

34 replies

Crunchymum · 17/05/2020 18:00

Seems to be a lot of people saying they wont be sending their kids back (us included but we have a toddler on the shielding list and I myself am in the vulnerable category)

What is going to be different is Setpember? I've posed this question to everyone I know who isn't sending their kids back. Noone has an answer!!

OP posts:
Ozzie9523 · 17/05/2020 22:37

I just feel well know a lot by then about the virus and also the schools can properly prepare.

MunchMunch · 17/05/2020 22:39

My reasons for saying at least September is because I feel June is too early and a few weeks later they'd be breaking up for the 6 weeks holidays anyway so I think there's too much to do in terms of safety to be worth opening the schools in June or even getting things in place before they open so to me September would realistically be the earliest.

My dc have plenty of work sent through from school but trying to get them to do any school work is hard! I would, if possible, like them to do live lessons using Skype or whatever they use now so they can see the teacher and the teacher can see the whole class.

Concerned7777 · 17/05/2020 22:48

Probably nothing, wherever provisions are in place in June will probably still be in place by September, except for more children will be together all at once rather than a gradual phase from June. Not sure why parents believe September is the holy grail of normal return to school life.
But ultimately we all need to do what's best for own family and circumstances and not lose sleep over what others are doing, as other peoples choices (especially those on MN) will have zero impact you and your life

palacegirl77 · 17/05/2020 22:54

We should know if when youve had it you are immune or not, and their should be enough antibody tests to find out.

lljkk · 17/05/2020 22:57

...except we stil won't know how long immunity might last for. It might last only 6-8 months. No matter what, decisions will have to be made using very incomplete information with zero risk being impossible to achieve. Just like now.

NiceViper · 18/05/2020 09:46

"Children going back 1st June will be tested for the virus if they display symptoms"

Because they have enough staff, kits, rapid turn around time in all parts of the country, and have recruited enough staff to carry out proper contact tracing. Oh, hang on...

Might be in place by September though

Haplap · 20/05/2020 18:33

I fear, it may be the same as now unless the government gets it's house in order. It needs to stop the bull shitting and start actually getting the testing done, not just lying about it. We're screwed, all of us, if they don't learn from this shit show. The second wave will drown us. Stop obsessing over schools, start demanding the government govern.

Lumene · 20/05/2020 22:00

Contact tracing more likely to be properly up and running which makes things safer.

Plenty of private schools will go back - parents need them to in order to work to pay the fees!

Eton has boarders so a bit different.

AlecTrevelyan006 · 20/05/2020 22:07

By September the economy will be in an even worst state than it is now, unemployment will be rocketing and millions of people will be even more depressed

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