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So what is going to be different with schools come September?

34 replies

Crunchymum · 17/05/2020 18:00

Seems to be a lot of people saying they wont be sending their kids back (us included but we have a toddler on the shielding list and I myself am in the vulnerable category)

What is going to be different is Setpember? I've posed this question to everyone I know who isn't sending their kids back. Noone has an answer!!

OP posts:
AlecTrevelyan006 · 20/05/2020 22:07

By September the economy will be in an even worst state than it is now, unemployment will be rocketing and millions of people will be even more depressed

Lumene · 20/05/2020 22:00

Contact tracing more likely to be properly up and running which makes things safer.

Plenty of private schools will go back - parents need them to in order to work to pay the fees!

Eton has boarders so a bit different.

Haplap · 20/05/2020 18:33

I fear, it may be the same as now unless the government gets it's house in order. It needs to stop the bull shitting and start actually getting the testing done, not just lying about it. We're screwed, all of us, if they don't learn from this shit show. The second wave will drown us. Stop obsessing over schools, start demanding the government govern.

NiceViper · 18/05/2020 09:46

"Children going back 1st June will be tested for the virus if they display symptoms"

Because they have enough staff, kits, rapid turn around time in all parts of the country, and have recruited enough staff to carry out proper contact tracing. Oh, hang on...

Might be in place by September though

lljkk · 17/05/2020 22:57

...except we stil won't know how long immunity might last for. It might last only 6-8 months. No matter what, decisions will have to be made using very incomplete information with zero risk being impossible to achieve. Just like now.

palacegirl77 · 17/05/2020 22:54

We should know if when youve had it you are immune or not, and their should be enough antibody tests to find out.

Concerned7777 · 17/05/2020 22:48

Probably nothing, wherever provisions are in place in June will probably still be in place by September, except for more children will be together all at once rather than a gradual phase from June. Not sure why parents believe September is the holy grail of normal return to school life.
But ultimately we all need to do what's best for own family and circumstances and not lose sleep over what others are doing, as other peoples choices (especially those on MN) will have zero impact you and your life

MunchMunch · 17/05/2020 22:39

My reasons for saying at least September is because I feel June is too early and a few weeks later they'd be breaking up for the 6 weeks holidays anyway so I think there's too much to do in terms of safety to be worth opening the schools in June or even getting things in place before they open so to me September would realistically be the earliest.

My dc have plenty of work sent through from school but trying to get them to do any school work is hard! I would, if possible, like them to do live lessons using Skype or whatever they use now so they can see the teacher and the teacher can see the whole class.

Ozzie9523 · 17/05/2020 22:37

I just feel well know a lot by then about the virus and also the schools can properly prepare.

LaurieFairyCake · 17/05/2020 22:28

Perhaps they could plan by:

take over some public buildings like halls as schools aren't big enough to distance

Build plexiglass screens round desks

Invest in individual computers at desks for learning

Invest in buses to bring children to school so they travel on public transport

Prepare by BUYING A FUCK TON OF MASKS AND PPE (not for teachers/staff but to build up a stock for the winter rise)

And a MILLION other things that smarter people than me can think of but basically PREPARE LIKE FUCK FIRST

Bubbletwix · 17/05/2020 22:21

Lots of people will be staring personal financial ruin in the face, including losing their home, job and savings. The weather will be turning. They’ll have finally had enough family time. They’ll have grown used to the virus and the deaths and hospitalisations won’t seem so shocking. The news cycle will have moved on to the wreckage left of the economy instead of live blogging every death. Our children’s mental health and socialising will be down the toilet. People will thus start to focus on their actual personal risk (low for most people young enough to have small children) and what all this altruistic “if it saves lives lockdown worth it” is really costing them and their children. People will be more ready to learn to live with the virus.

pipnchops · 17/05/2020 22:13

I imagine nobody has an answer because nobody has a crystal ball.

Harpingon · 17/05/2020 22:12

I have a feeling schools will be part time in September for most students or social distancing will have been abandoned.

Randomnessembraced · 17/05/2020 20:51

Children going back 1st June will be tested for the virus if they display symptoms. This should hopefully give us data as to how likely they spread it to their bubble group, their teachers and parents. If children turn out not to be super spreaders that will help. Hopefully by September we will have reliable antibody testing too. In my area (outer London) so so many people were coughing just before lockdown. Eton is not going back because it is 13 plus and a boarding school with lots of international pupils. Local independent schools that offer primary will be back. Many doctors and nurses and other key workers have had no choice but to send their children to school throughout this whole time. If a child is not vulnerable/has vulnerable family members but decides not to go back the government/school is arguably under no duty to provide any home learning/support to said child.

lljkk · 17/05/2020 20:41

What have we learnt since March that tells us confidently what to do now?

scaevola · 17/05/2020 19:31

There have been quite a lot of threads asked no what will be different in September

  • the proper resources for test, track and trace might be in place and working properly
  • several months more research into the virus, its transmission chains and how to break them
  • the chance to learn more from other countries as they lift their lockdowns too
  • collection and analysis of how our R0 altered during the early changes to restrictions
  • better information, based on the newly approved test, on what proportion of the population have had it
  • more research into treatments (eg does plans treatment work?)
Foobydoo · 17/05/2020 19:12

Things may not be different in September but June 1 is far too rushed.
Our numbers are far too high at the moment and no adequate track and trace in place.
This time could have been spent on consultation with heads and unions and risk assessments.
Proper planning to work out how best to reopen to non-keyworker children safely.
And even then a slow careful reopening would be needed.
Eton and other private schools are not reopening until September, why is it ok for state schools?

porktangle · 17/05/2020 19:11

I should imagine there will be more information about the virus etc but in terms of practicalities in school that teachers are currently grappling with - nothing.

All the measures will still be needed, there won't be full time education for all and most learning will still need to be done at home.

bluebeck · 17/05/2020 19:09

Possibly nothing.

Why do you think schools will be fully re open in September? Confused

Qasd · 17/05/2020 19:03

Nothing, well infection rate will probably be higher as other things like restaurants will have opened up (although on a limited basis).

In reality I think we are looking at remote learning for at least some of the time for the forseable..I know they have admitted as much re Scotland

Mrsfussypants1 · 17/05/2020 19:02

Our daughter has chosen not to send our almost 4yr old granddaughter back, for many of the reasons outlined above. No hysteria involved but careful thought. She is due to start school in September and will be one of the youngest in her year ( Perhaps by then people will be forced to send children to school). Shes a very tactile child who is most probable going to be taught to be the opposite at school, if she falls at school who will comfort her? Will she spend the day being told keep away from your friend? Besides, mum probably wont be able to go back to work as I do the drop off and pick up from school mondays and Tuesdays as I dont work those days and she is with me till 6pm on those days and we aren't allowed to mix households yet. Afterschool club or childminder is not on the table so i think daughter will have to give up work and it will just be son in laws wage coming in to the house. I do wonder how other parents who rely on a grandparent to do the school run, especially hard for single parents having to go back to work. Have to add I'm a young grandparent, fit, active with no underlying health conditions.

Time2change2 · 17/05/2020 18:47

I honestly don’t think things will be drastically different in September. Numbers I pray will have dropped down but I suspect they will be up and down for a while.
I think what will have changed will be people’s attitudes. Many people seem to be mentally bracing themselves for a September return. I really do wonder what people’s reactions will be when we get there and they realise that it’s still ‘not safe’
No vaccine by then. Highly unlikely any effective treatments either. Maybe we will have learned more but maybe not. People keep saying ‘we have learned so much in two months’ Really? Because I haven’t heard anything earth shattering. Everyone including our government still seems clueless.
No scientist or government is going to announce in September ta da! It’s all safe- no risk to you, crack on! People not sending children back now are gong to face the same dilemma in September


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RubieRose · 17/05/2020 18:37

-Better understanding of the virus.
-Maybe a lower rate of infection.
-Longer for schools to organise themselves and be ready for more children.

  • My YR child will have longer to learn through play at home, before possibly being made to sit at a desk all day at school.
  • And selfishly I get to see the outcome for the children who go back first. Will it increase the rate of infection? Will they and their families get sick? Will the teachers get sick?

I do think it's up to individuals to do what they think is best for them. I'm sick of hearing that people choosing not to send their kids bay are being 'hysterical', honestly just do want you want.

I am a teacher and will be at school regardless , my children will not.
Cyberworrier · 17/05/2020 18:28

By September hopefully the government will have a track and trace system in place and there will be a lower rate of infection- that is what we need to be in a closer position to countries who have had less deaths. We could also learn from other country’s ahead of us how to open schools safely and what does and doesn’t work. There will need to be a balance between childcare and education as it will be impossible for teachers to provide full time learning at school and also provide work for those who are shielding.
Time for the government to come to an agreement with schools and the BMA (doctors) as to how it can be done safely. More speed less haste.

Greendayz · 17/05/2020 18:24

Hopefully other countries will have shown that it's possible to keep schools open without infections spreading rapidly, so the government will be able to be firmer with the unions. At present they're asking for proof that it's safe, and the evidence isn't so clear yet.

Plus everyone will be feeling more strongly that kids need to get back to school, and employers will be less tolerant of staff unable to work because of childcare problems. And maybe some better treatments for Covid19 so that the risks of catching it are lower.

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