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Isn't the solution everyone in N95 masks?

99 replies

Miljea · 14/05/2020 01:05

Just thinking....

I don't know what the transmission rate of viruses from N95 mask wearers is; I assume it's low. Am prepared for correction, here!

But, what about, instead of 'lockdown until vaccine' (whenever that might be) mass production, fit-testing and mandatory wearing of such masks for those able to do so?

It's not a great 'new normal', but surely possibly more effective than acrylic barriers?

OP posts:
bellinisurge · 16/05/2020 15:13

Do you seriously think - given the "common sense" shown by a lot of people- that setting up a decontamination zone at the front door in every home is realistic?

KaptenKrusty · 16/05/2020 15:22

Lolz at this - I see people out and about with loose masks and they pull them down on their chins and then pull them up when they enter a shop with contaminated hands! They also seem to think plastic gloves make them safe - bring in compulsory mask wearing and it will be useless as most people will fuck it anyway 😂

bellinisurge · 16/05/2020 15:26

Which is why we need a public information film on proper use.

oralengineer · 16/05/2020 15:40

Taken from a professional forum where without our normal PPE we will be unable to return to work.
The main problem with all these masks is that the corona virus diameter is 0.065 microns.
This is why visors and goggles are necessary.

Isn't the solution everyone in N95 masks?
PestymcPestFace · 16/05/2020 18:58

The Czech Republic made a public information film

Gwenhwyfar · 17/05/2020 10:34

"I see people out and about with loose masks and they pull them down on their chins and then pull them up when they enter a shop with contaminated hands! "

How do you know their hands are contaminated? My external door is sometimes left open as the neighbours are nearby so I don't have to touch the handle to go out then I avoid touching my mouth and nose. This means my hands are clean when I reach the supermarket. If I do have to touch the door handle, I sanitise my hands before going into the supermarket.

Gwenhwyfar · 17/05/2020 10:35

"They also seem to think plastic gloves make them safe "

I think they make you less likely to touch your face so I think they might help, yes.

Iwantacookie · 17/05/2020 10:39

OP I completely agree.
I've seen them for sale on Amazon etc but when theres a shortage of ppe I just couldnt bring myself to purchase them.
I've brought a cloth mask and will be using later when going shopping so I will see how I get on.

Gwenhwyfar · 17/05/2020 10:44

I agree Iwant. The public should not be buying N95 or FFP2/3 at the moment.
I've got a snood that I've just recently given up on so I'd welcome recommendations for reasonably-priced basic masks, either a reusable one or a pack of disposable ones and preferably that wouldn't take a month to be delivered from Amazon.

WarmFunKindStrong · 17/05/2020 11:11

No it isn't re: original question.

It is a combination of approaches/strategies, including: staying indoors and away from others as much as possible, keeping your distance when out and about, regular and thorough hand washing, and wearing a face covering when unable to maintain social distance, for example in shops, and on public transport.

It seems almost as though a top trumps approaches of avoiding infection is the only route deemed reasonable/acceptable.

The reality is the proven ways of avoiding Covid infection are low cost and readily available/know.

Miljea · 18/05/2020 19:21

bellini you socially distance as well as wear the mask, thus the likelihood of a non-symptomatic carrier infecting you through your eyes is low. But if we were all wearing N95/FFP3 masks, our chances of transmitting CV19 would be further reduced.

OP posts:
Miljea · 18/05/2020 19:22

We don't have public information films because there isn't enough 'proper' PPE to go around.

A PIF will cause more panic buying of masks.

OP posts:
PinkSparklyPussyCat · 18/05/2020 20:01

Do you seriously think - given the "common sense" shown by a lot of people- that setting up a decontamination zone at the front door in every home is realistic?

Definitely not here, we’ve no room. No porch and the hall is the width of the front door and also houses our booze stash!

Hagisonthehill · 21/05/2020 12:48

I have a cloth mask on standby incase wearing them becomes compulsory,I will not be wearing one out of work otherwise.
I think the single most important thing people can do is handwashing for the full 2 renditions of happy birthday at least 6 times a day.Gel in-between.
For ffp3 masks to work at all everyone must be free of facial hair and you need fit testing,they don't fit a lot of women.At work most of us now wear the reusable rubber masks with filters used by the construction industry.
My problem with gloves is that you still need to wash your hands afterwards,,(not gel),in a non clinical setting that probably means you don't need the gloves.

Miljea · 21/05/2020 19:34

So, wear an ordinary cotton mask as being mass produced all over the country right now. The Czech PIF demonstrated that.

If Fit Testing is too difficult, those that have been should wear N95 masks; others wear 'surgeons masks' aka the cotton ones.

OP posts:
Miljea · 21/05/2020 19:36

Hand washing is good, but that only works because we are constantly touching our faces! If we could break that habit- and, believe me, wearing a mask, either 'surgeons' or FFP3/N95 soon gets you into better habits!

OP posts:
BirdieFriendReturns · 21/05/2020 19:43

However, the situation has been named a ‘catch 22’ for those with lung conditions, as using a face mask could make it harder to breathe and risk their health.

This advice has been supported by Asthma UK which agrees that face coverings could make it more difficult to draw air into the lungs.

justforthecake · 21/05/2020 19:51

Judging from the amount of people who can't wear a surgical mask correctly it would be pointless

PestymcPestFace · 21/05/2020 20:20

The advice from Asthma UK

Jessica Kirby, Head of Health Advice at Asthma UK said: " In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the governments are now recommending that people wear a face covering in enclosed spaces, where social distancing may not be possible and you may come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. Face masks are not currently recommended in Wales.

“For some people with asthma, wearing a face covering might not be easy. It could make it feel harder to breathe. The UK government has advised that people with respiratory conditions don’t need to wear face coverings, so if you are finding it hard, then don’t wear one. If you’re comfortable to wear a face covering, please use a cloth or home-made one, not a medical type face mask.

Very similar from the British Lung Foundation, wear a face covering if you are comfortable, for those times you can't social distance.

PinkSparklyPussyCat · 21/05/2020 21:09

If we could break that habit- and, believe me, wearing a mask, either 'surgeons' or FFP3/N95 soon gets you into better habits!

As someone that hates anything on my face I can guarantee I will be touching a mask, especially a tight one, more than I would normally touch my face as I'd be wanting to rip it off.

Gwenhwyfar · 22/05/2020 15:13

Yes, with my mask/snood, I was constantly fiddling. At least I was touching the outside and not the inside, but still it's not good. Might be better if I find something comfortable and that fits perfectly.

Miljea · 04/06/2020 23:17

Or you work hard at not constantly fiddling?

Leave it alone.

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Inkpaperstars · 05/06/2020 10:19

@oralengineer so am I reading it right that none of the masks on the image you link can work in filtering this virus?

pigoons · 05/06/2020 10:22

Oh FFS -all rationality has left the building. Seriously N95 masks for children?

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