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The phrase “social distancing” is a load of crap.....It should be physical distancing

15 replies

ACautionaryTale · 09/05/2020 10:06

social distancing implies cutting yourself off from your friends and family completely. No telephone calls, no WhatsApp etc

It also implies that it’s ok not to be distant if it’s not for social reasons.

Surely the correct term is physical distancing - staying physically away from people where possible regardless of the setting

I’d like to take whoever coined the phrase out, stand them against a wall and shoot them

OP posts:
BriefDisaster · 09/05/2020 18:45


Hahaha was this before or after the disgraced CMO was advising the nation on this? The one that they insisted they needed to keep in the role before admitting (too late) it was simply not credible to do so.

I was referring to the actual words they are using in briefings, not their behaviour, so don't see the point of this at all.

Social distancing does seem to imply that you can't even talk to people. Physical distancing is much better.

Keepdistance · 09/05/2020 18:33

Or 'stay out of enclosed spaces especially with other people in them, avoid air con/shared toilets'
So public transport

Comefromaway · 09/05/2020 17:29

I think physical distancing should have been used.

I did wonder if social was meant to give exemptions for work/essential care reasons.

Inkpaperstars · 09/05/2020 17:27

Physical distancing is much better phrase, call it what it is.

helpfulperson · 09/05/2020 16:31

Certainly in Scotland there is a move to referring to physical distancing.

Boireannachlaidir · 09/05/2020 16:31

I notice a shift to this phrasing from the Scottish Government not sure about UK though.

Hahaha was this before or after the disgraced CMO was advising the nation on this? The one that they insisted they needed to keep in the role before admitting (too late) it was simply not credible to do so.

EffieIsATrinket · 09/05/2020 16:23
Keepdistance · 09/05/2020 16:06

I think the shielding/vulneris beause there was one list that then became shielding and vulnerable
But vulnerable still says
Keep in where possible
Wfh where possible
Social distancing.
Basically you may be ### if you catch it
Also do people who already have health issues want to make them worse. So for an asthmatic well they may not die but who wants their lungs further damaged plus heart!

Keepdistance · 09/05/2020 16:03

Enraged - whst do you think will be decided? I would go with 3 maybe 2 depending on how it all looks.

What are they saying in canada re children transmitting it to each other or adults?

Our decisions seem to be based on the (false) assumption that kids don t spread it.

SauvignonBlanche · 09/05/2020 16:01

Shielding is another confusing term

God yes! The number of staff I’ve had tell me that they, their DCs or DH are shielding is incredible, a few quick questions shows that they’re not, though might be vulnerable.

nettie434 · 09/05/2020 15:56

Completely agree acautionarytale. The simpler the language, the easier it is for the message to get through. Shielding is another confusing term.

enragedpenfold · 09/05/2020 15:54

(I also work in education in a specialist sector. We won’t have face to face students until at least January.)

enragedpenfold · 09/05/2020 15:53

It ‘is’ physical distancing in lots of countries.
Also - education in ‘Canada’ is a provincial matter, not federal. Each province will be deciding their own re-opening rules, in exactly the same way that they decided if/ when to shut down.
For example, this morning I received an email about the three scenarios our province is considering:
1- re-open completely as normal in Fall
2- re-open with some restrictions in Fall
3- continue teacher directed online learning in Fall
Scenario based planning is what everyone (who has half a brain cell) is doing. Lots of provinces are waiting to see what happens in terms of a second wave in the provinces that are already starting their re-open plan.
Anyone that claims there is one document detailing prison-like school conditions that will be implemented for ‘Canada’ misunderstands.

Davidjh · 09/05/2020 15:45

I'm extremely worried about the World our kids are going to grow up in, Not because of Clovid 19 ( Because virtually no healthy children have died from it) , But the implementations of it. Forced vaccinations etc and this is video describes a document proposed for schools in Canada, Which makes it seem more like a prison than a school 😢

BriefDisaster · 09/05/2020 10:17

I notice a shift to this phrasing from the Scottish Government not sure about UK though.

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