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New Zealand has eliminated coronavirus

282 replies

Porpoises · 27/04/2020 19:33

I keep seeing posters saying "well we'll all have to catch it sooner or later". It's not true. If the government had the political will and competence, they could pursue an elimination goal.

New Zealand has eliminated coronavirus, no new cases today. They locked down early, semi-closed their borders and are aggressively testing, tracking and isolating people exposed. This means they can ease lockdown with everyone safe. They will obviously have to be vigilant in case they have missed cases, but it looks like they will succeed in getting coronavirus free.

Wish I could emigrate - but for obvious reasons they're not accepting visitors right now!


OP posts:
lavenderbongo · 27/04/2020 21:57

eaglejulesk - thanks 😊 I didn’t mean to come across as smug.
I just find it frustrating that my family, who all live in the UK, are facing risks and dangers that could have been avoided.
I appreciate that NZ has a very different population density and geographic location and economy that then UK. But quite a few other countries have done way better than the UK at containing and in some cases eliminating the virus.
A number of my relatives are Doctors and Nurses in the NHS. It is terrifying and upsetting listening to some of the situations they have had to deal with. I don’t think the UK government should get away with the appalling way In which they have dealt with this situation.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 22:00

But quite a few other countries have done way better than the UK at containing and in some cases eliminating the virus.

What do you think of Sweden's approach?

2outof3Mightbebad · 27/04/2020 22:00

Umm, NZ did nothing really but Frodo and his supporters went on a tortuous quest and then he threw the one ring into Mount Doom which sorted everything out.


Not everywhere can do that. We've got Brexit and monitoring neighbours for 'breaking the rules' and other important shit to do.

lavenderbongo · 27/04/2020 22:04

I don’t know much about Sweden’s approach. I believe it’s essentially survival of the fittest? They have taken limited or very few actions?
Sounds a bit scary to me.

DDemelza · 27/04/2020 22:05

so is a massive psychological achievement.

It isn't an achievement as such as the borders are closed and people have no choice. Families have been torn apart and untold thousands of out-of-work immigrant workers (who can't claim benefits) are now descending into extreme hardship. I am a Kiwi who now can't go home and if I could, I would be forced to quarantine and subsequently wouldn't be able to see my elderly mother or at-risk brothers, anyway.

I also feel it is too soon to say it's been eliminated. A new cluster was discovered just last week IIRC.

And even if it is, I think it's daft to use the word "success story." The country is in lockdown- and almost everything is shut. The borders are closed, which is set bring the country into financial ruin. It is so dependent on 1) tourism and 2) foreign labour for agriculture.

We're screwed.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 22:08

Sweden have taken a similar approach to the UK - remain open as long as possible in order to reduce economic damage and therefore the incidental (though very significant) damage and deaths indirectly caused by lockdown.

FliesandPies · 27/04/2020 22:12

why do we need to know that you would never want to live in NZ?

OP said they wished they could emigrate there. Sorry if I touched a nerve..Grin

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 22:13

We're screwed.

Well yes, total fuckage, obviously. But surely we can name the bravery whilst we lament the destruction? Those people are effectively stranding themselves in the hope of saving that country. The fuck would I want to be there right now but, psychologically, that's courage.

Cherryblossomsnow · 27/04/2020 22:18

@theclitterati ha ha ha that really made me laugh! My non kiwi husband almost took an apple in once before I warned him! 😂

Bflatmajorsharp · 27/04/2020 22:19

I think the main story from NZ isn't whether they've eliminated CV19 (for now) but how extraordinarily competently Jacinda Ardern had led.

She clearly understood and communicated what people needed to know - her description of 'bubbles' was the most sensible and clear explanation of social distancing from any world leader.

She had the knowledge and confidence to address her country every day. Compare that to the dismal waffle from a range of equally impersonal and incompetent ministers we've had in the UK.

Her and her ministers have taken a 20% pay cut for 6 months, I believe.

It's obviously not game over, for all the reasons mentioned up thread.

But was I in NZ, I would feel in very much safer hands than here in the UK.

hopsalong · 27/04/2020 22:22

Good for them... but as other posters have said... it's New Zealand. There's a reason (very far away from most of the rest of the world and very empty) that it's been in the Doomsday bolthole plans of the international rich since the 80s....

DDemelza · 27/04/2020 22:28

Her and her ministers have taken a 20% pay cut for 6 months, I believe.

Also known as a 10% pay cut.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 22:29

that it's been in the Doomsday bolthole plans of the international rich since the 80s....

Pitcairn was far away too and as a bolt hole it was absolutely shite. 😂

In a true catastrophe, the uber wealthy would likely be run off when they attempted to wrest their Kiwi bolt holes from the year round inhabitants...

EnthusiasmIsDisturbed · 27/04/2020 22:30

I think it’s really positive news

But a totally different country they got things right that suited NZ it’s not an international hub, small population low population density

As for their exports Flight of the Concords has been missed off Shock

Steve told me to add that Grin

DDemelza · 27/04/2020 22:34

Steve 😡

What kind of rapper name is that? 🤬

Cherryblossomsnow · 27/04/2020 22:36

On a very serious note. As a kiwi Living overseas in a hotspot I currently stand no hope of going able to go home for quite some time (lack of flights, the expense, quarantine with a child - it's just not going to happen for a long time). I cried about it a few weeks ago and since then have blocked the thought out (to cope really). If I need to get to family in a rush I can't and that's a very very sobering thought. On the flip slide I suspect my normally cool and calm family are very worried about me right now. I am being contacted constantly by friends and family who think I am doomed (that's sort of a joke). It's sort of like people think there's a chance I will die and are reaching out to me which is a strange place to be in. It's very emotional but I am glad they are safe.

bruffin · 27/04/2020 22:39

The population of NZ is less than half of that in London, and a lot more spread out
More people get on the tube in London a day than the whole population of NZ which has more land mass than the UK.
I love NZ but you cant compare how the virus affects both countries

EnthusiasmIsDisturbed · 27/04/2020 22:40

Be more constructive with your feedback
please !

Wonders off to find my FOTC dvd


PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 22:43

I cried about it a few weeks ago and since then have blocked the thought out

I've done exactly the same, tallying up all the elderly family members I may very well never see again. It's awful. You just have to get up and keep going right? Nothing else for it.

EnthusiasmIsDisturbed · 27/04/2020 22:43

Aww it’s rubbish Cherryblossomsnow

My ds won’t see his dad for sometime when who knows

I won’t see my dad, brother and sister and nieces and nephews we were due to see them in July

My friend can’t visit her dying dad Sad

Lefters · 27/04/2020 22:44

4 million people in the size of a country a little bigger than the UK. They have done a good job but it really is like comparing apples with oranges. Quite apart from the fact that most people there have a lot more personal space to live in, so the lockdown wouldn’t be comparable to the experience of many people here.

Bowerbird5 · 27/04/2020 22:46

They have been very strict there. They are in Level 4 and are moving to Level 3 which means that some people will be able to go back to work. My daughter and partner are able to move once from where they are staying which they are going to do because they have been in an Airbnb which was expensive for what they got.

It was clear what was required. Unfortunately here some people are flouting the rules whereas people there seemed to be following them.


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NaturalBornWoman · 27/04/2020 22:46

Those people are effectively stranding themselves in the hope of saving that country. The fuck would I want to be there right now but, psychologically, that's courage.

They haven’t chosen it, they haven’t stranded themselves.

Thesispieces · 27/04/2020 22:47

Very unlikely. Just very low community transmission.

Cherryblossomsnow · 27/04/2020 22:51

@PicsInRed that's right. We just have to get on with things xx

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