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New Zealand has eliminated coronavirus

282 replies

Porpoises · 27/04/2020 19:33

I keep seeing posters saying "well we'll all have to catch it sooner or later". It's not true. If the government had the political will and competence, they could pursue an elimination goal.

New Zealand has eliminated coronavirus, no new cases today. They locked down early, semi-closed their borders and are aggressively testing, tracking and isolating people exposed. This means they can ease lockdown with everyone safe. They will obviously have to be vigilant in case they have missed cases, but it looks like they will succeed in getting coronavirus free.

Wish I could emigrate - but for obvious reasons they're not accepting visitors right now!


OP posts:
Tr1skel1on · 27/04/2020 21:18

I live on a small island, we have had 1 new case in the last 6 days. Our borders have been closed for a while and I hope it continues.

I hope that our, normally incompetent, local politicians continue to follow the NZ model. We have the same climate and rural industries.

CaroleFuckinBaskin · 27/04/2020 21:25

It appears that the WHO has warned that there is no evidence that you immunity occurs after infection from Covid-19.

People seem to be mistaking this as the WHO saying you are not immune after Covid. Its not, its saying that studies into it have not been carried out yet. They are still studying the antibodies.

They have said this because they don't want govts issuing 'immunity passports' when it's not been proven that infection leads to immunity.

CaroleFuckinBaskin · 27/04/2020 21:26

This is semantics. They have to say this because they can't prove the opposite


But people are taking is as 'you are not immune after Covid'!

TheClitterati · 27/04/2020 21:27

Bloody well done nz!

Don't forget though nz has a population of about 4.5 million in a county bigger than uk. Social distancing much easier there.

It's also geographically isolated- over 2 hours flight to get anywhere.

LaurieMarlow · 27/04/2020 21:28

Not to take away from it, because Arden has done a stellar job, but closing down NZ is a piece of piss compared to closing down the UK.

I hope they manage to maintain their status.

TheClitterati · 27/04/2020 21:31

If Vit D us playing a role,nz & Oz are just ending summer so Vit D levels in the population are likely to be high.

Contrast with Europe with low Vit d levels at end of winter.

TheClitterati · 27/04/2020 21:34

I once tried to enter nz with an orange (complete accident). Let's just say I'll never do that again.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 21:34

closing down NZ is a piece of piss compared to closing down the UK.

In a physical sense, yes, but NZ being a nation with so many Kiwis (and foreign family) abroad, closure means an enormous proportion of the country will be totally cut off from at least one, probably multiple close family members and for an indefinite period of time. That requires massive buy in from the population, so is a massive psychological achievement.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 21:35

Let's just say I'll never do that again.


FliesandPies · 27/04/2020 21:36

Firstly - incorrect to say they have 'eliminated' the virus
Secondly - too early to determine if other cases will occur there
Thirdly - Can't compare between countries, each one is different
Fourthly - I wouldn't want to live there, always seems incredibly dull to me

TattyDevine · 27/04/2020 21:36

Interesting point about vit d though I wonder if a less closely populated situation may skew the analysis. It's just spacious and airy in a way that most of the eu can only dream of. Except for some of the bigger beaches on a sunny day which are still outdoors and sunny.

I hope the Southern Hemisphere keep their status but without lecturing us. My mother, love her guts, is boasting of their status whilst whinging about their lockdown whilst moaning that we shut down too late 🤷‍♀️

TheClitterati · 27/04/2020 21:36

NZ'ers can go to
Nz but have to self isolate for 2 weeks.

eaglejulesk · 27/04/2020 21:37

@TattyDevine - you may be a "sort of kiwi", but you obviously know nothing about the economy!!!

@lavenderbongo - great post

TattyDevine · 27/04/2020 21:38

Thanks Eagle, I'll tell my solicitor she accountant 😂

Kalifa · 27/04/2020 21:38

Of course NZ has eliminated coronavirus. It’s at the back of beyond, isolated and hardly anyone lives there. I am happy for them btw.

shinebrightlikea · 27/04/2020 21:39

@eaglejulesk are you from NZ by any chance?

A small and spread out population is very easy to control the spread.

@PicsInRed it's had a psychological impact in the UK too - and everywhere.

TattyDevine · 27/04/2020 21:39

*and accountant

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 21:42


True, but it's 2 weeks in a govt facility (rather than with family) so isn't really practical when you have a child ...and add another 2 weeks quarantine on return to the UK. 😉

Tbh, 2 weeks by myself in a wee hotel room would do my head enough without adding kids to the mix.

Kiwis who bring small children home to NZ for Christmas this year and do the 2 weeks ... they will be the true heroes. 😢😂

TheGreatWave · 27/04/2020 21:44

There also needs to be studies in the differences between northern and southern hemisphere countries, does vitamin D play a role? Is there other factors at play? There is differences in disease prevalence, so this might be the same (MS for example)

It is too early to say what the reasons are for it being (as it stands) eliminated.

eaglejulesk · 27/04/2020 21:44

@FliesandPies - why do we need to know that you would never want to live in NZ? I'm sure many people here don't want to live in the overcrowded UK, where you seem to have some rather antiquated ways, but we don't feel the need to broadcast it to all and sundry. Presumably most people live in a country because they like the lifestyle - it suits us and we don't actually care whether you want to live here or not.

PicsInRed · 27/04/2020 21:46

it's had a psychological impact in the UK too - and everywhere.

Well obviously, I meant particularly as this will be an indefinite physical estrangement from family, potentially years rather than months.

Don't fear, I'm not suggesting Kiwis are special cupcakes.

TheClitterati · 27/04/2020 21:46

@PicsInRed yeah I'll be avoiding that for the foreseeable future


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Northernsoullover · 27/04/2020 21:47

They have backed themselves into a corner really. I'm really pleased for them obviously but what the heck will they do now?

JustOneSquareofDarkChocolate · 27/04/2020 21:49

Living in Uk for nearly two decades, have always taken for granted I can go back home to Nz every year - sometimes more than once a year for special occasions (or sad ones like funerals or saying goodbye to ill relatives). I can’t get my head around the fact that I might not be able to go back until a vaccine is found as I can’t contemplate 2 weeks isolation in an airport hotel when I usually only go back for 3 week max. I can’t be away from my job/kids that long (no way would I stay in an airport hotel for two weeks with two kids with just 45 mins fresh air in the car park every day!!!)

Staticelle · 27/04/2020 21:49

There are some things such as the geography and population density that have been on their side, but their government does seem to have done a great job, with transparency of the next stages too. Obviously no one really knows what will happen, and as soon as their borders reopen they are likely to have new cases; but they are in a very good place right now. Germany has done well too, both led by women hmmm Wink

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