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Would you be one of the 500? Vaccine

76 replies

RigaBalsam · 21/04/2020 17:55

Human trials are to start this week. I am
thankful to these people.

I don't know if I could myself. Maybe when i was younger.

Bet they are not paid that much either.

OP posts:
PinkSparklyPussyCat · 21/04/2020 19:06

No way. It'll be traumatic enough for me to have the vaccine as I'm terrified of needles and don't have any blood tests or injections unless it's life or death. There's no way I'd be offering myself up as a guinea pig!

LaurieFairyCake · 21/04/2020 19:09

I don't understand this at all Confused

There are THREE types of Covid 19 circling the globe - is the vaccine for all 3?

I had last years flu shot - it had 4 different types of flu in it and it still doesn't prevent you from getting all flu

Useruseruserusee · 21/04/2020 19:09

I would, yes. But I have had a few blood transfusions after having DC1 so I doubt they would allow me.

Bessica1970 · 21/04/2020 19:24

Absolutely I would. The basic bit will be the same as previous vaccines (which will be how it got this far so quickly) so those parts will be known to be safe - the only different bit will be the antigen part (which is on the virus anyway) so no worse than having COVID in you - but obviously without the symptoms because it will be inactive virus antigen.

I wouldn’t be a good candidate though because I have multiple conditions and shielding. If it meant I could go back to work though I’d jump at it.

Bessica1970 · 21/04/2020 19:27

As long as the 3 types of COVID have a common surface protein they should be able to use it for all three types.

Eeyoresstickhouse · 21/04/2020 19:27

I looked into the Southampton trial and I am sadly just out of catchment. I would of signed up.

elaeocarpus · 21/04/2020 19:27

Yes, I registered but not selected - they were apparently overwhelmed with people registering. I want an end to this, so happy to play a part.

Eeyoresstickhouse · 21/04/2020 19:28

That is the link if people do live in the SO or PO postcode areas and want to sign up.

GCAcademic · 21/04/2020 19:28

I would. Once our university campus reopens and I'm back teaching I'd imagine the chances of my getting the virus are high. I'd rather take my chances with the vaccine trial.

Eeyoresstickhouse · 21/04/2020 19:29

I have just seen that they are also looking for volunteers in the Bristol area and also parts of london (mainly N, NW and SW postcodes)

Whatsthis1515 · 21/04/2020 19:32

I would

Hearhoovesthinkzebras · 21/04/2020 19:33

Not a chance.

Sunshinegirl82 · 21/04/2020 19:35


If this link works I found it an interesting explanation

SpeedofaSloth · 21/04/2020 19:37

Yes, probably.

Millicent10 · 21/04/2020 19:38

I remember reading that they only use men in these trials because they cannot risk the chance that a woman could accidentally become pregnant and they harm the fetus.

SquishySquirmy · 21/04/2020 19:38

I wouldn't take part in the initial trials to see if the vaccine itself is safe.
I would consider taking part in a trial where the vaccine had already been tested for safety and where I would be deliberately exposed to the virus.

Simply because even if the vaccine didn't work and I caught Covid, I would be under close medical care when I caught it. So if my mild symptoms became worrying, I would hope that this would be spotted quickly and I would be treated appropriately. This would give me the highest possible chance of survival, and I would then (probably) have immunity.

Whereas if (or when) I catch it "in the wild" I know I will be left to deal with mild to moderate symptoms on my own, and if my symptoms worsen there is an a considerable risk that treatment will come too late.

ScarfLadysBag · 21/04/2020 19:38

I would have pre-DD. I don't feel it's responsible to do it now. But if I wasn't a parent, I probably would have. Especially as pre-pregnancy and in my youth I thought I was invincible Grin

Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 19:40

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bodgeitandscarper · 21/04/2020 19:41

I would.

REdReDRE · 21/04/2020 19:42

Yes I would - I read the recruitment info but required too many trips on about an hour's journey away to make it feasible. I've don't medical studies before.

Eeyoresstickhouse · 21/04/2020 19:44

@Smilethoyourheartisbreaking it's on the same link I posted.

frugalkitty · 21/04/2020 19:45

My local uni are involved in this, if I remember it right participants get paid £235. I read the info, it was quite detailed and broke down how the trial will work, groups etc.


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Smilethoyourheartisbreaking · 21/04/2020 19:45

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Bimbleberries · 21/04/2020 19:45

they specify in the application that women of childbearing age must use contraception.

they also say that if you do get Covid, you will be treated with usual NHS referral routes, and no special treatment

Springcatkin · 21/04/2020 19:46

I'm in the north west so none here yet then

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