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What routines have you got into during lockdown?

58 replies

C1239 · 16/04/2020 20:12

Just that really, just wondering what routines people have got into during lockdown now we are 3 weeks in? What’s the best bits of your day? Anything you are enjoying that you didn’t think you would?

OP posts:
sproutsandparsnips · 16/04/2020 22:42

Drunk too much
Go to work in nhs shifts but bizarre other wordly experience......
Have quiz with dc after tea
Do some form of workout after rising each morning and feel inadequate
Check coronavirus figures on worldometers
Go out for once daily exercise
Learn Welsh properly

May take up duolingo to brush up on French and Italian. Is it good?

Lucienandjean · 16/04/2020 22:43

Get up late
Make breakfast
Read, crochet, watch Netflix (while DH works)
Make lunch
Housework, gardening
Walk / cycle ride
Watch 5pm press conference. Mutter about whatever they say.
Cook dinner
Zoom friends, phone Mum
Drink wine, eat cheese

Cat0115 · 16/04/2020 22:43

PE with Joe. (with Dh, Dd11 and ds3).
Walk dogs in Wood behind our house (nobody else goes in)
During term time teach/supervise work via email 10 to 3 online while my children do work until 2ish.
They do chores to earn screen time after 2
We all eat late lunch together (I prep this)
I garden, read, organise etc from 3 while listening to Audible, children play or use screen time
DH does dinner
Family film

Aaand. repeat!

greytminds · 16/04/2020 22:43

I want to trade with some of you!!
Our routine consists of getting up between 5.30-6.30am with 2 year old. Working between 7-8am then swapping with DH to do childcare and so on until lunchtime, when we all eat together and go for our daily dog walk so DD can nap. Best part of the day. Then working/childcare until 5pm. Cooking, tidying, cleaning, bathtime, bedtime and then more work in front of the TV then bed. No down time at ALL. I know it could be worse but it’s a constant grinding juggle and lots of toddler tears and tantrums in the mix. Feel like a crap employee and crap parent and desperate for some time to myself!

Dontsayyouloveme · 16/04/2020 22:43

Having a healthy breakfast followed very shortly after... talking 30 mins, by a boost bar and another type of chocolate bar! Not good... 🙈

puppymouse · 16/04/2020 22:48

Our days are very routine. Similar pattern each week. Always eat as a family for dinner which is nice as we don't normally.

DD is doing a wake and shake with her friend next door on their respective trampolines (low fence)

And DH and I always watch a film together.

Rollergirl11 · 16/04/2020 22:50

Getting up and making myself a coffee that I’m taking back to bed with me as we all sleeping in later in lockdown.
Going for a run or doing some HIIT sessions on YouTube with DD between 4 and 5pm weekdays.

justasking111 · 16/04/2020 22:55

I cannot drink in the evening, hot flushes at night, so my wine is at lunch time with a really nice salad.

Every other day I clean down door knobs, light switches in the morning, it makes me feel better.

Lots of reading, try to avoid news. Time in the garden is lovely at the moment.

Trying not to think ahead too much just live each day as it comes.

Samtsirch · 16/04/2020 23:03

You can join my club

pumpkinpie01 · 16/04/2020 23:03

I'm in a nice little routine me and ds6 have breakfast , plan what we want to do in the day he writes it down and the plan runs to about 1.30 .I think he needs a bit of structure as he doesn't really play by himself. Today was sit outside and make a magnet rod then played with magnets in the paddling pool, maths work set by his school , then David walliams story . He then facetimes his friend while I do jobs , then lunch. It's working well 😀

Duffy888 · 16/04/2020 23:06

Running 3 miles every day
Drinking every night
Thursday night online quiz
5pm briefing

Icanflyhigh · 16/04/2020 23:07

I think I could be much more certain if I were to tell you which routines have gone completely out the window!

WhatWouldTheDoctorDo · 16/04/2020 23:09

Sleeping later in the morning - it's going to be a nightmare getting up for work when I'm allowed to go back to the office!

DC are techically on Easter hols, so everything is a bit topsy turvy still, but hoping to get into more of a routine next week.

Poppybeaumydarlinggirl · 16/04/2020 23:14

No routine get up late go to bed late feel shit

Armi · 16/04/2020 23:17

PE with Joe. The man irritates me beyond measure, but because of him we are up, dressed and ready for the day at 9, instead of lying in bed crying about how terrible things are. I shout at him for about 25 minutes because he talks such shite, but then I am sometimes ridiculously moved by his ability to be silly to amuse children and not care about looking like a tit and how nicely he speaks to his little girl if she wanders in.

He’s diabolically annoying but still deserves a bloody medal. Plus, I’ve lost four inches off my waist, which is astonishing (I am an extremely fat woman),

EndoplasmicReticulum · 16/04/2020 23:19

Children (teens) still "on holiday" this week but when they are "at school" then there is no gaming between 9am and 3pm, and wearing of pants is not optional.

5pm briefing has become gin-o-clock.

Zoom with the in-laws Sunday afternoon.

JimandWilson · 16/04/2020 23:27

All DC's are sleeping until 9/9.30am so although I wake at 6.30, I'm snoozing until they come in. Then coffee & TV in bed for a bit.

DH walks dogs before shutting himself in the office for the day.

As it's the holidays, I've not been enforcing any home learning, just some educational documentaries/ learning type programs if they want to watch the TV during the day.

Out for a bike ride or walk

Rest of afternoon in garden as weather is nice. Sneaky nap on bench whilst kids not falling out with each other.

DH finishes work around 5/5.30 and I start mine.

Drink and Tv and food around 9.30pm. Kids might still be up another hour watching movies as it's still officially the Easter break.

Reading & bed. Try hard not to fret about the way things are at the moment...

LaneBoy · 16/04/2020 23:28

Trying to go for a walk at 11ish although it doesn’t always work especially when DD1 is up late.

My favourite completely unexpected routine is that DS is often up first after me, and we sometimes play a board game together, just us. :)

thaegumathteth · 17/04/2020 00:05

Wake up about 7/8 and scroll my phone until dd wakes up about 830
Breakfast for dd, feed cats and let dog out
Wake ds at 9 on a 'school day' and 1130 on a non school day.
School day - help kids with their work and clean up etc
Lunch with dh and then out in garden with kids
Board game / screens / read / play with animals
Skype grandparents
Send dc to bed
Watch shit tv
Go to bed myself and end up sitting with dd because she can't sleep.

C1239 · 17/04/2020 18:22

Everyone is doing great at keeping themselves busy!

OP posts:
lissie123 · 17/04/2020 19:29

Drinking wine and eating Jamie Oliver recipes.
Indoor exercise bike
Online yoga
Walking dogs everyday
Work-three days a week-major headaches as everyone is furloughed.
House move on hold
Arguing with teen kids about emptying dishwasher
Shopping list and meal planning with DH
Zooming with fam and friends but I’m running out of things to say as my life it’s so dull.
Nuff said

Thighmageddon · 17/04/2020 19:35

The only one I've got in to is running on the treadmill or exercise bike and some other forms of exercise. Today was a total fail though due to an appalling nights sleep of very vivid dreams.

Oh yes, see above, I've developed a new horrendous routine of dreaming all sorts of dystopian shit... every... single... night Confused


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reefedsail · 17/04/2020 19:42

Our days have panned out like this:

Get up at 8.30 (would have been 5.30am before)
DH and I share home schooling DS and working ourselves until 12ish
Go for a walk at about 2pm
Watch a film at about 4pm
Pour the gin at 5pm
DH and DS game at 7pm while I read/ mumsnet
DH and I watch a box set then read in bed

I'm knackered at 7pm and have NO IDEA how I will return to 5.30am - 10pm full-on back-to-back life plus weekends full of kids sport. Confused

FiveGoMadInDorset · 17/04/2020 19:47

Alarm goes off at 6, watch Classic Corrie
Fire up laptop at 7
Work until 11 when DS wakes up, DD has already been up and had breakfast
Sort DS out with brunch, have a break
Back at work at 12 until 2.30 or 3
Play football or badminton with DS
Go for a walk with DD
Cook supper
Watch TV and knit or do another hour or so of work depending on how busy emails are
Gonro be about 10, and repeat

CaptainMerica · 17/04/2020 20:13

Alarm goes off at 5.52.
Start work at 6am.
Work until 12, with DH bringing me coffees.

Then we swap, and DH starts work, and I look after the kids, and make lunch. He has normally done something educational in the morning so they go on screens while I do some exercise (sometimes they join in), then have a shower.

Then we go outside in the garden for an hour or so. I try and get a bit of "school work" done before dinner, but oldest is 6, and the school haven't supplied anything much so not pushing too hard for now. Sometimes we do crafts or baking.

Then back on screens while I do dinner.

We have one night a week where the eldest stays up late to do a club via zoom and then we have a board game night. I like this, it's the only time we have 1 on 1 time now, and we can play games the youngest would trash.

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