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Is anyone’s mental heath struggling?

32 replies

Louise26x · 14/04/2020 17:02

I can’t believe how bad my anxiety and depression has been these last two weeks. I don’t think Iv ever been so ill mentally. Iv had some dark thoughts about not being here anymore.

I just can’t see an end. A much wanted and waited for holiday is going to have to be cancelled in July and I’m gutted. Then I feel so much guilt feeling gutted.

I just feel so out of control with it all 😩

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AListeningEarCovid · 26/05/2020 18:03

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bigmamama · 15/04/2020 18:18

What are you taking for the pnd? I'm on venaflaxine 75mg but I'm going to ring up and ask for something else or higher dose. Been on the 4 years, cbt didn't help me unfortunately. But also being stuck in with 3yo and 8mth old is crippling me I cried all day today didn't even go outdoors didn't get the kids dressed. I'm losing the will x

amazedmummy · 15/04/2020 17:56

Hey, I'm joining in if nobody minds. I have PND and only started medication about 4 weeks before lockdown. My CBT has been paused and I feel like I'm losing it. I was starting to feel a bit better but then all this happened and I feel like I'm slipping back down a hill.

I know exactly what you mean Forthe I could probably manage a few more weeks although I'd hardly be at my best but if this is for months then I really don't see how I'll manage.

Theodoreb · 15/04/2020 17:44

@batvixen123 that's such a shame as I can see why that would, I used to text the samiritaNo but lost the number and won't speak on phone in case my children hear. If I want to get help have to call up to speak to on duty officer and I don't like that idea as it's not my psychiatrist if you understand me.

Fortheloveofscience · 15/04/2020 16:02

Yes. Was already dealing with severe PND and now I'm stuck in the house with my 2 DC. Doctor has told me to exercise twice a day as part of my safety plan but despite him giving me a letter I'm finding it really hard to put the "stay indoors - save lives" out of my head. Why should I try to save my life by going out twice a day if I'm killing other people by doing so? And I'm self-harming for the first time in 15 years.

Just wish they were able to tell us roughly when it's going to be lifted - if it's a matter of weeks then I can start counting down, if it's months then I feel I might as well just give up now because the chances of surviving it are minimal anyway.

OCDPleaseGoAway · 15/04/2020 15:25

In February I finished 8 weeks of cbt for my ocd and I had made good progress with it. Now it's creeping back and I'm starting to really struggle with it. My anxiety is getting really bad because of it. I keep thinking is all this happening because I did not do my ocd rituals :(

chunkyrun · 15/04/2020 13:23

It's the pits but I'm not beating myself up. Noticed Monday's are my worst days. I don't plan anything so anything is an achievement. Toddler is planted in front of screen most of the day. Tuesday I usually get my shit together cause I feel guilty. Manage to do some arts & crafts etc. Feels like I'm just existing. Recently started jogging with toddler. He loves it, I chase him on his bike. Then I feel guilty because it's for my benefit and I get frustrated I can't just go. Eating loads of shit out of pure anxiety. Spending waaay to much time online makes me miserable yet here I am

batvixen123 · 15/04/2020 13:17

@Theodoreb - I get you. Sometimes I used to call up the crisis team but refuse to give my name. At least that let me get some stuff out of my system and build up to giving my name and asking for help. Now that isn't possible. I can only call the CMHT and request a call back and I've never been able to do that while unwell. I feel so very adrift right now.

Theodoreb · 15/04/2020 12:39

@batvixen123 at least someone understands I hate paranoia by far worst bit about my illness as when I'm paranoid I'm in pain but too paranoid to ask for help.

batvixen123 · 15/04/2020 12:37

@Theodoreb - much much sympathies. It's so hard, isn't it, when stuff starts happening that makes it difficult to tell between the paranoia speaking and what is actually going on?

lifestooshort123 · 15/04/2020 12:16

Yes I'm struggling. No mental health issues in the past but can't see the point of getting up to count down the hours to going back to bed. Diet is rubbish, sleep is rubbish. Keep thinking of my mum (died 7 years ago) and my sister (sudden death nearly 3 years ago). I'm reliving the past when I was young (no rose-tinted glasses though) and I'm very weepy all the time. If we had a date to work to I could probably cope better. I look round at cleaning that needs doing and just think, what's the point only to do it all again next week. I'm showering so haven't completely lost the plot. Go out for a walk each day but can't chat, have a coffee or browse shops so walks are getting shorter. 10 more hours before I can go back to bed. (And yes, I know I'm lucky but OP did ask if anyone was struggling)

Elephantonascooter · 15/04/2020 12:06

Yep. Had a breakdown last week, gp signed me off for a month and I've started antidepressants. That's what happens when you're stuck in a flat with a toddler and no outside space trying to work and parent at the same time.
Can't wait for this to be over. I'm greatful the medication has kicked in so I can rationalise my thoughts easier and know there will be an end.

bigmamama · 15/04/2020 11:40

Waiting on jet2/hays to ring me to cancel my holiday it was booked for 13th June. I'm gutted it was our first family holiday of 4. Just nothing to look forward to and can't plan anything to look forward to !

Theodoreb · 15/04/2020 05:18

Schizophrenia and bipolar here. Paranoia so rampant I may have a relapse. I have a shielding letter and I'm becoming convinced it's like handing a pirate a black mark, that it means if I phone emergency services they arnt going to come. That it's a big conspiracy to kill of those with health conditions or who are old. Completely paranoid and doesn't help that for once my conspiracy paranoia could be right. I'm getting more paranoid by the day.

Mimishimi · 15/04/2020 02:10

Yes but not because of the virus

CherryBakebadly · 14/04/2020 20:09

I’m pleased you have a letter. You’re doing nothing wrong!

batvixen123 · 14/04/2020 19:37

Doctor told me to go for a run twice a day - once in the morning and once at night. He said that the rules specifically allow for medical requirements and has sent me a letter to carry in case the police stop me.

He's been trying to get me to follow a routine as close as possible to my usual one, because historically, turmoil tends to be a major mania trigger for me. No one in my actual neighbourhood seems to have noticed - I just run along the dirt track directly behind my house and no one is normally there except me - but I've had people yell at me a lot online. I have had a couple of people yell at me for going outside at all, because they think I should be doing YouTube exercise or something.

Mlou32 · 14/04/2020 18:57

@batvixen123 don't worry, your doctor/nurse wouldn't have told you to do something if its breaking the rules. What is it you're doing? Also, maybe come off social media for a bit? Its toxic. I really notice the difference in my mood when I deactivate it.

batvixen123 · 14/04/2020 18:49

I've been getting intrusive thoughts again. They sort of ebb and flow, but on bad days I start to really freak out. This whole scenario kind of echoes something I was very worried about a few years ago when I was in a mixed manic episode and a bit of me is terrified that that wasn't my being mad, like everyone said, but I was right and this is all on me.

When I'm not in that place, I get really scared that I'm becoming unwell again and my poor DH and DS will be stuck in the house with me in this state.

I've had some very serious thoughts about when I should get myself out of the picture permanently, but am sort of holding on right now. Psychiatrist and CPN have been lovely and given me extra meds and some solid advice for how to manage things, but every couple of days now I have someone shout on me at social media for doing something I've been instructed to do to keep well, because they think the rules forbid it. That usually sends me into a really bad spin. I couldn't sleep until 6 am this morning because I had so many rushing thoughts in my brain.

I just want it all to stop.

Treaclepie19 · 14/04/2020 18:49

Yeah I'm struggling now. My OCD was under control and it's worsening but depression is creeping in too.
Feeling frustrated.

CherryBakebadly · 14/04/2020 18:49

Yep very much struggling. Flowers to all

oldbagface · 14/04/2020 18:44

Yes. Suffer badly from anxiety. I'm on lots of meds for it. Was starting to cope and then was rushed to hospital over the weekend. I am now sure I will have caught it and will die and leave my children. Terrified


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Louise26x · 14/04/2020 18:31

It’s awful isn’t it. I have bpd and came so far in the last 2 years. Started working! Now it’s all gone to pot. I feel like I might Aswell not be on any tablets.

I rang the doctors today.. he told me to go for a run to make me feel better.

I’m majorly overweight 😑

OP posts:
JorisBonson · 14/04/2020 18:22

I've (thankfully) never suffered from mental health problems and yes, I can feel myself start to flounder.

I mentioned to a colleague (keyworker) that my chest hurt, thinking covid. He told me what I described was anxiety and he experienced the same. That knocked me for six.

bigmamama · 14/04/2020 18:20

Massively struggling I take anti depressants anyways and I feel like they are just not helping me at all right now. I have 0 motivation I eat everything in sight out of boredom I cannot be arsed with my dh or dcs I wish also that they'd just leave me alone. Actually thought about lying to have to self isolate just so I can be alone. My sleeping pattern is fucked and I haven't worn proper clothes I.e jeans etc for going on 3 weeks. Iv been out shopping about 3 times and my anxiety goes through the roof.
I'm so fed up

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