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Free school meals vouchers?

54 replies

PumpkinP · 02/04/2020 17:13

We’ve had nothing from the school yet, just wondering if anyone has had anything either?

OP posts:
inflam · 04/04/2020 08:33

are you in Scotland? The rules in England are different.

Yes I am. I know they are different. I was just saying what is happening here.

Kimpeach22 · 04/04/2020 09:27

I have 4 children at 3 different schools 1 school put 3 £15 vouchers through the door on Thursday for 3 weeks. 1 school delivered a bag on Monday and the other expects me to travel 8 miles to pick up food parcels for 2 kids which I can't.
Email the head teacher they should be letting parsnts know what's going on.


Sockmonster23 · 04/05/2020 22:20

Please someone help me ? Keep receiving these vouchers by email and keep redeeming the code and told all in basket but cant find this supposed basket. Get tol I will receive a gift card within 24 hours and nothing. Have no idea what I am doing? Can't use it online and can't spend it in shops? What am I doing wrong.

TheFormidableMrsC · 04/05/2020 22:25

I had four weeks worth of vouchers come through in one go, meant to cover from the start of lockdown. Nothing since though. A friend who works in a school in an Admin capacity tells me it's been a bit of a nightmare with a lot of glitches and she spends most of her work time dealing with it. No idea when the next ones will come through.

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