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Free school meals vouchers?

54 replies

PumpkinP · 02/04/2020 17:13

We’ve had nothing from the school yet, just wondering if anyone has had anything either?

OP posts:
PumpkinP · 04/04/2020 00:03

I’ve not asked them to deliver as they would need to do that daily and we aren’t local to the school (hence not collecting). Feel it would be a bit cheeky.

OP posts:
BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 00:05

@PumpkinP are your children in Year 3 and above? Or below? I am only asking because there are universal free school meals which is free for Reception to Year 2 but this is different for those families who are eligible for the means tested free school meals.

Parents have to have initially applied through the website:

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 00:07

How far away from the school are you? Any other families nearby who could help? Have you asked school if there was a way to help you?

PumpkinP · 04/04/2020 00:11

They are in year 4, 3 and 1 I don’t know anyone that lives local that goes to the school they mostly go to the local schools to us as we didn’t get into the local ones. Ours is a mile and a half away.

OP posts:
Random18 · 04/04/2020 00:15

We've had contact from school but no email (they seemed to have a wrong email). It has been mentioned on phone calls though (school proactively staying in touch)

We won't take then I don't think since we only get them due to youngest age.

Have you checked the youngest age.

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 00:15

Talk to the school OP they might be able to help, you don't live that far away.

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 00:27

@pumpkin I would apply for your youngest now if you haven't done that already as otherwise if you get vouchers, you will only get them for your oldest and ring the school to ask them to check if your children are on the list on Monday.

We have had parents who applied for the older children who started school before the introduction of the universal free school meals for years R, 1 and 2 and therefore found themselves stuck last week because they assumed they would get vouchers for all of their children, including the child in Year 2 or below.

We got printouts of those pupils eligible from our register system and this is what we use for our census data so it is up to date. Those parents who have applied late will be contacted by the school as soon as their eligibility is confirmed by the government.

I also realised how much more expensive my shopping this week in comparison to last month as all the offers seem to have been removed.

Random18 · 04/04/2020 00:29

Just noticed my last comment made no sense. I said check youngest age, I meant check school website- bllody wine, why do you do this to me 😱

Random18 · 04/04/2020 00:33

Bert this is probably a question I should ask my school

We are entitled to meals due to DS age. We do not need them so do not intend to take them.

What will the school do? Basically I would want it to do the most good. I can save the govt money but if I say sign up for it, could it be put to better use?

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 00:40

I didn’t think they were being offered to children who used to get FSM under the universal free school meal system ie all children in KS1. I thought they were only being offered to children who are eligible under the Pupil Premium system. If you fall within that but haven’t applied before you can apply now. Unfortunately a number of parents of KS1 children don’t apply under this system as already getting universal free school meals. This also means schools miss out on Pupil Premium funding.

Stella8686 · 04/04/2020 00:50

Maybe your school isn't starting the scheme until after Easter break? Especially if they were giving out food from site last week

They would also have to be registered as FSM students on a normal week

PumpkinP · 04/04/2020 00:51

Can’t apply for the youngest as it says to print the applicant form (no printer) and hand in at the local council office or post.

OP posts:
JuneJuly · 04/04/2020 00:56

I would contact school via email OP & tell them that, as you haven't heard anything further from them about the FSM provision, you were wondering what has been put in place & if there is anything they need you to do.

You shouldn't need to do anything, but hopefully this will prompt them to update you on what to expect. Everything should be sorted & in place to cover the cost of FSM for after the Easter holidays.

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 00:58

@Random the current scheme isn't for pupils based on age, it is only based on those families who are on certain benefits.

It's all a bit confusing because both schemes have the similar wording but they are very different. Universal Infant free school meals came into force in 2014 and the policy stipulated that all children in England's state funded schools in reception, year 1 and year 2 shouldn't be entitled to a free school lunch.

Free school meals is a different scheme and is means tested. Families may be eligible if they receive any of the following:

Your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the following:

◦ Income Support
◦ income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
◦ income-related Employment and Support Allowance
◦ support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
◦ the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
◦ Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
◦ Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
◦ Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 01:00

@pumpkin the school can apply on your behalf but need your consent. I know this because our IT person did this for some parents this week.

Definitely give them a ring on Monday and ask them to look into it for you. Many other parents will be in the same position as you and schools are taking quite a few similar calls. X

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 01:02

I obviously meant SHOULD be entitled, not shouldn't! Sorry!

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 01:02

OP you need to start asking local people to help. There are many people out there wanting to help people like you.

First of all speak to school, see if there is anyway they can help. Explain you don’t have a printer.

I am sure there are community volunteers who would help deliver your school meals.

PumpkinP · 04/04/2020 01:03

Thanks for the comments, good to hear they can apply on my behalf.

OP posts:
Random18 · 04/04/2020 01:05

Bert thanks. I got the impression that we were entitled which if I am honest I was uncomfortable with

Whilst whole wouldn't take it i know many would

So if that has been excluded i am a lot happier

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 01:11

@ineedaholiday now - I don't think all PP pupils are entitled to the voucher as some pupils will fall under the Ever 6 category and are not currently be eligible for FSM because their parents are now earning above the threshold?

We certainly have some parents who fall under that category and they have not been given vouchers because of their current financial situation.

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 01:23

I think I was being a bit clumsy in my distinction between universal free school meals and the benefits free school meals @BertNErnie. But you are right you should only get the vouchers if you currently qualify for free school meals (but not the universal ones).

Hopefully, there may be one good thing that comes out of this is that more KS1 parents apply for FSM and schools will get more Pupil premium funding.

BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 01:27

@ineedaholiday more definitely.

I have had a number of parents very cross with me this week blaming the school directly for their lack of voucher who back tracked somewhat when I reminded them of the newsletters, emails and events we held to get them so sign up.


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BertNErnie · 04/04/2020 01:28

Most! Sorry about all the typos. I have been working non stop since 12th March and clearly need sleep!

inflam · 04/04/2020 07:16

the BB current scheme isn't for pupils based on age, it is only based on those families who are on certain benefits.

It must depend on area. Ours is for both criteria.

All P1 - P3 are being asked to provide bank details to the local council for payment.

The remaining P4 - S6 pupils whose get FSM due to being low income were paid yesterday as the council already have their bank details because they also get the school uniform grant.

ineedaholidaynow · 04/04/2020 08:14

@inflam are you in Scotland? The rules in England are different.

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