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Australia. Please Mr Prime Minister

180 replies

GADDay · 21/03/2020 06:23

The infection rate is soaring.
The shops are chaotic.

We had a golden opportunity to shut this thing down but people just can't or won't implement social distancing.

I just went to the supermarket. Huge signs explaining social distancing - the floors marked with massive crosses. Not a single soul followed the instructions. An elderly lady was coughing up a storm and nobody batted an eyelid.

The cafes, hairdressers, nail bar were all busy.

What will it take for our PM to implement a lock down? Before it's too late.

The curve is doomed with cases doubling every 3 days.

I despair - people just don't think it can happen to them. Even now.

OP posts:
midsummabreak · 28/03/2020 22:09

*IDoNotHaveABlackCat my Dh works at a local council (authority). He says this;

Everything we do in local government, we have to plan for the NUFFY factor. These are the people who put themselves and others in danger by doing stupid things.

If you dig a hole, they will walk over to look at it, even though it is barricaded.
Even when hazards are made clearly visible, to avoid, people will not keep to the rules to avoid danger.
If there is a flooded road they will drive through.
If you put out a bin they will dump rubbish beside it. Poles, trees, signs, street furniture are hit and damaged daily.

A lot of the rules and regulations that exist are because of the NUFFYS , to protect them from their own stupidity

The NUFFYS exist in all levels of society. Even the educated, the wealthy, the middle class, the poor, employed, not employed, the young, and middle aged, the elderly, they all behave like NUFFYS and make stupid decisions.

MaitlandGirl · 28/03/2020 23:04

Saw today that ScoMo is looking at increasing the partners income to enable more people to claim the Coronavirus supplement.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but maybe look at increasing the amount of DSP and Carers Pension as well.

My wife is chronically unwell and I’m her carer - we get $43,763 a year to live on, yet ScoMo says that expecting people to live in $48,000 a year is unfair and not enough.

People who have lost their jobs are no more worthy than those who aren’t well enough to work full stop and need care yet they’re at the forefront of the govts spending.

For those of us on fixed incomes it’s just as difficult - food costs are rising, fuel costs are rising and now we’re limited in purchasing the basic foods we used to live off.

I know we get the $750 stimulus payment next week and again in July but with costs rising as much as they are I’m scared that won’t go anywhere near far enough.

Some very difficult decisions for ScoMo to make and I’m glad I’m not having to make them.

IDoNotHaveABlackCat · 28/03/2020 23:06

Yep. There is no cure for stupid.

On another note lots of restuarant/catering suppliers are now delivering to individuals so if you need a big delivery have a look at those instead of the supermarket.

Farmgate to plate, Foodbomb, Foodbyus, Fratelli Fresh etc.

Quite reassuring for if we do need to self isolate and I can't shop for everyone.

midsummabreak · 28/03/2020 23:44

Don't let the nuffys worry you. Always plenty of good people out there.
Many people are showing their generous and kind spirit through this ordeal, and we all act aelfishly or stupidly sometimes.

midsummabreak · 29/03/2020 00:06

Good idea to order from restaurant/catering suppliers IDoNotHaveABlackCat
Need to plan my order soon
With regards to DSP and Carers MaitlandGirl , yes, we can not allow our carers and our vulnerable to be left out in the cold during this time. Needs to be planning to ensure stop gaps in place.

SnowsInWater · 29/03/2020 06:45

Harris Farm Markets are delivering if there is one near you - just checked it out and if you order before 5pm you can choose to have it delivered super early the next day. Apart from their seafood (which is extortionate) other stuff is reasonable. Only good for food though, not loo roll etc. I shop there sometimes but only if I am prepared to go to two shops.

bluetongue · 29/03/2020 09:03

The PM is still saying we pretty much have to stay at home for six months. I live alone (apart from my dog) and also suffer from depression. This is going to be so hard Sad I don’t think even people the UK are going to be stuck in their houses that long.

StartupRepair · 29/03/2020 09:12

Bluetongue we all need to break it up into chunks. 6 months is unimaginable.

userxx · 29/03/2020 09:26

So you've been told the lockdown is going to last 6 months over there?

Downunderduchess · 29/03/2020 09:38

Lockdown was not said. Staying home etc. was reinforced. The advice given by the PM this evening is that anyone over 70 should not go out at all if possible. It was said that the current situation will continue for some time, no-one has put a specific time on it. Keep doing it until further notice is the gist. Also only two people allowed together in public no larger groups.

userxx · 29/03/2020 10:00

Ok, so that sounds pretty similar to us then.

StartupRepair · 29/03/2020 23:05

He has a real aversion to the word lockdown. Also adds in confusing folksy detail about jigsaws and barre classes. Basically it is a lockdown except for school and some jobs.

Percivalthebabyspider · 30/03/2020 00:01

Dan Andrews is so much clearer in his message. And yes, lockdown is pretty much exactly what it now is.

WindyRose · 30/03/2020 01:38

Agree, don't know why he avoids the 'L' word and I'm sure everyone really 'needs' to know about the jigsaw puzzles??

Ozgirl75 · 30/03/2020 02:23

Every time I go out, the vast majority of people that I see out and about are old people - they were filling the cafes until these were closed. I know that lives are the most important thing but I think that old people need to understand that we are potentially bankrupting the country for them, because we love and care about them, so the least they could do is start taking some responsibility for their own health.

Personally what I think they should have done is (weeks ago) said to all households with everyone over the age of 70 or those with serious underlying health implications, you will be allocated a family to support you. Everyone else can live their lives but they have to do the shopping, medicines etc for their “support family”.

Then I would have been super strict with incomers right from the start - every entrant to Australia (whether Australian or not) would have to have been forcibly quarantined (like they are doing now), even requisitioning areas like Hamilton Island. Not as a punishment but 2/3 of our cases are imported and this would have been a great way to stop them spreading.

Of course we would still have unemployment but maybe it would have worked.

Ozgirl75 · 30/03/2020 02:29

But personally what I see around me now when I have rarely been out is people being pretty sensible. We did a bush walk yesterday and when we had to pass people we all pressed ourselves into the sides and it was really quiet.

Even in the communal area people were very well spaced.

In the shops on Friday it was extremely quiet and apart from one woman (in a pharmacy t shirt!) pushing into the gap in the elevator queue that the man behind me had left Hmm people were leaving space etc.

IDoNotHaveABlackCat · 30/03/2020 05:27

My MIL is currently doing my head in.

Late 70s both her and FIL have a range of health problems. I have been doing their shopping only to find out that she has still been attending her bible study class and was today intending to go to Bunnings as "it would be safe there..." and she NEEDS gardening stuff because she is bored at home.

My SIL is also now self isolating as she has developed a cough and a sore throat. She is also gluten and dairy free.

I wish I had time to be fucking bored. DH and I are lucky that our jobs remain intact and can be done remotely. Downside is we are both working full time whilst overseeing the kids homeschooling, all the usual stuff AND now shopping for 3 households.

I went to fucking Bunnings (to stop her from going). It was full of old people and kids...

Tp93 · 30/03/2020 05:52

People just don't get it and don't follow the rules. I think we should just go into a full lockdown to get over and done with that includes closing down the supermarkets coz people are clearly too stupid to follow the rules.
I think scomo is actually doing a great job and I don't even like him! The pressure he is under must be getting to him. Hopefully people listen to him and actually stop gathering in groups. I was at Orion mall in Ipswich recently and there are bored kids still there sharing food and drinks without a care in the world god knows where or if their parents know where they are.

justilou1 · 31/03/2020 08:53

Had to go to the hospital to drop things in to FIL who has been there for five weeks. Had to tell the group walking three abreast down the hallway (and coughing into their hands - 🤢🤮🤢) to be thoughtful of social distancing. They said “Rude!” to me and I said, “I am visiting a vulnerable patient and can’t get past you without one of you literally bumping into me - you’re coughing in a hospital and shouldn’t even be here, unless you have masks on!!! Just move over!!!”

GADDay · 31/03/2020 21:20

Hope you are all coping ok.

In our house today will be 15 days since the kids have left the house. They all seem happy enough.

How are your lot keeping busy?

OP posts:
MaitlandGirl · 02/04/2020 08:50

Very, very stressed here. It’s been 5 months on living on a knife edge with only a few weeks of reprieve. First it was the bushfires, then we had rain (and only minor flooding so that was good) and now it COVID-19.

I’m not coping at all well, add into all that 3 mths of not knowing what stunt our arsehole landlord (BIL) is going to pull next I’m mentally and physically exhausted.

NSW police have said the ‘lockdown’ restrictions will last until the end of June - so 3 more months of stress, anxiety and agitation.

I’ve no idea how people whose lives were devastated by the bushfires are coping, it’s unbearable here but for them it’s 1000% worse.

Percivalthebabyspider · 02/04/2020 09:15

We've been in the house for 3 weeks now and today was the first day of kid bickering. Thankfully they've been brilliant so far but it bucketed here and they didn't go outside. I am not looking forward to Winter.


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GADDay · 03/04/2020 10:57

@MaitlandGirl it sounds like a very tough time for you. I wish there was something I could do to help.

I can only offer commiserations and send good wishes to you.

OP posts:
theyoungishman · 03/04/2020 15:18

I'm in Perth... Everybody appears to be adhering to the new guidelines during my limited trips outside.
Very happy the weather is still good and we can make use of the garden and pool for another week or so.
Our Premier has been brilliant and WA closes the borders this weekend to east which is necessary I think.
I feel for the eastern states, things seen much worse over there. And the cruise ships.. 🤦

StartupRepair · 03/04/2020 23:12

I do feel for the communities impacted by the bushfires. They haven't remotely got back on their feet before being hit by this.

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