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Australia. Please Mr Prime Minister

180 replies

GADDay · 21/03/2020 06:23

The infection rate is soaring.
The shops are chaotic.

We had a golden opportunity to shut this thing down but people just can't or won't implement social distancing.

I just went to the supermarket. Huge signs explaining social distancing - the floors marked with massive crosses. Not a single soul followed the instructions. An elderly lady was coughing up a storm and nobody batted an eyelid.

The cafes, hairdressers, nail bar were all busy.

What will it take for our PM to implement a lock down? Before it's too late.

The curve is doomed with cases doubling every 3 days.

I despair - people just don't think it can happen to them. Even now.

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Aebj · 21/03/2020 09:09

I was at Coles this morning lining up to hopefully get toilet paper. Never ever did I think I would do this. My dh was at Woolworths. When they opened the shutters we were told there was no toilet paper! Dh got the last packet thankfully at Woolworths. Thank god as we had non left.
It’s time to act. It’s time to shut down. I’ve no idea if I’m in work on Monday. It’s been like this all week. It’s horrible. The schools need to close. It must be so hard for the teachers not to know how many students they will have . It’s hard to say that as I have a year 11 . He’s just started his ATAR’s.
I can’t work from home as I have a hands on job . My dh can.
I feel sorry for one of my co workers . She only got her PR in September. She’s likely to loose her job this week, her partner is a chef, who is also likely to loose his job. Centrelink have told they that because they have had there PR for less than 2 years they get nothing. They can’t get back to Ireland. I’m worried for them , homeless and hungry in a month probably 😪 hopefully the government can help them to?
The world has gone mad

RichTwoTurkeyFriend · 21/03/2020 09:11

That’s the information coming from others parents at the school his children attend. I won’t be holding my breath waiting for him to address it, but given his track record for utter selfishness, would anyone really be suprised?

GADDay · 21/03/2020 09:55

My Ds is in the same school as Peter Duttons son. His kids were isolated after Duttons +ive diagnosis. The school stayed open though. My DD in the girl's school next door.

At last, yesterday, both schools announced a move to remote learning from next week onwards. Too late I think.

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GADDay · 21/03/2020 22:59

The cruise ship debacle is boggling.

2700 people allowed to disembark into Australias most populated area.

I fucking despair!

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pollyglot · 21/03/2020 23:34

Now that my pregnant daughter and husband have apparently come down with CV, I'm really angry at the wankers who stockpiled the essentials, causing her to have to trawl the supermarkets in North Sydney for enough to get by with a toddler. She is furious at the people cramming the bars and cafes, Bondi was chocka yesterday seems to be taking it seriously. Scotty from Marketing is a wanker of the highest order - he didn't act until our Jacinda did on closing the borders. Going on TV and saying "Stop it!" about the panic buying is NOT leadership. What on earth is wrong with our best mates over the ditch?? We live remotely, and mostly SI, but I dashed into the village convenience store this morning - fully stocked, except for flour. DD is so over the cavalier attitude, coming from the top. ScoMo's really showed his true colours, with the fires and now the virus.

nopointinstaying · 21/03/2020 23:36

Now I have relatives in Perth WA, and they say that it's Sydney and the like who aren't taking this seriously and they are disgusted with the attitude of the East coast cities. Is that true?

MJ1979 · 21/03/2020 23:48

Most people I know in Perth are taking it seriously. The school classes are only half full, most extra-curricular activities have been cancelled (tennis, swimming etc). Most of my friends are now working from home. My parents (in their 70s) are only going out to walk the dog and go to the supermarket when essential.
However I heard that some nightclubs were full on Friday night and the kids in their 20s aren't taking it seriously.

WindyRose · 22/03/2020 00:57

Don't get me started on ScoMo....he's a waste of space!

GADDay I agree totally, in that we should have been shutdown several weeks ago, the horse has bolted now. I'm a 4%er with a compromised immune system and other medical problems and like so many others, couldn't buy loo paper this week nor when I shopped two weeks ago. Community Hour shopping has been another failure as the shelves were empty when they opened at 7am.

Normally I shop every two weeks and haven't been able to buy loo paper for a month, with staff saying 'the truck will be in tonight so come back at 10pm and if you miss out then come back at 7am tomorrow'. Due to ongoing medical problems this is impossible, fortunately I was able to buy a box of tissues which I'll have to use loo paper.

Shoppers at the supermarket on Thursday didn't follow social-distancing, I tried, but someone would always move into the gap, as mentioned above.

While I haven't been panic buying I did buy a couple of extra necessities in case I get sick because if that happens I don't have anyone to shop for me, so I'm doomed.

It's been a tough Summer, firstly the drought, then bushfires, then floods and now CV....we have to be +ve but also vigilant to get through this and out the other side. Stay safe everyone!! Flowers

YouNeedToCalmDown · 22/03/2020 01:15

I have just found out the supermarkets are limiting tinned vegetable to two per shop.
As a large non-meat eating family, this is problematic for us. Either I will have to be at multiple shops every single day, or we will all have to go. Both options are not appealing and not particularly helpful when we are trying to isolate as much as possible.

Something needs to be done to stop the hoarders.

YouNeedToCalmDown · 22/03/2020 01:16

^^ And yes also agree Scotty from Marketing is way out of his depth and looking after his own.

BoreOfWhabylon · 22/03/2020 01:29

Reading this in the UK I'm astonished. I'd assumed Oz would be on top of this.

Although, considering your PM's performance during the bushfires, it was an unreasonable assumption.

Hands across the sea and all that Flowers

Percivalthebabyspider · 22/03/2020 01:40

I couldn't agree more, it's been an abysmal mess. I've chosen to self isolate as has my extended family, including pulling kids from school. I cannot understand how this has all been allowed to happen. We had the opportunity to stop the spread but it's too late thanks to the inaction of our stellar leaders.

justilou1 · 22/03/2020 01:42

Supermarkets seem to be deliberately stocking shelves at weird hours to avoid the rush, but that’s not working either.

justilou1 · 22/03/2020 01:44

Of course Peter Dutton’s kids have had to be isolated if he is a known confirmed case. I know he’s an evil, soul-sucking dementor, but why are people surprised that his kids are isolated? I would be horrified if they were sent to school!

LINABE · 22/03/2020 01:48

So sorry and shocked to read this.
Praying that your Government starts to make decisions and soon.

ArcWorc · 22/03/2020 02:05

Morrison specifically said his girls were at school - is there any proof that was a blatant lie?

Percivalthebabyspider · 22/03/2020 02:08

None that I've seen, just rumour at this point.

They're looking at closing schools as of Tuesday (finally!) and Victoria has said if there is not an agreement they will go it alone. Thank heavens for Dan.

Upsidedownpineapplecake · 22/03/2020 02:19

Totally agree. I think schools being open sends the wrong message . Very much hope it is announced soon. My kids home since Wednesday

GADDay · 22/03/2020 02:27

@justilou1 totally agree the Dutton children should have been isolated.

My point, which I didn't make very well was that the schools just continued, no deep clean. Nix.

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GADDay · 22/03/2020 02:33

The Assistant Chief Medical Officer has just done the MOST farcical press conference. His messaging was so woefully inadequate regarding the seriousness of the situation.

I have losing hope that we will stay on top of this.

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ArcWorc · 22/03/2020 02:36

@Percivalthebabyspider - I really hope it will be Australia wide school closures, as I don’t think Qld decision makers will take any action themselves.....

GADDay · 22/03/2020 02:37

@WindyRose take care. Where are you based? I am in SE Qld, and would be happy to drop supplies, if you need them?

@pollyglot Got everything crossed for a speedy recovery for your DD!

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Percivalthebabyspider · 22/03/2020 02:56

I hope so too ArcWorc. Should have been done long before this.

StartupRepair · 22/03/2020 03:40

I'm in Melbourne. The Andrews govt is going to close us down with or without the commonwealth. Good.

ChillinInMyBacta · 22/03/2020 03:51

I have to give a big thumbs up to Mumsnet contributors on these threads. It's only because of the personal experiences outlined with relation to daily social and economic plans put in place by the UK/Europe that I was able to to be a few steps ahead.

I know that whatever happened in the UK would most likely be our blueprint. Maybe those fools at Bondi did us all a favour to get it through the Governments head that people can't just be trusted to "do the right thing"

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