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If you were literally days pregnant, could you still get pmt??

90 replies

swiperfox · 22/07/2005 18:06

Made a bit of a mistake the other night and am not sure when i'm due on but think it's very soon and for the last last two days have either had severe pmt or have become a psycho overnight!!

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swiperfox · 10/08/2005 15:09

I'm excited - i was stuck on my own for the last 2 pregnancies so ant wait to actually have one where i can talk about it!! lol

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munz · 10/08/2005 15:10

oh I get so excited on here when we have BFP!!

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 15:17

I don't know what I'm grinning for, I've just sold all our baby stuff!!!!

OP posts:
HellyBelly · 10/08/2005 15:24

OMG swiper - CONGRATS!!!! Please pray for the same result for my mate!!! Wish she'd do a test now though and not wait 10 more days!!!

I know you didn't plan it but my sister didn't plan any of her kids and all turned out lovely. She had them both in a 1 bed maisonette for a while but things have a way of working out!

for you!!!

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 15:27

why is she waiting 10 days HB?

OP posts:
HellyBelly · 10/08/2005 15:42

Because the longest cycle has been 40 days and she's on day 30. She's worried that as soon as she buys a test it will be a negative and a waste of money. She'd be really upset if it was another negative!

She's my best mate and I would be SOOOOO HAPPY if she was pregnant.

Oh please, let her be too!

munz · 10/08/2005 15:52

cos ur happy waht does DP say? look on here/ebay for the baby bits, i've been looking at babiesrus as well for the cot etc some are v resonable for £80 ish, and theres a bedding set mobile and all in the additions book for £50 for the blankets/sheet/bumpers etc..

munz · 10/08/2005 15:52

HB - pos vibes for ur friend!

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(and baby dust!)

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 15:52

awww i really hope so.......fingers crossed for her Although if she's having the mood swings i'm having it;s looking good!!

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munz · 10/08/2005 15:53

yep, another who had v bad mood swings!

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 15:53

i'm scary when i'm pregnant. lol poor dp!!!

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HellyBelly · 10/08/2005 15:55

Thanks munz

As for bad mood swings, she actually always has bad periods but I'm hoping that's not the case this time as I did think she looked even more swollen than she usually does!!

Will let you know!

munz · 10/08/2005 15:59

oh My my pooor DH has really been goin thru it with my hormonal outbursts and plain can't be arsed ness! poor love recons it's like living with a woman who's got constant PMT!

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:02

definately lol I remember when i was pregnant the first time, i threw a lava lamp at dp's head!

OP posts:
Distel · 10/08/2005 16:08


I have been following your thread as it started the same time as i thought i was pregnant, I wasn't but have followed this thread with interest. Congratulaions again and I hope that dh/dp is as pleased as you are. Take care x x x x.

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:11

Thanks Distel

while you're all here, do any of you know how i can work out the dates? I don't know the date of my last period (well, sort of!) but i know the date of the deed (ahem! ) Can i work it out from that?

OP posts:
munz · 10/08/2005 16:13

yep u can on the due date calenders, I think the baby centre do it on conception date

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:22

I cant find one lol can only find where you enter your lmp

OP posts:
munz · 10/08/2005 16:23

just lookin i'm sure i've seen one - just can't remeber which site!

munz · 10/08/2005 16:25

here u go

conep date

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:28

thanks Munz

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swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:28

thanks Munz

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Tabs · 10/08/2005 16:29

Congrats Swiperfox. Doesn't matter what DP thinks - we're all happy for you so we'll more than make up for any bad reaction from him!

swiperfox · 10/08/2005 16:30

Thanks Tabs

He'll be ok - he's just really down about money at the moment so i'm sure it'll make him feel worse

OP posts:
Toothache · 10/08/2005 16:34


My dd was a 'bit of a mistake'.

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