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Anyone have problems conceiving dc 2?

35 replies

lauraloola · 14/08/2008 15:04

Hi, I read that it can be more difficult conceiving dc 2 then dc 1. It took us 18 months for dd and I would like a 2 year gap for the next.

I just wondered if there is any truth in what I read or if dc 2 is easier to conceive. Thanks x

OP posts:
hattyyellow · 15/08/2008 13:39

First time around, aged 29, concieved twins in second month we tried. Was under no pressure, had only just decided to try - all a bit of a suprise!

Second time around, aged 32, took nearly a year. Concieved a week after going to see the doctor to get referred for fertility testing and the acupuncturist to start the process of being "rebalanced". Think accepting things weren't working and giving myself a break possibly took the pressure off and helped things happen!

Second time around I think is harder as you have less chances/energy to get down to making that baby - if you're working more work pressure as you're combining career and childcare. When we concieved this time around my mum was babysitting the kids and we had a night away and managed to get down to it three times in 24 hours - something we certainly hadn't done in the preceding 3 years since having our twins! So i imagine that upped our chances that month too!

Good luck!

anniemac · 15/08/2008 14:12

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anniemac · 15/08/2008 14:15

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anniemac · 15/08/2008 14:17

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hattyyellow · 15/08/2008 14:33

Was so utterly exhausted from our 3 in a day extravaganza! Can't see that happening again for a long time! When we got back home, my mum looked worried at my tired face and said " I thought you'd come back looking all refreshed!"

I agree that pregnancy does seem to throw your body out of whack. I also went from textbook 28 day cycles to very random ones which makes it a lot harder to do it at the right time.

KiwiKat · 15/08/2008 14:39

We conceived the very first (and only, so easy to pinpoint) time we tried, so thought TTC dc2 would be a breeze. But we've been trying on and off for 8 or 9 months - am trying not to count - and this is our third month charting. However, am somewhat elderly (42) so that is probably a big factor.

That said, everyone is different. Best of luck to all of us.

twoplease · 15/08/2008 20:11

Hi, although I am by no means in the TTC#2 for a long time (currently only on 5th cycle), I just wanted to agree with two points mentioned already. Firstly that it is harder to make time for 'it' at the right time because of juggling commitments and having a DD who doesn't care that it is the 'right day' so wakes up just as you about to ....
Also, I agree that my cycles are different to pre-DD. I'm not sure i ovulate every month anymore and my hormones (measured by mood swings!) give me much worse PMS/Period pains than ever before. Not that this should interfere with TTC but it does if PMS kicks in early which it can!!

My DD is 4 in Dec - we didn't start trying earlier for all sorts of reasons but i wish we had now as i'm worried it could take quite a while.

Goodluck to all anyway!!

random · 15/08/2008 20:19

Couple of months to conceive DD1 ..2 years and a bit of help from clomid to conceive DD2... DS3 a complete surprise 9 years later

lauraloola · 15/08/2008 21:25

What is clomid? I have seen it on a few threads now.

OP posts:
wheeldog · 15/08/2008 21:34

Took a month to conceive DS (aged 16 months) now getting worried that we've been trying for 7 months with no success. In fact, I went to Boot's and bought an ovulation test kit today... in addition to the frigging tampons that I don't want to have to be using. Am I allowed to admit to using them or will I get beaten up for not using a Mooncup?

LL- clomid is a drug that stimulates ovulation

Good luck to all.

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