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positive pregnancy tests turned negative

57 replies

iminLOVE12 · 19/09/2020 17:43

so yesterday i was 10dpo and i did around 10 tests all together all came out positive without mistake but got fainter as the day went, ive had morning sickness and food aversions since then but all day today my tests have been negative and i cant figure out why, ive had no bleeding or pain just pregnancy symptoms.

i have been drinking 3-4 pints of juice since my positive to stay hydrated i dont know wether that will play a part

positive pregnancy tests turned negative
positive pregnancy tests turned negative
positive pregnancy tests turned negative
OP posts:
Rebelwithallthecause · 25/09/2020 22:29

Flowers good luck next cycle for a sticky one

Hope you feel better soon

jadea12321 · 25/09/2020 22:21

I had very heavy bleeding for a few days now all tests are negative so maybe next cycle 😔

jadea12321 · 23/09/2020 10:04

[quote 2020wish]@jadea12321

Sorry to hear that. It could be one of two things- a chemical pregnancy. They are cruel when the lines get so dark before hand

Or vanishing twin syndrome.
Hopefully it’s the latter

Keep us updated x[/quote]
I had the vanishing twin syndrome with my daughter I don't have much hope it's that one though 😞 got bloods Friday to see if the hcg has gone

2020wish · 23/09/2020 09:15


Sorry to hear that. It could be one of two things- a chemical pregnancy. They are cruel when the lines get so dark before hand

Or vanishing twin syndrome.
Hopefully it’s the latter

Keep us updated x

jadea12321 · 23/09/2020 08:25


Hi Jade,

I ovulated on the 4th of September got positive pregnancy test with a FRER on the 18th then started spotting/light bleeding AF was due on 19th Saturday,Sunday, Monday now it has stopped I don’t know what to think but I’m too scared to retest 😥 good luck for Friday hun xx

I started heavy bleeding yesterday so I'm not holding out hope on this one it's going to be a case of maybe next time
wannabemummy123 · 23/09/2020 02:22

I would deffo recommend a FRER cheapies are just horrible ! I'm sure everything is fine hun... make that doctors appointment aswell! Xx

kimberley94 · 22/09/2020 19:09

Hi Jade,

I ovulated on the 4th of September got positive pregnancy test with a FRER on the 18th then started spotting/light bleeding AF was due on 19th Saturday,Sunday, Monday now it has stopped I don’t know what to think but I’m too scared to retest 😥 good luck for Friday hun xx

jadea12321 · 21/09/2020 21:22


Go to your doctors I think that’s the only way to be sure

I have bloods friday
Mother2princess · 21/09/2020 20:50

Go to your doctors I think that’s the only way to be sure

jadea12321 · 21/09/2020 19:47


What was the test today?

The test this morning had a faint line but I was in a rush so couldn't take a picture until I got home so I'll just post that one but I'm aware it's dry
positive pregnancy tests turned negative
Rudolphian · 21/09/2020 17:07

Sorry it sounds like a chemical to me too.
I wouldn't expect to see the hook effect at your stage.

Falcone · 21/09/2020 13:51

Have you spoken to your GP?

2020wish · 21/09/2020 13:17

What was the test today?

Flittingaboutagain · 21/09/2020 10:15

It sounds more like a chemical to me if you are due on sorry OP.

Brunilde · 21/09/2020 10:12

Sorry OP missed your update due to the name change. Good luck

Brunilde · 21/09/2020 10:01

The hook effect does affect the test line OP. I had the same and had to water it down A LOT to get a line. I would get some cheapie tests and add 50% water then test. Then add another 50% and test etc. Mine got darker and darker the weaker the urine was. But I would speak to a midwife and explain that the clear blue is saying 3 weeks. It is possible that you are further along than you think.

I suppose its also possible it's a chemical but I've had 6 miscarriages and the line has always decreased slowly, never just disappeared like that. The EPU explained it can take a while for the levels of hcg to reduce after one.

jadea12321 · 21/09/2020 09:01


So a couple of things - it's impossible to get 3+ on a clearblue digital at only 10 DPO - that would mean your hcg was over 2753 so impossible only a couple of days after implantation (even if it's twins triplets or quads!)

All the recent tests do look negative. That isn't the hook effect. You are still seeing a control line not a test line from what I'm seeing in the photos - with the hook effect it's the control line which disappears

I'm having twins and even with the cheap test strips didn't get the hook effect until past 5 weeks

I was defo 10dpo I can’t explain the strong pos either hopefully the drs can I took multiple tests since my period all neg so wasn’t further along got my pos opk on the 8th and it was a dye stealer all tests are neg now drs are doing bloods to confirm
ivfbeenbusy · 21/09/2020 08:05

So a couple of things - it's impossible to get 3+ on a clearblue digital at only 10 DPO - that would mean your hcg was over 2753 so impossible only a couple of days after implantation (even if it's twins triplets or quads!)

All the recent tests do look negative. That isn't the hook effect. You are still seeing a control line not a test line from what I'm seeing in the photos - with the hook effect it's the control line which disappears

I'm having twins and even with the cheap test strips didn't get the hook effect until past 5 weeks

jadea12321 · 21/09/2020 07:56


Fingers crossed for you *@jadea12321* that it so bizarre for it to go from 3+ to not pregnant as HCG takes a while to leave the body. I'm hoping it's a positive outcome for you x

It is strange just wish I knew what was going on at this point it is driving me insane
ForeverHopeful17 · 21/09/2020 07:38

Fingers crossed for you @jadea12321 that it so bizarre for it to go from 3+ to not pregnant as HCG takes a while to leave the body. I'm hoping it's a positive outcome for you x

jadea12321 · 21/09/2020 07:24


Hope everything goes well for you OP and please let us know what the doc says...

I will keep people updated 😊 I’m trying to keep hope im due on Tommorow my partner has said I’m not allowed to do anymore tests 😂
Waiting4another · 20/09/2020 23:10

Hope everything goes well for you OP and please let us know what the doc says...


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Redred2429 · 20/09/2020 22:16

Hope everything goes ok tomorrow op x

jadea12321 · 20/09/2020 22:07


A positive that strong that early followed by a negative the next day and then faint positives is very odd OP. I’d ask a GP about something like that. Especially if you are also feeling nausea so early on...

I am going to go Tommorow to put my mind at ease but I’m pretty sure i lost either baby I guess I’m just losing the hope that everything is fine so bloods will sort it hopefully
asabee · 20/09/2020 21:12

Wow! I hoping for the best for you OP

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