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Anyone around 5dpo and want to wait with me?

225 replies

pollysproggle · 07/10/2019 09:32

The dreaded TWW which actually feels like it takes 2 years 😫
It's too early to symptom spot I know but I did feel a bit crampy after ovulation, a few shooting pains in boobs and a horrible two day headache over the weekend.
Also a weird feeling almost like I have the start of cystitis but I don't. Had that yesterday and it's gone now.

Anyone else around the same dpo? Let me know how you're feeling!

OP posts:
SazCat · 11/10/2019 08:23

11/12 dpo for me and I had a bit of brown spotting last night. I think I'm probably out. Sad
I did have spotting with my last pregnancy but not til around 6 weeks.

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 08:32

Do you normally spot before your period?

OP posts:
ShitHairDontCare · 11/10/2019 08:40

Thanks @KaybeBlossom keeping my fingers crossed that it's your month too 🤞 I couldn't resist testing early 🙈 zero willpower x

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 08:43

I did an opk this morning and it turned darkish but not reading too much into it as feel symptomless today really. Woke up feeling a bit wet from cm but that's it.

How is everyone else feeling today?

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Ellsbells112 · 11/10/2019 08:50

@a29t fingers crossed for you, sounds good! I know that I only found out I was preggars when I was like 6 weeks I just remember thinking "huh wheres my period?" So I let that give me hope when I feel nothing lol.

dublino · 11/10/2019 09:28

Morning ladies. I think I'm 11 dpo today . Broke out in the dirtiest spot yesterday eve on my chin which is nothing new before my period but this one is perticulery nasty and sore which wouldn't be the norm. And this morn I had another load of creamy egg whitey cm hmmm. Trying so hard to fight the urge to test tolorrow but I know on my last bfp I didnt get that before day 14 . Been doing opk every morn still as I have the pcos and my body likes to do it's own thing. Bit darker this morn then the pearly whites of the past few days but nothing mental . I wish it was Monday already so at least I'd know

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 09:30

All sounds promising @dublino
Have you got a pic of your opk from today?

OP posts:
dublino · 11/10/2019 09:38

@pollysproggle no just checked and binned it . It's nothing too major though. Be interesting to see if it gets darker though. I usually stop after ovulation but this cycle my temp didnt rise to its usual after ovulation so I was a little sceptical. I had a definite dip and a rise which has stay steady but it's only around the 97.6 mark when it's usually 98 after. Last time I got a bfp I had weird tingly nipples that were fairly constant from a few days before but this time round I just get random pains the odd time in breast. Usually my whole boobs go very sore before af. Always my tell tale sign that shes on her way. No sign yet

dublino · 11/10/2019 09:39

@pollysproggle have you a pic of yours opk??

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 09:43

That's what I've been having @dublino
Boobs feel fine but random twinges and shooting pains.

Here's my opk pic.
It's darkish but not nearly a positive

Anyone around  5dpo and want to wait with me?
OP posts:
dublino · 11/10/2019 09:45

@pollysproggle that's defo darker then mine! Looks promising though. Are you gonna check each morn ??

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 09:48

I have one left! Thought I had more but it was the instructions leaflet so I'll take it tomorrow and see. Why about you?

OP posts:
dublino · 11/10/2019 10:00

@pollysproggle I have about 20 left! I use alot each cycle . Debating now if I'll keep using them over the weekend in case i start giving myself false hope Confused . Ever since mymc in april I've found it hard dealing with my bfn so I've been doing my best not to over think everything this cycle as to bot get my Hope's up. I'm not doing very well Wink

SMiles14 · 11/10/2019 10:02

@A29T I also am very nauseous this morning at 9DPO, have a headache and lots of excess spit (ew!) which I have heard goes along with the nausea. I thought the exact same thing about my mind playing tricks on me... I will be so so shocked if I am making this all up! I really don't want to test early but might give in at 12DPO if I still feel like this...

KaybeBlossom · 11/10/2019 11:08

Morning ladies. Sorry been a bit quiet have been so busy with work. Still no symptoms at all for me, not sure whether to read anything into that or not but not feel it very hopeful! I have a whole bag of opks so maybe that will help with my serious urge to poas lol

A29T · 11/10/2019 11:09

@SMiles14 same re saliva yesterday. I'll hold out until 12DPO (Mon) too. Nice to not be alone in this x

SazCat · 11/10/2019 13:10

@pollysproggle I sometimes spot for a day or to before, tbh it's only my third cycle since I had the implant out and I didn't have a period for nearly a year with that. So not really sure what my normal is!

So I guess I'll wait and see if AF comes in the next couple of days. If not I'll prob test on Monday... suppose there's a small chance it could be an implantation bleed!

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 14:50

Fingers crossed it is @SazCat!

This wait is torture and I don't know if I'm only noticing this because you mentioned it @A29T @SMiles14 but I have noticed I have a very watery mouth today Hmm

OP posts:
A29T · 11/10/2019 15:27

@pollysproggle oh boooooo. I'm sorry if I set you off!

pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 16:10

Lol don't worry @A29T I'd be obsessing anyway. You should see the things I've googled which I haven't mentioned on here 😂

OP posts:
A29T · 11/10/2019 16:23

@pollysproggle oh I can imagine!

Sax83 · 11/10/2019 16:38

I’m 5DPO too. I’ve had prolonged ovulation type pain today. Has anyone else experienced this?


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pollysproggle · 11/10/2019 19:32

Hi @Sax83
I had some cramps after ovulation which Im not sure is usual for me or not?
I don't get pms symptoms usually (unless I'm faking them to get out of something lol)
But these were so mild I could of had before and not taken notice because I wasn't looking for symptoms. I'm writing them all down this cycle though!

What sort of things are you experiencing?

OP posts:
KaybeBlossom · 11/10/2019 19:36

@pollysproggle your comment made me laugh. I have literally just googled 'can spots on bum be a sign of pregnancy' after noticing I seem to have spotty cheeks which I have never had before 🙈😂

SMiles14 · 11/10/2019 19:40

@KaybeBlossom @pollysproggle haha I googled 'dark nipples sign of pregnancy?!' 😂😂
I have had niggly 'cramps' they don't hurt and feel completely different to af type cramps, they are much more central and low down and they are more like niggles/ pulling it's so weird. Like you say I could of had them before and not noticed!

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