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Anyone around 5dpo and want to wait with me?

225 replies

pollysproggle · 07/10/2019 09:32

The dreaded TWW which actually feels like it takes 2 years 😫
It's too early to symptom spot I know but I did feel a bit crampy after ovulation, a few shooting pains in boobs and a horrible two day headache over the weekend.
Also a weird feeling almost like I have the start of cystitis but I don't. Had that yesterday and it's gone now.

Anyone else around the same dpo? Let me know how you're feeling!

OP posts:
KaybeBlossom · 23/10/2019 20:17

So sorry @Kona84 wishing you all the luck in the world for next month xxx

pollysproggle · 23/10/2019 18:55

Sorry to hear that @Kona84
Wishing you all the luck for next month and getting your bfp xx

OP posts:
Kona84 · 23/10/2019 18:09

CD1 for me today ☹️
I’m going to start ovulation testing and zita west fertility pills. Heading to the November bus now

Kona84 · 21/10/2019 18:12

Tested with a first response tonight it came out negative.
I am 2 days late on AF.
I keep telling myself just to wait for AF to turn up. I will get through this week and if no AF by Friday I will test again that will make me 1 week late by Ovia’s prediction and 6 days late by Flo’s.

dublino · 21/10/2019 10:38

@flm1988 I know the feeling. When I got my bfp back in april it was like i was in denial about it all and didnt want to get my hope's up. My advice for you would be try and relax and enjoy it! I told myself next time round I will not stress out as much as the last time !

Tested this morn and as I expected bfn. But I'm ok with that. I've just ordered my ovusense that I am very excited to start using and about to start taking my provera to bring on a period ! I'm getting married next august so I was really hoping of get my bfp this cycle so that I wont be pregnant at the wedding but sure look. Who cares once it happens! Best of luck with the pregnancy ladies . Hopefully chat to you all soon on a different board!

flm1988 · 21/10/2019 10:17

@dublino have you tested?

I'm feeling weird today although I've had 2 positive tests I'm not feeling pregnant n questioning it, the joys of having anxiety is anyone else feeling like this? X

dublino · 20/10/2019 17:16

@flm1988 congrats!

Still no Af and doesn't seem like shes coming anytime soon. Got a frer today so gonna test again tomorrow . If nothing by the weekend then I'm back on provera to start a new cycle.

Kona84 · 20/10/2019 13:53

I will do. So nervous not sure if I’m feeling sick with nerves or if it’s a symptom

flm1988 · 20/10/2019 13:39

Good luck let us know how you get on 🤞

Kona84 · 20/10/2019 13:34

@flm1988 if AF hasn’t turned up by Tuesday I’ll do a clear blue.

flm1988 · 20/10/2019 10:39

I had 2 x negative with boots tests,tried 3 days later with clear blue and got my bfp x

Kona84 · 20/10/2019 09:48

P.s I’m using boots test strips should I try a different test?

Kona84 · 20/10/2019 09:06

Cd32 today still no AFtook a pregnancy test (boots strip) came out negative.
Woke with a raise bbt and nausea.
I’ll try again in a few days of AF doesn’t arrive

Kona84 · 19/10/2019 10:34

@kaybeblossom I haven’t yet. I’m too nervous. AF hasn’t arrived so I’m on CD31 now. I looked back through my trends and in June I had a 34 day cycle so trying to not get my hopes up

KaybeBlossom · 19/10/2019 10:11

@Kona84 did you end up testing this morning?

Kona84 · 18/10/2019 22:53

So AF hasn’t turned up today.
My Fitbit says it’s due tomorrow, Flo says today and Ovia says today.
So as you can imagine I’m driving myself insane.
Should I test tomorrow or wait a bit longer?

pollysproggle · 18/10/2019 13:42

16th December for scan- I self referred and got the appointments a few hours later. I was really impressed!
I have a night out soon too which is tricky as I do love a few drinks so it's hard to hide it.
I've told one friend so she can back me up on whatever story I come up with lol

OP posts:
pollysproggle · 18/10/2019 13:38

Amazing @flm1988!!
Congratulations I'm so happy for you. Maybe you ovulated a little later than you thought?

OP posts:
KaybeBlossom · 18/10/2019 13:30

Congratulations @flm1988!!

flm1988 · 18/10/2019 13:29

So I've clear blued and I got a slight positive Smile

Anyone around  5dpo and want to wait with me?
KaybeBlossom · 18/10/2019 13:00

@pollysproggle funny you say about the pain near your bra strap I have been getting that and was worrying a bit. I feel terrible lol so nauseous, completely lost my appetite, constant watery mouth and occasionally a little bit crampy lol. Out for my friend's birthday tomorrow so have said I'm not drinking as I'm 'out sunday' but they are all already on my case about how I definitely am. So going to have to put my foot down with it obviously and hope no one guesses why I'm not lol not ready to tell anyone. When is your scan! So exciting lol

XjustagirlX · 18/10/2019 11:55

I’m on 12dpo and af is due tomorrow. But I usually get spotting on 11 and 12 dpo. I’ve done first response tests today and yesterday and both bfn. I’m feeling quite down about everything today. A couple of days ago I thought I was definitely pregnant but I’ve lost all hope now.


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pollysproggle · 18/10/2019 11:53

I fell good! My only symptoms so far are the excess cm and a bit of backache but it's definitely pregnancy backache!
I don't get the usual lower pain, I get a burning pain in around where my bra strap is and I have that again albeit mild at the moment. Oh, and the crazy dreams, having those too.
I've self referred now so have my booking in appointment and first scan booked. How are you feeling? Has it sunk in yet?

OP posts:
flm1988 · 18/10/2019 10:29

Well for the past 3 months I've been like clockwork before that I was on coil with no periods x

KaybeBlossom · 18/10/2019 10:16

That's so strange @flm1988 let us know how your clear blue goes 🤞

How are you feeling @pollysproggle?

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