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TWW - Early October

219 replies

30somethingandtired · 02/10/2019 19:59

I'm 2DPO today so right at the beginning of the 2WW.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
Wewin · 11/10/2019 18:04

@Lew2016 it was very very strong SMU, practically orange, I was so dehydrated. I feel like I see something too, maybe the beginnings of something. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

@Wuthering... I hope you get your BFP soon and you get a clear line.

I’m 13dpo today and my luteal phase is 13-14 days. Tbh I feel pg now bc of the very sore boobs and a vague fullness/pressure feeling in my uterus.

As an aside, I’m a bit miserable as I’m utterly exhausted and have come down quite ill with my chest. I may need to go to the out of hours doctor to get an antibiotic for my chest. So I’m feeling sorry for myself and over emotional/not thinking clearly. I’m not sure if it’s bc I’m sick or beginnings of hormonal surge which always make me feel anxious.

How is everyone else doing? Please share 💕

Wewin · 11/10/2019 18:09

@Kayleigh0713 pink spotting sounds like Implantation bleeding. Stay hopeful. Is this your first? With my last child I had Implantation bleeding up to 6 weeks. Mine was brown (but it can be pink). Just enough to stain a panty liner each day. It worried me so EPU seen me and all was fine with the little bean. He is now 5 years old.

Kayleigh0713 · 11/10/2019 21:20

Hey @Wewin this is my second child I have one already who is 6. Sinc eoutting this post earlier, when I've gone toilet on two more occasions when I've wiped I've had pink discharge but only very slightly pink. Could be start of AF as I am due today. I do have sore boobs so hoping that it's a sign of something else. I had bad cramping on Tuesday like real bad pms symptoms. Then nothing until today with the spotting. However, I very much doubt it haha. How are you getting on with your testing x

Kayleigh0713 · 11/10/2019 21:48

Think I'm going to buy a frer tomorrow these strip test are rubbish one minute I get a positive the next it's a negative.. Ahhh!!

TWW - Early October
TWW - Early October
Lizziejayne13 · 11/10/2019 21:56

@kayleigh0713 i can see two lines on both of those tests!

30somethingandtired · 11/10/2019 22:15

Definitely something there @Kayleigh0713 but I'd try a different brand to get a nice second line.

I'm 11DPO now. Tests all seem negative so far (except the usual "can I see something?" wishful thinking", but I'm nauseous, tired, and bloated. Bit of cramping today. Work friend said (nicely) that I'm more irritable than usual. If I'm not pregnant then I'm definitely run down. Need a decent rest.

Got a different test to try again tomorrow, because I'm a crazy person.

Hope everyone else is ok. We've grown to such a big group that I'm struggling to remember who said what; although that might just be my tired, broken brain.

Wishing everyone all the best for the weekend. Let's hope that between up we start getting some nice strong lines.

OP posts:
WutheringShites86 · 11/10/2019 22:15

@Kayleigh0713 I see lines too!

Wewin · 11/10/2019 22:16

Your definitely still getting positives on the ones you’re posting @Kayleigh0713. I think buying a couple of FRER’s is sensible then you can test line progression. It’ll be reassuring for you. I do think it’s IB you’re getting.

I’m not getting on too well. Just finished bawling my eyes out for a half hour as struggling emotionally with an email I got today. Being sick is pants. I was feeling down and my son asked me why and I told him and then I couldn’t stop crying. It’s got to be the worst pmt ever. Can’t even blame it on being pg due to BFN’s Sad. Still holding onto a tiny bit of hope that I’m a hot mess due to hcg cranking up but I’m not holding my breath. It’s probably pmt mixed with me being sick.

30somethingandtired · 12/10/2019 09:55

Despite convincing myself that I was out for this month, I picked up a different brand of test in my way home from work last night, went for an early response test this time.

This morning, this happened......

Too test is the normal one, bottom rest is the early response.

TWW - Early October
OP posts:
Wewin · 12/10/2019 11:22

@30somethingandtired great lines on those tests! That’s so awesome! Congratulations!!! Great news. Now you know your symptoms were bc you were indeed pg.

I’m 14dpo today and am so sick I can barely get out of bed. Unfortunately it’s not pg related, just a bad chest infection.

I’m so reluctant to test as feel so down that seeing another bfn would start me off crying again.

I do have one FRER left in case AF doesn’t show today or tomorrow. My luteal phase is 13/14 days.

WutheringShites86 · 12/10/2019 11:51

Morning all, another blank test for me from earlier this morning Sad

@Wewin, I feel your pain! It is still early to be testing for me, af due on Wednesday, but losing hope a bit now.

If I'm not pg I must be in for the worst period pains of my life, don't usually have twinges and cramps from so early on!

@30somethingandtired that's fab news for you! Hope getting a clearer bfp puts your mind at rest. Flowers

TWW - Early October
Wewin · 12/10/2019 12:32

@wuthering... how many dpo are you? There’s still time. Remember you’re not out til the witch flows.

I’m getting AF style pains too. Very subtle. But I’m due on tomorrow so mine are probably real AF pains rather than implantation like yours probably is.

I’m getting ready and going out for a big walk. That should bring it on if it’s going to come on.

Hope you all are doing well today Smile

Kayleigh0713 · 12/10/2019 13:57

Wow @30somethingandtired they are amazing positives! Congratulations!!

@wewin and @WutheringShites86 there is still time if no AF shows then could still be in the game.

I went out today and Brought and different pregnancy test and there is another faint line so I think I'm defo having a chemical pregnancy because it's not getting any darker but if it was implantation bleeding yesterday then could still be. I'm not one day late or due today. I'll post a photo of the test soon just out and about at the moment x

WutheringShites86 · 12/10/2019 14:02

Thanks @Wewin. I'm 12-13 dpo but 4-5 days off af because I ovulate a couple of days early, usually cd12.

You're right, it's not over yet. I've only been pregnant once before which ended in miscarriage at 7 weeks so I can't help but compare how the very early days before bfp then were to now. With that pregnancy my signs were so strong and different from my usual pms that I just absolutely knew from about dpo7 and got early positives from dpo 13.

The stuff I'm feeling now isn't the same as then but it also doesn't feel like my normal pms yet either so I'm just going round in circles!

Ladies who have had multiple pgs- did you have the same symptoms each time or can they be totally different each pregnancy?

SMiles14 · 12/10/2019 14:26

@30somethingandtired Congrats! Those are excellent lines 😊

Hockeymom32 · 12/10/2019 16:50

Good Morning ladies!! Its been a while since I posted I have been very busy with work unfortunately.

@30somethingandtired HUGE CONGRATS!! What day are you and how many times did you test and which days , also what is your LP?

@Wewin Which DPO are you ? When are you waiting to test?

I caved and tested on 10dpo with FMU and got a BFN , I have had weird mild cramping all alone but also just had a throat thing when I OV, so possibly all was just from the sickness. I have a short LP of 11-12 days.. I think as far as I can tell and a Cycle of 26-27 days, today is CD 28 for me and no sign of AF but I have been crampy since Thursday Dpo 10 for me , so I think if a positive was to come it would have came on Dpo 10, I may just be a little late on my AF this month.

Hockeymom32 · 12/10/2019 16:51

@WutheringShites86 Congrats!!! That is so wonderful! Great Lines!!!

Hockeymom32 · 12/10/2019 16:54

@WutheringShites86 Wait, how can there be lines then none? What did I miss.. Does that happen ? Maybe its just really early or the strength of the urine sample given?

Wewin · 12/10/2019 16:56

@Kayleigh0713 maybe the tests you took today are less sensitive so less of a strong line. I’m rooting for you.

@WutheringShites86 I’ve been pg a few times and haven’t realised and symptoms can be so subtle. It seemed that real symptoms didn’t fully start til about 6 weeks or so. At first they can be so vague. Like the nausea I’m feeling now, im totally putting it down to my chest infection. Then another time I got really strong symptoms but it was a quick chemical that was over before it begun. That’s why you can never tell until you’re late and a BFP shows up.

I checked my cm after my walk and had tiniest bit of spotting. Very minute. So it’s probably AF on her way. I also had more yellowish ewcm. My boobs aren’t killing me anymore. Getting definite activity in
my uterus so I guess I’m going to be out pretty soon. So I enjoyed a lovely strong cup of coffee whilst out for my walk (that’s probably what’s making me sick actually!). Empty stomach!

I’m such a chicken. I’m totally afraid of using my last FRER and seeing a bfn. Think I prefer to wait for AF today or tomorrow.

WutheringShites86 · 12/10/2019 17:51

Hi @Hockeymom32 I think you must have confused me with another poster, I haven't had a bfp yet.

@Wewin thanks for sharing your experience. I think I just need to chill out and wait.

If the witch is on her way for you I hope it's not too bad Flowers

Hockeymom32 · 12/10/2019 18:48

@Wuthing Im so sorry yes I was looking at Kayleigh's positives! You are not out yet! I am keeping faith for you !!

@Wewin , if AF isnt here yet you are still in it.

Kayleigh0713 · 12/10/2019 19:36

I'm so sorry for the horrible picture. Probably TMI. But the spotting has now started to turn brown. Has anyone else had this?

@hockeymom32 I've been getting positives and negatives for the last few days now I don't know why it's happening. Last month I had a 25 day cycle, if I were to have another 25 day cycle then I would have been due yesterday. I'm currently 13dpo. I've got another 2 test to use so will use one with fmu tomorrow see what that says as long as AF don't show xx

TWW - Early October

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WutheringShites86 · 12/10/2019 19:40

@Kayleigh0713 I had pink then brown spotting in the week after my bfp last time, when reading around about it it seems that a bit of old blood can come out from time to time and that's the brown stuff

Kayleigh0713 · 12/10/2019 19:49

@WutheringShites86 thank you, maybe it's a good sign then, well I hope so haha. I've never been so confused in my life apart from this last week with the positives and negatives. But if I am pregnant and its only just implantated now then I should get a positive over the next few days I hope.

If not, I just hope AF shows as soon as possible to put me out of my misery haha x

Wewin · 12/10/2019 21:02

@Kayleigh0713 I got brown blood spotting when pg with my youngest boy. Enough that I had to wear a panty liner.

Thank you @Hockeymom32. I’m 14dpo today and no AF yet. I’m feeling uterine activity so she could be on her way but I live in hope! The nausea is keeping me hopeful! It hasn’t really went away for long all day, but then again it might be bc of my horrible cough.

I’ve been reading loads online about women getting late BFP’s with late Implantation. I’d love to be one of those cases. But if not, I’m staying really positive as it’s an extra month of supplements improving egg quality for next time! Smile

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