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TTC Baby number 1 - Looking for buddies #2

916 replies

Katie1109 · 25/09/2019 09:44

Hi girls, started new thread because the old one is running out.
Tag anyone I have forgotten:

OP posts:
Gigi318 · 28/09/2019 13:29

@Hewie30 yes absolutely, I do hope it's a positive for you. I really do 💙 still living vicariously through you hehe! Could be. A girl on another thread was 9 days late from AF then got her BFP! Exactly, I just want to relax an little and have fun with it. I've even worried that OH may be away at the wrong time and I'm done with that now - I feel like I'm already worrying and it's annoying. So no more!!!
And look at this willpower you have haha woohoo yes no worries about holding out, it can only be a good thing waiting longer!!!

@flossy12 oh look at little Peanut 💖 what a gorgeous thing to see!!! How amazing!!! I bet that has made your weekend!!!

Hewie30 · 28/09/2019 13:34

@gigi318 Yeah exactly! Then if I come on its not wasting a pregnancy test 😊. Oh really? Poor thing having to wait that long! Im hoping that'll be me but I just wiped and got some pink blood but it was painful so not sure if it's AF coming or just my cystitis 🤷.
Yeah I was like that last month but if he's away then there's no point fretting about it. I just feel the more stressed we are it could effect our chances.
Haha! I'm trying 😂

Gigi318 · 28/09/2019 13:44

@Hewie30 absolutely. Those things are pricey! Yes, she had tested and BFN then the BFP arrived 🙌🏻 eeek hope it's not AF. Do you know what to expect with AF or does it vary??
Absolutely, I'm really trying to just relax but it is hard isn't it. I feel really tired today so hoping to have a bit of a lazy afternoon. Having a big clean killed me this morning 🙈

Hewie30 · 28/09/2019 13:46

@gigi318 Awh I'd love that 😍😍. I'm hoping not! It usually starts spotting like this but usually when I wake up rather then through the day 🤔. Yeah they cost so much! So the longer I can hold out the better (if this isn't AF)

Gigi318 · 28/09/2019 14:25

@Hewie30 absolutely. It'll be Monday-Tuesday before you know it. And hopefully AF stays away before then. Hope you get some time off to relax this weekend! I feel like I may spend it napping 🤣 this tiredness is so unlike me. I blame the drizzly weather!!!

flossy12 · 28/09/2019 18:09

@Hewie30 yes! Everything is absolutely fine thank god, I feel so much more at ease now ☺️ me and my sister were so close to tears but managed to hold it together 👏🏼

@Makeafamily19 hehe it will be all you guys soon! 😍😍 so glad I have you all hear for support you all help me loads 😅 I'm like a fish out of water atm

@Gigi318 hehe finally! 😆 can't believe it's so small! And yeah heard the heartbeat it was so strange to think it's beating away down there 😍

Gigi318 · 28/09/2019 20:50

@flossy12 so glad chick, it's all so exciting. Now for the 12 week one. I bet that feels like so long away!! I'd definitely be so emotional too! Xx

flossy12 · 28/09/2019 22:02

@Gigi318 yeah just going to enjoy my holiday and that'll help pass the time ☺️☺️

Hewie30 · 28/09/2019 22:13

@gigi318 haha! Did you get your nap? 😂. This weather definatly makes you feel froggy your right! One minute it's ok then next massive downpour! You been doing much this weekend?
Fingers crossed the buggar won't come and Monday and Tuesday will be here before we know it 🤞. I'm hoping this long ass cycle won't be for nothing

@flossy12 Awh I bet!! I'd definitely cry! I think I'll cry whenever I get my BFP too 😂

Gigi318 · 29/09/2019 07:45

Morning ladies, how are we all?

@flossy12 amazing! You're going to have such a lovely time. Not long now. Woohoo!

@Hewie30 I didn't - I'm such a bad napper 🙈 But I did read on the sofa for an hour or so, so that helped. And I was asleep by 9pm again. Wild Saturday night for us 🤣 OH still all man fluey - love him! Not much so far, cleaning, went for a run, saw my parents, read. We had Indian last night, so that was nice. What about you?
Yesssss I really hope so. Any sign of AF yet?? I hope not. This is all so exciting!! And I would definitely cry too - through 99% sheer joy and 1% panic 🙊

flossy12 · 29/09/2019 08:25

I'm doing fine this morning hope everyone else is ☺️☺️ woke up feeling sick 😩 had a really bad appetite yesterday so didn't end up eating much so I've got icky tummy 😩😩

@Hewie30 I was just in shock when I got mine, thought I would cry but I think it was more the utter disbelief had me speechless 😩 then just pure excitement 💞

@Gigi318 gosh I hope so! Won't be much fun if I can't eat much 😅 got the blandest appetite lately can't handle much at all, and I've completely gone off pizza makes me gag every time I try eat some

Gigi318 · 29/09/2019 08:59

@flossy12 morning love! Glad you're feeling fine this morning, but sorry about the sickness. Hope it starts to ease off soon and this isn't the start of it getting bad 🙈 eek! Oh noooo, pizza is my fave I'd hate to go off it! Are you feeling tired or anything?? Xx

Raizelrea · 29/09/2019 09:43

Hi everyone!

@flossy12 Aww little peanut, I bet that was reassuring to see. Sorry your stomach is still giving you a hard time, hopefully you don't have that much of it left - the first couple of months are meant to be the worst!

@Hewie30 Hope your cystitis/UTI is getting better - maybe get it checked out if you're getting blood in your wee to be on the safer side? Hope AF is staying away still, are you thinking of testing tomorrow?

@Gigi318 Morning hun, yeah sort of SMEP but not quite is what we've been doing as well, I don't want to force it. That's interesting, my OH doesn't mind if I still have a bit of AF left as long as it's not in full swing (I don't think he notices really), but I prefer to wait a bit after for everything to "tidy up" 😁

Hewie30 · 29/09/2019 09:58

Morning Ladies, AF showed herself today 😒, come on heavy straight away which isn't like me but I'm officially out after a long ass cycle

Katie1109 · 29/09/2019 10:05

@Hewie30 so sorry the witch arrived hun x hope you’re ok x stay positive, next month is our month x

OP posts:
Hewie30 · 29/09/2019 10:21

@Katie1109 Thanks hun, feel quite gutted because I wanted to think this was it. A 42 day cycle this month when usually it's been 34-35. I'm going to take a break from ttc but I'll still be on here to see how you ladies get on ❤️

Raizelrea · 29/09/2019 10:24

@Hewie30 Sorry to hear that, what a crazy cycle you've had! Take it easy and treat yourself!

Hewie30 · 29/09/2019 10:27

@Raizelrea Thanks hun, it's definitely been a mad one! I think either a chemical or I've ovulated later this cycle 🤷. Goodness knows when I'll get pregnant with odd cycles like this and being relaxed, but it'll happen when it happens

Raizelrea · 29/09/2019 10:32

@Hewie30 I think for many people it's being relaxed that does it! It is how my parents conceived me after years of trying ☺️

Hewie30 · 29/09/2019 10:51

@Raizelrea Hopefully it'll work for me 🤞. Just feel a bit down today! But I'll bounce back

Raizelrea · 29/09/2019 11:12

So I'm now 7 DPO and it's had me pondering about the symptoms in the first week of TWW. It's occurred to me that when we experience pregnancy-like symptoms in the first week, it may very well mean there is a fertilised egg but that on its own amounts to nothing if it doesn't implant. Just thinking about last cycle I had loads of symptoms till 9 DPO and then 10 DPO it all stopped and 11 DPO I started spotting. So whatever was going on tue first week is moot point. I'm just finding it hard to believe that I missed all this nausea in previous cycles until last month. Then again most likely my OH is right when he says I'm manufacturing it because I'm looking for it to be there, so it's probably just psychosomatic.

flossy12 · 29/09/2019 11:54

@Gigi318 I know I love pizza too 😩😭 I've no idea if it'll get worse or not 😬 I'm a little tired not as bad as it has been though 🤞🏻 how are you feeling? Is it fertile week yet?


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flossy12 · 29/09/2019 11:56

@Raizelrea yeah I've been told up to 12 weeks normally, but at least it isn't full blown sick 🤷🏼‍♀️😬 after my holiday I'll be 9 weeks so there won't be long to wait after that until I get into the 'best' trimester

Gigi318 · 29/09/2019 13:27

@Raizelrea yes, I like the idea of just DTD as much as possible to have a fair shot but not overthinking it or planning it so much 🙈 I don't min the end of AF either (basically the CM) but he literally cannot 🤣🙈 so I just wait!
I definitely agree with you, I swear I had symptoms from about 6-7dpo until 14-15! Unless like you say, it was all in my mind. But it felt real. I will see how this month goes!

@Hewie30 oh no, my love!!!! Arghhh so much hate for AF now. Hope you're okay and not too stressed out 😞 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you have a nice chilled day ahead! Definitely keep that relaxed attitude you have right now, as it really helps you! I'm sure things will happen for you when you're least expecting it!

@flossy12 eeeek hope that stops soon and you can eat pizza ASAP!!! Not yet, I'm CD6 now so nearly there 🤞🏻💫

Raizelrea · 29/09/2019 15:05

@flossy12 Yeah should be easier to deal with when you're on holiday and don't have to work! And once you're in the second trimester everyone says it's amazing!

@Gigi318 I feel you! On the bright side we're learning what's normal for our cycles which is good to know regardless, I feel like it will be useful in the future when I'm starting new projects to know that tje first half of my cycle is best for that because I have more energy etc. Would have never known without this journey!

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