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anyone have luteal phase defect?

35 replies

wishing1 · 05/01/2007 07:02

I have to start on progesterone because my cycle tends to start 4 days early and then stop and then start again, so I have drop in progesterone. Hope this works in getting pg anyone use progesterone suppliment, cream, etc. and have any success?

OP posts:
KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 13:46

Got an Agnus Castus question for you, Annie, or anyone else who can help me. I've been taking it with Vitamin B Complex for 2 months now, and it certainly made a difference to the length of my last LP. However, I'm in day 9 of the LP, and my temperature has dropped progressively over the last 5 days, and is now on the coverline. I stopped taking AC as soon as the temp shot up, as I read that you shouldn't take it if you're pregnant - hey, you live in hope! But I started taking it again this morning, as I've been so worried.

Do you see your doctor to get your progesterone tested? And what are HCG injections?

Am quite bummed out, as I was SURE that this month we'd got it right!

anniemac · 01/09/2008 13:55

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anniemac · 01/09/2008 13:57

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KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 21:36

It all helps, AM.

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 21:36

It all helps, AM.

lastboxoftampons · 01/09/2008 22:09

I'm on my second month of AC - I got an extra day, maybe two out of my LP last month. I've also had a real clear ov shift this month and I'm currently 3dpo.

I've read conflicting theories, but I'm most convinced about taking all cycle as it's a slow-acting herb and meant to build up in your system over time.

Hope that helps!

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:28

Thanks, LBOT. Back on the AC today. (Sigh ...)

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:28

Thanks, LBOT. Back on the AC today. (Sigh ...)

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:30

Have got to learn NOT to press the damn POST button with such enthusiasm.

Rach32hello · 21/03/2016 12:26

I just wanted to add my story because these threads were a source of comfort and info for me when trying. I came off the mini pill in August 2015. My periods were never longer than 24 days and I would ovulate late, so I was really worried about LPD.
But this month I've found out I'm pregnant!! :-)
Just my story, but if you're progesterone, LH and FSH levels are ok- I would try not to worry too much.
I did take agnus castus and prengnacare conception- before agnus my periods were short and it seemed to lengthen them- as well as radically improving my PMS!

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