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anyone have luteal phase defect?

35 replies

wishing1 · 05/01/2007 07:02

I have to start on progesterone because my cycle tends to start 4 days early and then stop and then start again, so I have drop in progesterone. Hope this works in getting pg anyone use progesterone suppliment, cream, etc. and have any success?

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Rach32hello · 21/03/2016 12:26

I just wanted to add my story because these threads were a source of comfort and info for me when trying. I came off the mini pill in August 2015. My periods were never longer than 24 days and I would ovulate late, so I was really worried about LPD.
But this month I've found out I'm pregnant!! :-)
Just my story, but if you're progesterone, LH and FSH levels are ok- I would try not to worry too much.
I did take agnus castus and prengnacare conception- before agnus my periods were short and it seemed to lengthen them- as well as radically improving my PMS!

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:30

Have got to learn NOT to press the damn POST button with such enthusiasm.

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:28

Thanks, LBOT. Back on the AC today. (Sigh ...)

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 22:28

Thanks, LBOT. Back on the AC today. (Sigh ...)

lastboxoftampons · 01/09/2008 22:09

I'm on my second month of AC - I got an extra day, maybe two out of my LP last month. I've also had a real clear ov shift this month and I'm currently 3dpo.

I've read conflicting theories, but I'm most convinced about taking all cycle as it's a slow-acting herb and meant to build up in your system over time.

Hope that helps!

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 21:36

It all helps, AM.

KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 21:36

It all helps, AM.

anniemac · 01/09/2008 13:57

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anniemac · 01/09/2008 13:55

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KiwiKat · 01/09/2008 13:46

Got an Agnus Castus question for you, Annie, or anyone else who can help me. I've been taking it with Vitamin B Complex for 2 months now, and it certainly made a difference to the length of my last LP. However, I'm in day 9 of the LP, and my temperature has dropped progressively over the last 5 days, and is now on the coverline. I stopped taking AC as soon as the temp shot up, as I read that you shouldn't take it if you're pregnant - hey, you live in hope! But I started taking it again this morning, as I've been so worried.

Do you see your doctor to get your progesterone tested? And what are HCG injections?

Am quite bummed out, as I was SURE that this month we'd got it right!

anniemac · 01/09/2008 11:40

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buttercupbabe · 18/08/2008 15:10

Hi I was sure that I had a luteal phase defect - bleeding 8/9 dpo, my consultant gave me 3 doses of HCG injections. Didn't work for me because I actually had adhesions and a hooked fallopian tube (resulting from the c/section I had having ds). Once these had been dealt (consultant did lap and dye and hysteroscopy and repaired damage he saw whilst doing the 2 procedures) I had follicle tracking which showed I only had at best a 10 day luteal phase. Dr told me to come back next cycle to start treatment but fell pg! My friend also had luteal phase defect - was ttc for about a year and now has 2 ds' after having the hcg injections. Her luteal phase was about 9 days.
Before I saw consultant I tried using B6 but it made no difference. Have you been prescribed progesterone?

anniemac · 18/08/2008 10:20

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Twiglett · 18/08/2008 10:03

when you're pregnant your hormones get thrown up in the air, when you're no longer pregnant they land .. any which way .. at least that's how it was explained to me (because that's what happened to me)

I think secondary infertility is more common than one might imagine and also fairly consistently written off by GPs because they see you've already got one child so no problem ... I also had the added whammy of you've already got one child and you're 35 this year and NHS resources are limited .. I had to fight hard for a referral and in the end took it out of GP's hands (ie went in and gave them name of person to write to and wrote the letter for them)

AGD · 18/08/2008 09:50

Thanks Twiglett

Out of interest, do you know if it's common to get LPD even after you've successfully conceived once without any issues at all?

I've noticed weird things with my cycle the past 6 months or so, have been charting the past two and both times have felt sick / sore boobs for first 3-4 days after temp goes up. Last time period came 9 days post temp rise, this time day 6.

feeling quite upset by this as potential issue. as for so many people I'm sure, now we're trying I really want it to work and not to get obsessed by it all, or to have to go through a really stressful/emotional experience for months / years. no one wants that do they. but the reality check is proving hard given how easily we conceived the first time. I want our daughter to have a playmate close in age, not with a huge gap. just have to resign myself to being more patient - only a few months in after all.

good to read there are things to try at least. off to get high strength B6 now...

sounds like i should also use ovulation kits so I know exactly when I ovulate. have a good idea now but signs not 100% obvious.

Twiglett · 18/08/2008 09:42

ovulation 'pain' while symptomatic is not a precise indicator of ovulation though .. I would try testing with OPKs for a while too .. it is just the pain can start before or after the actual ovualtion IIRC so you might be slightly misjudging and when we're talking a couple of days could make a difference in conception

Twiglett · 18/08/2008 09:41

AF is period ("Aunt Flo")

10 days is not considered a luteal phase defect I'm afraid .. try high dosage vitamin B6 (100 to 200mg per day) .. you need to ask for this as standard supplements are lower

AGD · 18/08/2008 09:38


Could someone explain what 'AF' stands for?

These threads are really helpful, so thanks to everyone for posting.

blondie1711 · 24/07/2007 17:13

can anyone give me some advice?
i have been to my Gp she was very unsympathetic and brushed me off with no help at all.(angry)
i have been TTC since last september,with no luck!i know this does not seem like ages to some as its now july but i have never had a problem before.i have 4 other children and have had 8 miscarraiges which seemed to be down to low progesterone consultant prescribed CYCLOGEST to use as soon as i fell pregant last time and it did the trick.that was 5 years ago though and i suspect that now i have a lutuel phase cyle always starts 9-10 past ovulation without fail.and i know exactly when i ovulate because i feel alot of pain.
would anyone else think that i have a LPD??
any advice would be helpful.thanks x

Hillbilly · 12/01/2007 10:35

I've just been reading this thread as am TTC after MC in August with no success. My cycle is 23 days OV at 16 days. Never heard of luteal phase defect before and now worried too.

Should I see the doctor about this?

Twiglett · 08/01/2007 14:11

it was prescribed by consultant at ACU at hospital so took a while

but GPs can prescribe too

I'd just tell them you've been trying for a year and have charted for 3 months and its showing a defect personally .. they'll probably give you blood tests and want semen tests too just to check but at least you've identified issue

mine was secondary infertility and I was ovulating fine so bloods were fine .. I had to argue to get a referral to ACU cos I already had a child .. and in the end roped in friend at hospital to advise me in getting referral

good luck

cityangel · 08/01/2007 01:35

Thanks Twiglett (my favourite snack) did you have to wait a year to get it perscribed?


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Twiglett · 07/01/2007 23:34

I was given clomid .. worked first cycle

cityangel · 07/01/2007 23:30

Have been charting and using a fertility monitor and a short luteal phase is likely for me...

What are people trying other than B6?

Thanks for your help

wishing1 · 06/01/2007 03:09


Thanks, it sounds like I"m not the only one having this issue. My doctor said that if your progesterone drops too soon it makes you start too soon and that can affect carrying a baby and implantation and everything! I have my apt on Thurs so we'll find out what happens then. I was caught on the last two months traveling and there it was 3-4 days early, sucks!

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