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Is anyone trying to lose weight as well as TTC?

73 replies

CherryPie3 · 16/01/2014 15:24

Wasn't sure whether to post here on in weight loss but I thought here was more appropriate.

I'm a big girl and have decided to follow the slimming world plan at home. I joined last year and lost over 2 stone (hardly a dent in what I've got to lose....) Confused

Not rejoining this time as u still have everything I need.

Anyone wanna join me? Could do with the company,

OP posts:
naty1 · 26/01/2014 13:25

Yes def no snacking on pasta.i would have banana or other fruit. At least then you don't get carried away.
I am struggling to control my weight after starting on hypothyroid meds and stopping bf.
For me it is avoiding choc and cakes and too many carbs, white ones especially due to pcos.

Minichuch · 26/01/2014 18:18

Hi all

Been reading the thread and finally decided to post - I'm in exactly same position - TTC for a year with irregular periods think got PCOS but not diagnosed - all I hear from docs is lose weight so I've joined the gym and started swimming.

I don't know bout anyone else but I've really struggled with the TTC and weight lose - its difficult to speak with friends who have no clue what it is like and try an keep it from my DH so he doesn't think I've turned into a fruit loop and neurotic

Good luck to everyone

kukeslala · 26/01/2014 19:23

Hi everyone

I need to loose weight. Have PCOS and have reached the point where we would be given chlomid however I'm too much of a fatty boonkie Sad.

kukeslala · 26/01/2014 19:26

Great idea for a thread! Lets hope we all get our bfp's soon.

Yes it is hard to really talk to people about how you feel, I have a few trusted people I can speak to but even then I don't speak every time Im feeling sad and or mad as I would probably not speak about any thing else!

LucyJoJo · 26/01/2014 19:34

Hello to the recent additions!
I find my biggest problem is the emotional eating, failure to conceive gets me down so I eat to feel better, even though I know that is probably what is causing the biggest issue!
I am thinking of making an app to see the Dr this week but am worried they will just send me away and tell me to lose weight, my BMI is slightly over 30 so I guess I need to get that down before they will do anything else?
I was quite uncomfortable in my pregnancy with DD and I promised myself that I would get down to a size 10 (!!) before I ever got pg again, but my desperation for another baby is just taking over a bit now.
I am also starting to wonder if I have PCOS, is it weight that causes it or is being overweight a side-effect of having pcos?
Sorry, bit waffly, but it is nice to have other people who are in the same boat to chat to!!

kukeslala · 26/01/2014 22:33

My eating has become terrible recently (around the same time as last appt at fertility clinic), which is stupid and I need to sort it.
Being overweight is a common side effect of having PCOS.
It was a PITA being diagnosed, I eventually changed Drs (after years and only after a kick up the arse from another health professional) and I was diagnosed by them with PCOS on the 2nd appt (the one to review all tests), I have recently found out that all of my blood tests from previous Drs did show I had it all along Angry
I was told there are 3 ways to diagnose, and if you have 2 of the 3 you will be diagnosed as having PCOS
-blood tests
-symptoms weight, irregular/no periods, hair growth in certain places, bad skin, mood (lots more but these are a few)
-Scan for cysts on the ovaries (all have a certain number, normally people with PCOS have more)

I don't have an abnormal amount of cysts (trust me to not have the thing the bloody syndrome is named after)!

naty1 · 26/01/2014 22:54

Pcos can be either way I think weight can cause it (or make worse) but it can cause weight gain too.
However thin people get it too.
But they think it is frequently blood sugar, insulin resistance to blame. So during ivf I was treated with metformin (diabetes drug)
(I wasn't ovulating with a bmi of 22.) But it is a syndrome and peoples symptoms are fact I probably had this from 18 or so with irregular periods but never really worried about that as Dr at time wasn't concerned.
I think mine is probably diet related. I tend to binge and fast.

LucyJoJo · 27/01/2014 11:12

Arr kuke how annoying! Drs can be so frustrating at times can't they.
I have always had regular periods up until about 4 months ago and they've been 23/24/34/24 days in length. Would you class this as irregular enough? I have some of the other symptoms too, but obviously don't know yet about blood tests/cysts. I just hate the idea that I may have given myself PCOS by being overweight for so long and being so greedy with cake and chocolate! I am desperate to have a big family so to think I've caused my own infertility is not a nice thought Sad
Naty I too need to avoid cake and choc and white carbs. Our diet is pretty good on the whole, I just need to cut down on the snacking. It's so silly because I know how influential diet is on so many health problems and I know how I should be eating but I just can't keep away from the biscuits!!
Cherry how are you doing this week? Are you weighing yourself once a week? Maybe we should have a weekly weigh in on here for those of us who aren't going to any groups!!

LucyJoJo · 27/01/2014 11:16

Kuke /mini just read your earlier message about talking to people when you're feeling sad/mad, I am just the same! I find I can't even talk to DH about it most of the time as I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but not being pregnant yet is always at the forefront of my mind.
Mini what other symptoms of PCOS do you have? Have you tried to push a doctor to diagnose you?

kukeslala · 27/01/2014 18:33

You would not have given yourself it by being overweight but if you did have it loosing weight does help to control some of the symptoms, and can increase your chances of conceiving.
Unfortunately it tends to be harder for some people who have PCOS to loose weight.
Irregular periods are only one of the side effects and don't necessarily effect all who are diagnosed.
I did not have a period for years but have now for about a year had a cycle between 24-60 days, my periods vary greatly in length (1-11 days), and the amount of blood I loose can be very different.

How long have you been ttc for?
Have you been to the Dr?

If you think you may have any under lying issues and/or have been trying for a while, it might be worth making a Dr appt.

naty1 · 27/01/2014 19:31

I think Kuk has put it better than I did.
As there are many factors genetics etc too.
I think if you are insulin resistant diet and weight can worsen that.
But not everyone would have that.

kukeslala · 27/01/2014 20:05

Did you have IVF as you were not ovulating at all? Were you put on clomid first?
Tell me to mind my own if you don't want to answer!

naty1 · 27/01/2014 22:21

No as there was a severe sperm issue. So went straight to ivf
Not sure how accurate day 21 bloods are for me (showed no ovulation.) But how to know when to do with irregular cycles and spotting too.
We started ttc may 1 yr 2009 I think
saw Dr 're thyroid following Feb 2010, he said pcos more likely despite my symptoms and family history. Bloods took months to do.
We did a SA in Sept which was bad news. I think we had another confirming 1
and then referred to ivf clinic Dec.
We did ivf following Sept. 2011
So over 2 years despite quickly finding what was wrong.
The delay at clinic was due to the extreme issue. We also tried diet and vitamins which made no difference.
I don't know what would have happened 're pcos if it were only that. Probably Clomid. The pcos was only confirmed by scan at the clinic.
Although I don't know I could have got pg naturally if it wasn't for the other issue. Just because I have pcos doesn't mean I never ovulate, but the facts were huge on the scans.
I think pcos is a better dx than sperm issues as you can try Clomid iui etc and naturally in between and if nec then do ivf.
Only 1 round of ivf free in this area and that is the 1 shot. Also I think maybe if you want another baby after you can have more Clomid, though could be wrong. Pcos usually respond well to the drugs too, if not too much.
Only positive of going straight to ivf was less appointments I expect than doing Clomid/iui several times.
The big referrals do sometimes have bmi restrictions think ours was 30.

CherryPie3 · 03/02/2014 15:25

Hello everyone!! Welcome new ladies! It's nice that we're all in similar positions here. A place to vent and go-to for support. :)

Sorry for being a no-show for a while - January is sooo crazy with birthdays around here.

I rejoined a slimming world group last Wednesday, a different one to last time. This one is much bigger and already better than my last one.

I've been such a good girl this week. Still eaten pasta but in smaller amounts. I felt incredibly bloated and I figured that just isn't good! I've never felt that way with it before - how out bodies change eh? I stocked up on HiFi bars and fruit/veg. I got the recipe for super speed soup too - it's my favourite ever!! I've made it twice since Wednesday, it's absolutely delicious.

Hoping for a good loss on Wednesday to spur me on. Right school kicking out time so better get my fat ass out the car Grin It's flipping cold out there!!!

OP posts:
CherryPie3 · 05/02/2014 11:59

Well it was my first official sw weigh in today - 3lbs off. But gutted as I know it should have been more bit I stupidly went and had a massive portion of spicy rice and chicken! Totally syn free but when you eat that at 7:30 and you're weighing in at 9:30 the next morning... Could have kicked myself!

Oh well, a loss is a loss :)

Hope you're all well xx

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GingerbreadBabyPlease · 05/02/2014 13:00

Hi Cherry! All gone a bit quiet on here so nice to hear from you Smile
Well done for losing 3lb! Don't be disheartened, or annoyed with yourself, losing any weight is an achievement.
I weighed myself the other day on one of those fancy scales in boots, and I have lost a few pounds and managed to get my BMI below 30 which is good in terms of conception! Still a long way to go though, but I am trying. Trying to go for at least 30 min walk every day and swimming once a week, although I have a bad back which isn't helped by the swimming Hmm Also trying to cut down on the sweet treats, but it's not easy is it. Are you still ttc or have you put it on hold for the time being?
How is everyone else?

GingerbreadBabyPlease · 05/02/2014 13:01

Oh by the way it's LucyJoJo with a name change!!

CherryPie3 · 05/02/2014 21:16

I like your new name!! :)

Well done for getting your bmi under 30!! I'm looking forward to getting mine under 40... As a start!

Ttc for us is on hold as I didn't realise quite how big I had gotten so for me to try to get pregnant in such an unhealthy state would be wise (in my opinion only of course). My bmi was 37 when I had my last 2 children so maybe when I reach that we'll give it a go :) xxx

OP posts:
lettucelamp · 05/02/2014 23:26

I need to ideally lose half my body weight too. TTC for two years with no luck. Have PCOS. Giving it a rest for a while now, in theory. I should really focus on losing weight first but I'm just so desperate for a baby!

bumpbangbump · 07/02/2014 18:56

Well today I had my booking in appt, yes that's right, I got my bfp! My bmi is still 33 but she didn't seem at all concerned. She had done slimming world herself and seemed to think highly of it. As for really high bmi, she said she regularly sees women with a bmi of 48ect.

Good luck on you weight loss journey and with TTC. You will get you bfps before too long!

CherryPie3 · 10/02/2014 07:50

Yay congrats bumpbangbump - that's fantastic!!!!! Grin

Hi lettucelamp - I know exactly how you feel!! You're in go

OP posts:
CherryPie3 · 10/02/2014 07:50


You're in good company here :) xxx

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CleverCircusFlea · 10/02/2014 14:09

Hello everyone!
I've been TTC for a month now, and me and DH have also decided to try and lose some weight at the same time. We're roughly following Weight Watchers, with good results so far - I've lost 5.5 kg, and DH lost 3 kg. Ideally we both need to lose about a stone each on top of that.
I have to say I'm quite surprised at my results - I have reduced my portion sizes, and tend to snack on fruit if I'm feeling "snacky", but I never expected to lose as much as I have so quickly! When I've done WW previously, I remember it being much more of an effort, so I've been wondering if it might have something to do with stopping the pill? Do any of you have experienced weight loss after coming off the pill?
Good luck to everyone with their efforts!

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