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What food would you do - have no idea at all. Need inspiration

10 replies

Alarmbellsring · 14/12/2009 23:18

Just found out I have my brother and SIL round on the Sunday after boxing day.

I am doing the full Christmas lunch on Christmas day, Boxing day is a buffett with leftover meat.

I will have no leftovers on Sunday, I will be hungover and will not feel like cooking. they have a new baby so are unwilling to commit to what time they are coming down.

What on earth am I going to do about food?

OP posts:
TisTheSeasonToBeHully · 15/12/2009 09:34

Order curry, it will be a great change after all the xmas stuff and can be ordered when they arrive. (We always order enough for two days so no cooking the following day either and works out worth it financially).

kreecherlivesupstairs · 15/12/2009 09:31

or invite yourselves over to theirs.

MrsMattie · 15/12/2009 09:20

I'd either:

a) do a one pot dish - stew, casserole, lasagne, pasta bake, curry etc - that won't take too much thought

b) bang some pizzas in the oven and serve with a big salad and garlic bread

c) get a takeaway!

sarah293 · 15/12/2009 09:19

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lilolilmanchester · 15/12/2009 09:15

That's what I would do, Alarmbells.

Alarmbellsring · 14/12/2009 23:45

I like the idea of freezing a lasagne.

If I make one, and freeze it, do I just take it out boxing day night to defrost and then reheat in oven?

OP posts:
PardonMyClench · 14/12/2009 23:30

Cod and prawns with tomatoes, chickpeas anf chorizo - serve with crusty bread - looks and tastes fab but really easy ; make in about 30 mins most of which can be spent sitting down with a glass of wine

mazzystartled · 14/12/2009 23:23

make a freeze something like chickpea and chorizo soup, yummy, warming and somehow wholesome and not too rich

lilolilmanchester · 14/12/2009 23:22

or make & freeze lasagne/moussaka perhaps better - add garlic bread and salad minimal effort on the day?

lilolilmanchester · 14/12/2009 23:20

Do you have a freezer? You could make a stew or similar now and freeze it

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