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smug presents, what are yours?

25 replies

screamingbanshee · 14/11/2009 11:46

come on share the ones that make you think 'yes I am the best present giver ever...!'

OP posts:
magicOC · 15/11/2009 21:23

MNSP the point is, no matter how meaningless the present is to everyone else, if it is special to the person receiving it, then thats what makes the difference.

BTW I think your gift is lovely, especially as you knew it would mean so much.

Also it goes to show, you dont have to spend a fortune either. It really is the thought that counts.

MilkNoSugarPlease · 15/11/2009 21:13

My mum told me loads of times about this teeny guiness lighter in the shape of the guiness bottle that you had to take the bottom off to get to the loghter bit (irrelevent i know!), that my nan had when mum was younger and always always wanted it.

but my nan gave it to my cousin whe he was born 32 yrs ago (again, irreleavent!) and she was gutted.

i managed to track one down on ebay after months of searching.

she was so touched when i gave it to her.

made me feel all warm!

Not as good as some others on here but ment alot to her and made me feel good

chickbean · 15/11/2009 20:59

A friend of mine wrote a novel and it was off at an agent's, taking ages being touted around, so I printed it out and had it bound as a paperback for her for Christmas. I got all of her friends to write blurb for the back cover. She opened it, thinking it was just an ordinary book, but had a nice surprise. That novel was never published, but her next one has been.

Adair · 15/11/2009 20:49

Yes! I think that's probably why he loved it so much (he's not been diagnosed, but we reckon...). And yes, it looked like fun!

magicOC · 15/11/2009 20:46

I bet he was busy then

Don't know that much about all the different levels of autism, but, for those that find it hard to verbally communicate that sounds like a fab idea.

Shoot me if i'm talking crap

Actually thinking about it, I wouldn't mind having one myself (runs off to fetch the christmas list)

Adair · 15/11/2009 20:41

Yeah, it's got loads of bits to fill in about your memories, thoughts etc.

Have just seen and am about to get one for my sis for her birthday!

magicOC · 15/11/2009 20:37

Adair - is it a blank book that you fill in yourself?

[thick emoticon]


UnrequitedSkink · 15/11/2009 20:29

I made my two best friends charm bracelets last year - another friend makes jewellery to sell, so she guided me through it. I used tiny semi-precious beads (garnet for one and turquoise for the other) alternated with silver beads throughout and then hung 'meaningful' charms at intervals - like a little silver plane for B, who just joined the RAF, and a pair of ballet shoes for S, who has always loved dancing. They were really touched, mostly because of the effort I think!

Adair · 15/11/2009 20:28

Aw, magic.

I bought my dad (possibly on autistic spectrum, impossible to buy for) this book/journal. He didn't say a word (no, not even thank you) but grabbed a pencil and was engrossed all day.

mollyroger · 15/11/2009 20:24

ahhh, poignant...

magicOC · 15/11/2009 20:21

Molly - ended up even more special than I could ever have imagined as her friend and neighbour was also a fan and the day after the party my sister took the recording to her in the hospice to let her hear it, altho she was barely concious she managed to raise a huge smile and her DH said it had really made her day.

Sadly she passed away a few days later

OracleInaCoracle · 15/11/2009 13:52

my nephew has said that he cant wait to see what auntie lissie has bought him. that has made me feel very smug because we are not v well off so every present has been thought about and hunted down. I am getting pils senior rail cards this year so they can visit us when dh is in RAF for next to nothing. last year i bought all the parents collages from snapfish. for my mum it was pics of me and db growing up as well as pics of ds and db's passing out parade, for pil pics of dh and SIL growing up, her dc's and ds, and for my dad pics of all his kids when they were little as well as me (didnt meet til i was 16) they all loved them!

mollyroger · 15/11/2009 13:31

magicoc that is an incredibly fab idea

GypsyMoth · 15/11/2009 13:16

last year i bought boyfriend and brother hand shadow puppetry books......kept them amused for ages,but i'd intended them for them to do the shadows on walls for their dc's....NOT to just amuse themselves!

£3 from amazon...

NowtonTelly · 15/11/2009 12:56

I got my DS a (barely) used 'go go' hamster and playhouse on Ebay for £25 all in. They are in mint condition and boxed. Now I see they're out of stock everywhere and Ebayers are charging silly prices for them.

Tee hee.

magicOC · 14/11/2009 22:17

For my sister's 50th birthday I sent a blank cassette off to her favourite singer and he sent it back with a recorded birthday message and a song dedicated to her.

I played it to her in front of family and friends at her big party, she had no idea about it as the only person I had told was my friend who took delivery of it, she was over the moon.

P.S I did actually buy her something as well lol, but, probably needn't have bothered as all she spoke about for months and months afterwards was that recording.

oldraver · 14/11/2009 22:00

A few years ago I bought MIL a book written about the area she grew up in. she was mentioned in it as were a lot of the people he knew growing up

Tons of Brownie points for me

nappyzonecantrunfortoffee · 14/11/2009 14:01

i have stepped away. I will still end up buying shite

LowLevelWhingeing · 14/11/2009 13:56

I think you're focussing too much on poo nappyzone. Step away from the poo this year...

nappyzonecantrunfortoffee · 14/11/2009 13:53

i also got my bil some poo top trumps cards thinking he would find them ammusing - he has never ever mentioned them . Clearly i did wrong last year!

nappyzonecantrunfortoffee · 14/11/2009 13:51

Last year i bought my dh a book all about poo thinking he would think its great and take great delight regalling stories about poo (yes the brown stuff and not the bear) - hes never tured a page

wideratthehips · 14/11/2009 13:37

i've got my mil an old cook book from 1983...just last week she showed me a recipe (for a cake she made my dh) torn out of a magazine from then and it was a competition to win a copy of this book

she is going to be really touched...i just know it and she will think its hilarious too cause its so kitsch!!


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plantsitter · 14/11/2009 12:51

I bought DP an out of print board game based on the film/book 'Dune'. Waited for the very last second of the Ebay auction and then swooped in and got it. He was really, really touched and delighted [geeky dp emoticon].

I have got my sister a present she's going to LOVE but I can't say what it is 'cos she's a mumsnetter. I'm rubbing my hands with glee though. Can't wait til she opens it.

deaddei · 14/11/2009 12:46

The goat I have just bought MIL (I do not like her, she will hate it but someone in Africa will be delighted).

blowbroth · 14/11/2009 12:43

A japanese friend has recently turned 50 and I got her a street map of Tokyo that was printed in 1959, the year of her birth.
It didn't cost much and I just found it on ebay. She was bowled over and reckons she's going to get it framed! Last year my brother in law was 40. He enjoys climbing and I managed to get him a tourist map of Snowdonia from the year of his birth. He thought it was amazing!
There does seem to be a theme running here.....

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