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Will we be able to get Christmas trees?

26 replies

howmanyroads · 01/11/2020 11:46

Sorry if this has already been asked, I did have a look!

I know Christmas won't be normal this year and I'm accepting that now but I need a tree if nothing else! Have only ever got real ones, usually the first or second weekend in December from Homebase.

Were shops like homebase still open in the first lockdown? I can't remember. Debating whether to just invest in a real looking fake one but I'll miss the smell!

OP posts:
Mokusspokus · 02/11/2020 00:16

Essential for mental healthi?
They took a massive hit last ⌚ seasonal, closing right at the wrong time.

I'm also love a real tree.

I'm hoping we can get one!!

Hawkmoth · 01/11/2020 23:00

I can report that the Christmas tree farm down the road from us has labelled and is now chopping down the trees. It will be fine.

Alternista · 01/11/2020 22:58

“Essential if it's your business.”

That’s true of every business though?

Runnerduck34 · 01/11/2020 22:16

Pleased to know garden centres are staying open, thou tbh they arent really essential, but then neither are the off licences that they classed as essential last time!
Anyway tbh I was also wondering about getting my real christmas tree this year and was googling online suppliers this afternoon, glad I will still be able to get one 😊
I know its a first world problem but sometimes its easier to worry about the small stuff ...

WitchesBritchesPumpkinPants · 01/11/2020 21:12



Have you still not found you way back to Reddit yet?
GingerFoxInAT0phat · 01/11/2020 21:08

I’d booked a slot to go and pick our tree in the field for a couple of weeks time, think that has now been cancelled and they will be just doing deliveries and drive through collections.

Gibbonsgibbonsgibbons · 01/11/2020 21:04

We normally get ours from the (local council) country park; all outside so unless the deer are spreading Covid I hope they will be open!
Failing that we have an axe & lots of local pines...

userxx · 01/11/2020 20:14

I don’t know why garden centres are classed as essential though!

Essential if it's your business.

Brogues · 01/11/2020 18:32

Just noticed on my local Facebook a business taking orders for trees to be delivered in December.

Fridgeandkitchen · 01/11/2020 18:29


Talk about first world problems 😂 it would be such a disaster if you couldn’t get a Christmas tree

There is always one arsehole. Always. Go away.
DuzzyFuck · 01/11/2020 18:12

@reluctantbrit I get that! My tree is more important to me than any other element of Christmas. Don't know why, it just is!

Since I've had my own place I've always had a real one, but the Christmas after I separated from my EXH I couldn't bring myself to go buy it. So much memory and emotion was attached to going to pick a real one together at a posh garden centre I just couldn't do it.

I bought a fake one, hated it and reverted to real the following Christmas (although from B&Q, still haven't faced the posh garden centre!).

NoWordForFluffy · 01/11/2020 17:58


Oh if garden centres will be open that's fine!

*@beautyoftheirdreams* someone told me supermarkets would be closing off non essential sections like clothes etc so didn't know if they'd be able to stock trees (I'm thinking more in terms of if lockdown is extended further through December)

Supermarkets can sell non-essentials. I think they established how well (not) it went down in Wales, so have avoided that bear trap.
Alternista · 01/11/2020 17:53

Garden centres already have.
I don’t know why garden centres are classed as essential though!

MarshaBradyo · 01/11/2020 17:46


Garden Centres are allowed to stay open as they are now classed as essential. Our local garden centre that does massive Christmas displays and late night Christmas nights has already posted saying they will still be open and their late nights are going ahead. This is a screen shot from the latest updates on the gov website.

This is good. I’m glad they’ve changed that, should have been the same last time.
CatrinVennastin · 01/11/2020 17:45

I asked in our local hardware shop today and he said he’s ordered his trees and they will be available from late nov.

I reckon most places like garden centres will have already placed their orders and will still get trees to sell.

reluctantbrit · 01/11/2020 16:12


Talk about first world problems 😂 it would be such a disaster if you couldn’t get a Christmas tree

Well, for some this is more important than having a huge family around, tons of presents or food that you cannot wee the table anymore.

One year, shortly after my dad died, my mum (living in Germany) couldn’t get a tree as the weather turned nasty and my uncle didn’t want to drive. I had her on the phone, she was not crying but very sad. She said, even in the war and the years after my grandmother still managed to get a tree.

I ordered her one online, amazing that it worked but she got one delivered a week later. Not the most prettiest or huge but when she called to confirm delivery she was not grateful but overjoyed to have her Christmas.

I will do everything to get a tree myself.
LaChatte · 01/11/2020 12:01

I've already asked our local florist (who is more of a mini garden centre than a florist to be fair) if he'd be selling trees this year seeing as they're not considered essential. He said we'd be able to order them by phone and pick them up. It does mean that I won't be able to carefully select he perfect tree although I do realise that it's a totally first world problem.

howmanyroads · 01/11/2020 11:58

@heyahun think you might be on the wrong boards Grin

OP posts:
Heyahun · 01/11/2020 11:54

Talk about first world problems 😂 it would be such a disaster if you couldn’t get a Christmas tree

WutheredOut · 01/11/2020 11:54

We have a farm shop and we sell Xmas trees

We aren’t closing and will continue to sell them as usual unless we are told we aren’t allowed to.

howmanyroads · 01/11/2020 11:52

Oh if garden centres will be open that's fine!

@beautyoftheirdreams someone told me supermarkets would be closing off non essential sections like clothes etc so didn't know if they'd be able to stock trees (I'm thinking more in terms of if lockdown is extended further through December)

OP posts:
Olinguito · 01/11/2020 11:52

Garden centres are staying open so you'll probably be able to get one there.


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Figmentofimagination · 01/11/2020 11:51

Garden Centres are allowed to stay open as they are now classed as essential. Our local garden centre that does massive Christmas displays and late night Christmas nights has already posted saying they will still be open and their late nights are going ahead. This is a screen shot from the latest updates on the gov website.

Will we be able to get Christmas trees?
userxx · 01/11/2020 11:50

Homebase was open from memory. Garden centres aren't closing so that would be your best bet.

Beautyoftheirdreams · 01/11/2020 11:49

We've brought our real Xmas tree from Aldi before, I imagine they will still be sold in supermarkets and hopefully in other shops after restrictions ease

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