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My 'pet hate' about Christmas trees (other people's)!

103 replies

BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 04:53

I have nothing against artificial trees...we have one ourselves...have done for two years now...what I keep seeing though, is pics of people's beautifully decorated artificial trees with BARE STANDS!


Why?? Do people just look at the ugly bases and think "Oh yes, that looks lovely!" ??

Or have they not noticed it's detracting from the rest of their efforts? You don't have to buy a tree can just ruffle some fabric or tulle or hessian or even paper around it! Or hide the base with gifts...why have the stand on show?

Petty yes. But genuinely curious too.

OP posts:
ScreamingValenta · 06/12/2019 07:34

Mine's not up yet, but I'm not planning to cover the stand. Some things in your house have a stand - I don't see a need to disguise this.

DippyAvocado · 06/12/2019 07:40

My tree, decorated by the DC, has a higgledy-piggledy collection of decorations (mostly made by the DC when they were tiny), tinsel, lametta and a bare stand. The horror. Luckily we put it up for our own pleasure, so it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks, especially as they won't see it!

Zaphodsotherhead · 06/12/2019 16:14

I am well decorated but my bottom is a disappointment, so I feel empathy for these poor trees.

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