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My 'pet hate' about Christmas trees (other people's)!

103 replies

BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 04:53

I have nothing against artificial trees...we have one ourselves...have done for two years now...what I keep seeing though, is pics of people's beautifully decorated artificial trees with BARE STANDS!


Why?? Do people just look at the ugly bases and think "Oh yes, that looks lovely!" ??

Or have they not noticed it's detracting from the rest of their efforts? You don't have to buy a tree can just ruffle some fabric or tulle or hessian or even paper around it! Or hide the base with gifts...why have the stand on show?

Petty yes. But genuinely curious too.

OP posts:
elQuintoConyo · 02/12/2019 08:28

ExpletiveFairylighted damnation, you're right about coloured lights, and now I want some! Il have to wait until these ones give up the ghost.

Casualty lights have no rights to being on a Christmas tree Angry

ArtieFufkinPolymerRecords · 02/12/2019 09:04

I don’t like characterless trees

What does this even mean? I have never looked at a tree and thought 'that tree is full of character'.

ExpletiveFairylighted · 02/12/2019 09:07

See I don't think blue lights look anything like emergency lights. I read this on MN every year then drive around seeing all the pretty blue lights and think how beautiful they are and how on earth could anyone mistake them for a police car.

OrangeZog · 02/12/2019 09:08

I think people tend to put up and decorate their trees, take a picture and then surround with gifts so it’s only bare at the bottom for a brief amount of time.

BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 09:26

Artie I wondered what that meant too! Does that poster think trees with skirts are characterless? Or was she speaking in general?

OP posts:
BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 09:28

I understand people saying it doesn't matter because there will be presents around it, but do you put presents there as soon as the tree is up? And take it down first thing on Boxing Day? Our presents don't go round the tree until Christmas Eve


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Dandelion1993 · 02/12/2019 09:34

Tree skirts are very 80s catalogue fashion. They're not nice and look tacky a bit like tinsel.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 02/12/2019 09:42

We have a fake tree (pre-lit) but we've got the heavy iron pot with the twisty bolts ( designed for a real tree and to hold water) .
It's put on top of the tree skirt ( which is burgandy and gold) good for catching needles if we have a real one .

I'm doing static white lights this year and no baubles because we have new cats .

Floralnomad · 02/12/2019 09:50

I thought the characterless tree remark was a dig at artificial trees . We have a tree skirt as I can’t put presents under the tree because the dog likes unwrapping.

donttellmetwice · 02/12/2019 09:53

I can't fit a skirt as we have a train track which I prefer.

pigdogridesagain · 02/12/2019 09:55

I can't bare the boring all one colour ( especially white ones) decorations. The more gaudy and bright the better as far as I'm concerned.

mogtheexcellent · 02/12/2019 09:56

I have a real tree each year. It's just a bare stand until we wrap presents. Does that make a difference to you?

Floralnomad · 02/12/2019 09:56

I considered a train track this year but I have appropriated a fairly large moose to stand next to the tree and I think it would be a bit much .

IfNot · 02/12/2019 10:02

I wrap white tinsel around my base. It looks like snow, d'ysee? This year I am doing a winter wonderland tree with all silver, white, green and blue baubles and silver and white tinsel. love blue and green lights but only if they are proper old type ones not LED. They are getting so hard to find now though.

WendyMoiraAngelaDarling · 02/12/2019 10:09

I actually really did. I thought "how naf!" when I read the thread OP then went to Amazon to have a quick look at what a tree skirt might entail and decided we needed one 🎄😊
IfNot · 02/12/2019 10:12

I have never taken a picture of my tree. Confused I guess it must be a social media thing.

IfNot · 02/12/2019 10:14

Off to Google tree skirts..

Wehttam · 02/12/2019 10:21

Some people just don’t understand how to decorate trees. I look at some on Facebook and just think gah, their house must stink/ be filthy if that’s the kind of effort they put into their tree. 🤣 a base must be covered either with empty wrapped boxes or at least a footing until Santa brings the presents on Xmas eve.

BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 10:22

Tree skirts are very 80s catalogue fashion Depends on what your aesthetic is.

I've seen beautiful vintage 40s ones. Certainly not tacky 80s!

OP posts:
Wehttam · 02/12/2019 10:22

Blue or bright white lights also scream rough to me 🤣

BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 10:23

I look at some on Facebook and just think gah, their house must stink/ be filthy if that’s the kind of effort they put into their tree 🤣

Sorry but that made me laugh.

OP posts:
BillHadersNewWife · 02/12/2019 10:26

I know it's not everyone's taste but I like these old-fashioned tin ones.

My 'pet hate' about Christmas trees (other people's)!
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GiveHerHellFromUs · 02/12/2019 10:39

@BillHadersNewWife sorry but that is vile!

Different strokes I guess!

JellyfishAndShells · 02/12/2019 10:39

think gah, their house must stink/ be filthy if that’s the kind of effort they put into their tree

I don’t have plug in fake pine/cinnamon Oh so Xmassey air fresheners wafting about the house from early November, if that’s the sort of improvement on normal house smells, if that’s what you mean ?

What a bizarre conclusion to reach, that someone’s house is dirty or smells bad because they haven’t shown a tacky fussed up tree on a photo.

halcyondays · 02/12/2019 10:44

Didn’t know covering the stand was a thing.

I hate cold white lights, blue lights and headache inducing rapidly flashing lights.

Only coloured lights, warm white lights and slowly twinkling lights are permissible.

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